Home US Trump says Israel is under attack because the United States shows “great weakness” after Iran launched hundreds of kamikaze drones and missiles toward Tel Aviv.

Trump says Israel is under attack because the United States shows “great weakness” after Iran launched hundreds of kamikaze drones and missiles toward Tel Aviv.

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Trump said that

Former President Trump addressed Iran’s attack on Israel and said it was because the United States was showing “great weakness.”

“I want to say God bless the people of Israel,” Trump said at the top of his political rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday.

‘They are under attack right now. “That is because we show great weakness,” said the former president at the end of the event.

His comments came as Iran launched drones and missiles at Israel on Saturday night in retaliation for a deadly Israeli airstrike two weeks ago.

The Israeli military said the air threats were intercepted with the help of allies, including the United States.

‘The United States prays for Israel. “We send our absolute support to all who are in danger,” Trump said.

Trump said that “America prays for Israel” during his political rally on Saturday, but later claimed that Iran’s attack on Saturday night was because “we showed great weakness.”

The former president also blamed the United States before moving on to other topics.

“The weakness we have shown is incredible,” Trump told his supporters. “This wouldn’t have happened if we were in office.”

The former president’s statement echoed similar ones he had made online and at political events in recent months as tensions escalated in the Middle East and Israel waged war in Gaza.

“The Israeli attack on October 7 and today would never have happened,” he continued.

Biden is seen here walking to the Oval Office after returning from Delaware to consult with his national security team.

Biden is seen here walking to the Oval Office after returning from Delaware to consult with his national security team.

The former president also took to Truth Social on Saturday with a series of posts about Israel, including: ‘Israel is under attack!’

The former president added that if he were commander in chief ‘this would never have happened.’

After news broke of the attacks on Israel by Iranian forces, President Biden rushed back to the White House from Delaware.

In a post for X, he said: ‘I just met with my national security team to get an update on Iran’s attacks on Israel.

“Our commitment to Israel’s security against threats from Iran and its proxies is ironclad.”

The White House said Biden spoke by phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday night.

The White House said Biden spoke with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday night.

The White House said Biden spoke with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday night.

President Biden is seen here with his national security team following the attack by Iranian forces on Israel.

President Biden is seen here with his national security team following the attack by Iranian forces on Israel.

Iran launched the drones on Saturday afternoon Eastern Standard Time and they began entering Israeli airspace.

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said via state media that they had attacked targets in Israel with “dozens of drones and missiles.”

Video shared with DailyMail.com shows the missiles being intercepted by the Iron Dome system over Jerusalem, in the east of the country.

US congressional sources say the amphibious warship Bataan is leading a US naval task force in the eastern Mediterranean.

The Bataan has two support ships and together they have around 2,500 marines on board.

The United States also has several guided missile destroyers, including the Carney, in the area. A US security source told CNN that the bombing could last hours.

Iran had threatened to hit back at Israel over an attack in Syria, which Tehran said was an Israeli airstrike on an Iranian diplomatic building in Damascus.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei vowed retaliation following the attack on Damascus, for which Tel-Aviv has yet to take responsibility.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to respond with force to any attack by Iran, raising tensions in the Middle East.

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