Home US Trump shooting victim’s wife reveals details of emotional phone call with ex-president after refusing to speak to Biden

Trump shooting victim’s wife reveals details of emotional phone call with ex-president after refusing to speak to Biden

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Trump shooting victim's wife reveals details of emotional phone call with ex-president after refusing to speak to Biden

The wife of a former firefighter who died when a gunman tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump has revealed details of her emotional phone call with the Republican candidate.

Helen Comperatore wrote on Facebook that Trump called her Tuesday to offer his condolences for her husband, Corey, who died a hero while trying to protect her and their daughter in the moments after 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire.

“He was very kind and said he would continue to call me in the coming days and weeks,” she posted.

“I told him the same thing I told everyone else. He left this world a hero and God welcomed him,” Comperatore wrote. “He did not die in vain that day.”

Helen Comperatore, the wife of a former volunteer firefighter who was killed when a gunman opened fire at a Trump rally over the weekend, said the former president has called her

In the Facebook post, he described Trump as

In the Facebook post, she described Trump as “very nice.”

Helen’s post came just a day after she said she refused to take a phone call from President Joe Biden.

“I don’t talk to Biden,” she said. “I didn’t want to talk to him. My husband was a devout Republican and he wouldn’t have wanted me to talk to him,” she said. he told the New York Post.

He added that he has no “ill will” towards the president.

“I’m not one of those people who gets involved in politics,” he told the Post.

‘I support Trump, that’s who I’ll vote for, but I have no hard feelings towards Biden.

“He didn’t do anything to my husband, a despicable 20-year-old did it.”

Corey Comperatore, 50, died a hero as he tried to protect his wife and daughter from gunfire on Saturday.

Corey Comperatore, 50, died a hero as he tried to protect his wife and daughter from gunfire on Saturday.

Comperatore was shot in the head during a protest in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday.

Comperatore was shot in the head during a protest in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday.

Helen said she and her husband, who were high school sweethearts, were about to celebrate their 29th wedding anniversary when they headed to Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

“The kids and I were there as a family,” he said. “I was really excited. It was going to be a nice day with the family.”

Corey, 50, enthusiastically shared his plans on X.

“He’s my hero,” his wife, Helen Comperatore, told the Post. “He just said, ‘Get down!’ That was the last thing he said.”

Then he was shot in the head.

Helen said she did not respond to a phone call of condolence from President Joe Biden and described her husband as a

Helen said she did not return a phone call of condolence from President Joe Biden and described her husband as a “devout Republican.”

Corey was described on Sunday as a

Corey was described Sunday as a “girl dad” who had just turned 50.

An emergency room doctor who attended Donald Trump’s rally has revealed how he performed CPR on Comperatore after he was hit by a bullet intended for the former president.

“I heard the gunshots. At first I thought they were firecrackers. Someone there was yelling, ‘He’s been shot, he’s been shot,'” said the man, his white U.S. shirt splattered with blood. “So I went over and told them I was an emergency doctor. Let me help you.”

“The guy turned around and got caught between the benches and got shot in the head,” he told CBS News.

“I gathered him together and got people to help me a lot. I also did chest compressions and CPR.”

But the 50-year-old man was later declared dead.

Helen said she now wants America to remember Corey as a

Helen said she now wants America to remember Corey as a “very loving husband.”

Helen said she now wants America to remember Corey as a “very loving husband.”

“He was a simple man, but he always put his wife and children first,” he said. “I didn’t do anything here. I didn’t lift a finger. He did everything.”

Trump was also shot in the right ear by Crooks, who opened fire with an AR-style rifle from a rooftop 130 yards from the MAGA event.

The former president was seen clutching his head and crouching as screams from terrified onlookers ran out.

He then stood up, clenched his fist and shouted “fight, fight, fight” as the Secret Service quickly carried him off the stage and into a motorcade.

An investigation into the shooting is currently underway, as officials question how the gunman was able to place his AR-style rifle just over 100 yards from the former president.

The former president attended the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The former president attended the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Meanwhile, the former president attended the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

When he took the stage on Monday, just two days after surviving an assassination attempt, the former president was greeted with chants of “fight, fight, fight.”

The former president wore a bandage on his right ear, where the bullet fired by Crooks pierced the skin.

It might have been his wake, but after officially securing his nomination and anointing Sen. JD Vance as his running mate, Trump arrived for a celebration.

It wasn’t on the conference agenda, but he stayed to watch the final speeches of the evening.

“They wanted tonight to be their funeral,” said Angie Wong, a delegate from Florida, as the strains of “God Bless the USA” faded away.

‘Instead, they got the Super Bowl of politics: a nomination and the election of a vice president.’

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