Home US Trump delights crowd with comical Biden impression while attacking Kamala’s record in ‘communist San Francisco’

Trump delights crowd with comical Biden impression while attacking Kamala’s record in ‘communist San Francisco’

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Donald Trump has mocked Joe Biden's golf swing, speaking style and walk nearly a week after he dropped out of the presidential race.

Donald Trump mocked Joe Biden’s golf swing, speaking style and walk nearly a week after he dropped out of the presidential race.

The former president finally turned his attention to his new opponent, Kamala Harris, at a rally in the key swing state of Minnesota on Saturday night.

Trump thrilled the crowd of 8,000 in St. Cloud with his impressions of the president and called Harris a “Marxist” and “evil” for her immigration record.

“I don’t want to waste a lot of time because it’s over now, right? He’s gone, I told you he was going to go, I told you he wasn’t going to make it,” she said of Biden.

But instead, he devoted large portions of his hour-long speech to attacking Biden, even though he is no longer running against him.

Donald Trump has mocked Joe Biden’s golf swing, speaking style and walk nearly a week after he dropped out of the presidential race.

Trump referenced his bizarre argument with Biden over their golf handicaps during the debate, claiming the president challenged him to a game.

“Joe Biden, I saw him. I’ve always been a good athlete, but I don’t want to brag. Joe Biden challenged me to a round of golf,” he said.

Trump then stepped away from the lectern and made a series of gruesome moves to mock Biden’s golfing ability.

The former president claimed he offered Biden $1 million if he could score less than 100 points in a round of golf, and that Biden turned it down.

“He said it was a six (handicap) during the debate, and then immediately said it was an eight, I said ‘that was fast, let’s keep going like this, it’ll be a 30 in about two minutes’,” she said.

Trump also mocked Biden’s cautious way of walking off the stage, his slow walk up the stairs and the time he walked to the wrong side of the stage to climb the stairs.

He complained that his frequent taunts of Biden were taken out of context when someone told him they heard he couldn’t find the stairs at a rally.

‘I was just playing around and having fun imitating Joe Biden who couldn’t find the stairs, and they said Trump couldn’t find the stairs to get off the stage,’ he said.

Trump then walked away from the lectern and made a series of gruesome moves to mock Biden's golfing ability.

Trump then walked away from the lectern and made a series of gruesome moves to mock Biden’s golfing ability.

This was Trump mocking Biden trying to putt on the green.

This was Trump mocking Biden trying to putt on the green.

‘I’m going to have a really bad night tonight, I haven’t done that little routine for a while, that’s why.

‘I can find the stairs, I’ll let you know when it’s my time to not find the stairs… I’ll say it’s time to go, no one will have to tell me.’

When Trump moved on to Harris, he brutally attacked her, calling her a “radical left-wing lunatic” and claiming, “Defunding the police, that was her big goal.”

“They thought so badly of her that they would just kill her and now that she’s in that position they’re trying to turn her into, let’s say, a Margaret Thatcher,” he said.

—I don’t think so, that’s not going to happen. Thatcher didn’t laugh like that, did she?

Thatcher was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 and was nicknamed the “Iron Lady” for her strong will and political longevity.

“Kamala Harris was the original Marxist District Attorney, she destroyed San Francisco and she will destroy our country, she will be the worst president we have ever had, she will be worse than corrupt Joe Biden,” Trump continued.

When Trump moved on to Harris, he brutally attacked her by calling her

When Trump moved on to Harris, he brutally attacked her, calling her a “radical left-wing lunatic” and claiming, “Defund the police, that was her big idea.”

Trump was particularly critical of Harris on immigration, saying she was Biden’s “border czar” during the migration crisis of the past two years.

“She has no idea, she’s evil,” he said, in one of at least two instances at the rally when he referred to Harris as “evil.”

“Under the command of the border czar, millions of immigrants are crossing our border, not only from South America, but also from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, they come from everywhere,” he said.

Trump has frequently spread the false claim that Latin American countries are deliberately sending criminals and mentally ill citizens to the United States, and he repeated it in an attack on Harris.

“They’re coming from prisons and jails, mental institutions, asylums, terrorists at levels we’ve never seen before,” he said.

“They are taking their criminals and dumping them, we are like a landfill. So in Venezuela, crime has decreased a lot, it has almost disappeared, the prisons are half empty.”

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