Home Life Style Tragic loss: influencer Jasmine Yong’s young son drowns in the hotel pool while she was sleeping

Tragic loss: influencer Jasmine Yong’s young son drowns in the hotel pool while she was sleeping

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 Tragic Loss: Influencer Jasmine Yong’s Toddler Son Drowns in Hotel Pool While She Slept

In a heartbreaking turn of events, influencer Jasmine Yong, followed by more than 470,000 people on Instagram, shared the devastating news of her two-year-old son Enzo’s drowning in a hotel pool earlier this month. The tragedy occurred while the family was staying at a hotel to celebrate Mother’s Day.

Yong recounted the harrowing details of instagram, explaining that after a family nap, they woke up to find Enzo missing. “We woke up and he wasn’t there…and we saw that the originally closed door to the indoor pool had opened,” she wrote. The situation quickly went from confusion to horror when Yong discovered her son floating in the pool.

Despite their immediate efforts to revive him with CPR, Enzo was unresponsive. “We ran to the hotel lobby with the baby and asked the hotel staff to help us call an ambulance and provide first aid until the ambulance arrived,” he continued. At the hospital, medical staff managed to get Enzo’s heart beating again, but he remained in a coma, reports TODAY.

In a later mail, Yong revealed that Enzo was in intensive care and implored his followers to pray for his recovery. “I would explain to him what happened when he woke up,” he hoped. Unfortunately, the update that followed conveyed the terrible outcome; Enzo had fought hard but finally passed away when his heart stopped the previous afternoon.

The loss has sparked an outpouring of support from Yong’s fans, with many sharing their condolences and sympathy over the tragic incident. Tributes filled the comments section as devastated parents posted memories, videos and photos of Enzo to honor his short life. One user commented empathetically: “I also have a 2-year-old child. This is too heartbreaking to watch.

May your little champion rest in peace .” Another added: “Heartbroken seeing this, rest in peace little one sending our love to you and your family.” Yong and her husband, who also ran an Instagram account dedicated to Enzo that attracted more than 100,000 followers, are grappling with her grief publicly.

“I’m so sorry for your loss ,” another follower wrote, echoing the sentiments of many who feel connected to the family through their social media presence. This tragedy serves as a poignant reminder of the unforeseen dangers that can occur, even in seemingly safe environments, and has sparked debates about pool safety and parental vigilance.

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