No one wants to sit in the middle seat while flying.
The center spotlight offers the least personal space – not to mention the fact that it has no window view, limited aisle access, and only half an armrest to use.
Now an avid flier has revealed a genius hack that he claims has a secret hack that “has a 100 percent perfect track record,” allowing people to avoid the dreaded middle seat for free.
Travel influencer Jordan Tually explained that if flyers “pretend” to buy every available middle seat, the system is prompted to hold onto those spots.
“And that’s when you’re going to book yours,” Tually said in a video.
When travelers book their actual flight, it appears as if all the middle seats are occupied, leaving only the window and aisle spaces as options.
“Did you know that on budget airlines, when you click on random seat assignment, they deliberately put you in the middle seat in the hope that you pay money to get out?” He asked in a video posted to his Instagram.
In the video, Tually shows you how to avoid this when you book a Ryanair flight online from Bologna, Italy to Barcelona, Spain.
Normally, he would have to pay a $9 fee to choose his seat. But thanks to this hack, he was able to get a window seat for free.
Travel influencer Jordan Tually has revealed a genius hack that can help you avoid the dreaded middle seat for free
First he looked at the flight map to find out how many middle seats were available on the plane. In this case there were 10.
He then pretended that he had bought 10 tickets for this flight.
“Now the website is going to ask for each passenger’s name, so just put a bunch of letters in there and move on,” Tually explained.
“Then go to the seat selection and select all the middle seats or all the seats you absolutely don’t want to sit in,” he said. ‘Then click ‘continue.’
This causes Ryanair’s website to hold these seats for 10 to 15 minutes, meaning they appear unavailable to other customers trying to book a seat.

In a video on his Instagram page, Tually demonstrated how to avoid ending up in the middle seat by “pretending” to buy all available middle seats on the plane before purchasing your actual ticket.
“And then you book yours,” Tually said. Now you can open the website in another tab and actually buy your real ticket.
“When you go to check in with your ticket, you see that there are no more middle seats,” he said.
“So click on that random seat assignment… and just like that. It only took me two minutes and now I’m sitting by the window.’
This hack is easiest to perform on a computer, “and even easier if you do it closer to check-in because there are fewer seats available,” Tually added.
Some viewers were impressed with this economical shortcut.
‘Damn, this is genius! Every victory over Ryanair is a victory for humanity,” one person said.
“This is such a useful hack, hopefully they don’t catch on,” wrote another.
But others saw it as cheap behavior.
‘This is not a hack. It’s cheap as f***,” said one critic. “If you put that much effort into making more money, you fly first class.”
It is also important to note that this hack is absolutely condemned by Ryanair, and certainly would be by all other commercial airlines as well.
A viewer claiming to be a Ryanair product owner commented: ‘I just created a ticket to prevent such behavior. Thanks for reporting!’