Home US Trump hits back at Biden for claiming he had an affair while Melania was pregnant and has the ‘morals of a stray cat’, saying: ‘I didn’t have sex with a porn star’

Trump hits back at Biden for claiming he had an affair while Melania was pregnant and has the ‘morals of a stray cat’, saying: ‘I didn’t have sex with a porn star’

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Joe Biden attacks Donald Trump for his alleged affair with porn star Stormy Daniels

The debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump reached a jaw-dropping moment Thursday night when they argued over porn star Stormy Daniels, prompting the president to say his rival has the “morals of a stray cat.”

Their political discussion quickly became personal when the Two men got into a verbal argument over Trump’s legal troubles.

It was one of many personal attacks the rivals launched at each other during the 90-minute debate, even arguing over who was the better golfer. Biden harshly attacked Trump when he accused him of having an affair with Daniels when Melania Trump was pregnant with Barron. Trump has denied having an affair.

The night got personal about halfway through.

Joe Biden lashes out at Donald Trump over his alleged affair with porn star Stormy Daniels

It all started when Biden attacked Trump over reports that he was seeking a second term in the White House because he wanted retaliation against his perceived political enemies.

“The only person at this stage is a convicted felon like the man I’m looking at right now,” Biden said.

Trump responded by pointing out that Biden’s son, Hunter, was convicted of three felonies related to gun purchases in 2018.

“We’re going to make this country successful again, because right now it’s a failing nation. My reward will be success. But when you’re talking about a convicted felon, your son is a convicted felon. At a very high level. Your son is convicted,” Trump said.

And he reiterated his claim that he is a victim of politics.

“Joe could be a convicted felon with all the things he’s done,” Trump said, referring to his policies on the border and in Ukraine.

Later, he added: “This man is a criminal. This man… is lucky. He is lucky. I have done nothing wrong. We would have a rigged and disgusting system. I have done nothing wrong.”

Biden responded forcefully, bringing up Trump’s alleged affair that occurred while Melania Trump was pregnant with Barron. Trump has denied having an affair, but was convicted of 34 felony counts in New York related to money payments to Daniels made before the 2016 election.

“The crimes that they’re still charged with, and think about all the civil penalties they have, how many billions of dollars in civil penalties for sexually abusing a woman in public, for doing a whole host of things, for having sex? “Sex with a porn star one night while his wife is pregnant? What are they talking about?” Biden said.

“You have the morals of a stray cat,” he added.

“First of all, I didn’t have sex with a porn star,” Trump responded. “Secondly, that was a case that was started and moved. They moved a high-ranking official from the Department of Justice to the Manhattan district attorney’s office to start that case. That case is going to be appealed and we had a very terrible judge.

He also noted that “my poll numbers went up a lot, you know… and we raised more money in the last two weeks than any other campaign. I don’t think any campaign has raised hundreds of millions of dollars, because the public knows It’s a scam.”

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Melania Trump did not appear in the debate

Trump is expected to appeal his conviction.

But the personal attacks did not end there, as they targeted their ages, cognitive abilities and golf handicaps.

Biden was asked to address voter concerns that, at 81, he is too old for a second term.

He noted that he used to be the youngest man in politics. He was first elected to the Senate with the minimum age of 30 years.

‘I spent half my career being the youngest person in politics. I was the second-youngest person elected to the United States Senate. And now I’m the oldest, this guy is three years younger, and much less competent,” he said.

Trump, at 78, does not face the same questions about his mental abilities.

Biden was not helped by the fact that he was hoarse all night and repeatedly struggled to find words.

Trump, meanwhile, boasted of his mental prowess, noting that he had “passed” cognitive tests and won two championships on his golf course — contests “not even for seniors,” but regular ones.

“I took two cognitive tests and passed them with flying colors,” Trump said. “I just won two club championships, not even in senior league, in regular league.”

“To do that, you have to be pretty smart and you have to hit the ball really far.”

He added of Biden: “He can’t hit a ball. ‘He challenged me to a golf match 50 yards. He can hit a ball 50 yards. I think I’m in pretty good shape. I feel like he’s in as good shape as he was 2,530 years ago. I’m actually probably a little bit lighter. But I’m in as good shape as I was years ago. I feel great. I feel the same way.’

Joe Biden

Donald Trump

Joe Biden and Donald Trump launched several personal attacks during the debate

Biden used that to go after Trump’s height and weight.

“You can see he’s six foot five and only 220.”

“Just look at what he says it is. Look at what it is. Look, I would love to have a driving contest. For him. I’ve lowered my handicap, which when I was vice president, to six, by the way, I told you before, I’m happy to play golf. If you carry a bag,” Biden said.

Trump responded: “That’s the biggest lie: handicap of six.”

As moderators tried to quell personal attacks, Trump said, “Let’s not be children.”

Biden responded: “You are a child.”

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