Home Australia Tradie Dan Gaut flew from Australia to the US to stop his baby girl from being adopted out, tugging at heartstrings around the world. Now little Ana’s mum has broken her silence to provide a huge update

Tradie Dan Gaut flew from Australia to the US to stop his baby girl from being adopted out, tugging at heartstrings around the world. Now little Ana’s mum has broken her silence to provide a huge update

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The American mother of a baby whose Australian father fled to the United States when she believed her newborn daughter was going to be given up for adoption insists she now wants to share custody. The mother, Liv Pavlov, pictured.


The American mother of a baby whose Australian father rushed to the United States to prevent her newborn daughter from being adopted, now insists she wants the two to share custody.

North Sydney carpenter Dan Gaut was excited about the impending birth of his daughter until his pregnant girlfriend, Liv Pavlov, suddenly returned to the United States without him.

Pavlov is a 31-year-old life coach, reiki master and tantric healer who offers services including a six-week, $499 self-study course called ‘F*** Like an Artist.’

Upon returning to the United States, Pavlov rekindled his relationship with a former partner and announced that he would give the baby up for adoption, according to Gaut.

The American mother of a baby whose Australian father fled to the United States when she believed her newborn daughter was being put up for adoption insists she now wants to share custody. The mother, Liv Pavlov, pictured.

The American mother of a baby whose Australian father fled to the United States when she believed her newborn daughter was going to be given up for adoption insists she now wants to share custody. The mother, Liv Pavlov, pictured.

A crowdfunding appeal set up on Gaut’s behalf claimed that Pavlov had agreed to legally hand over the boy to him if he flew to the United States.

Gaut traveled to Austin, Texas, to meet Ana Rose shortly after she was born on February 25, but his attempt to bring her back to Australia did not go as planned.

Two days ago, Gaut posted on Instagram that Pavlov had experienced another change of heart and decided to stay with baby Ana in Texas.

Now Pavlov has revealed that he wants Gaut to be an important part of Ana’s life and share custody of their daughter.

“Well, the tides are always changing and I am happy to announce that baby Ana Rose is very loved by both her mom and dad Daniel Gaut,” Pavlov wrote on social media.

“After 5 weeks here in America, dad Daniel went home for a while while we regroup and work on our shared custody agreement so we can have fluidity in our lives in the next chapter.”

North Sydney carpenter Dan Gaut was excited about the impending birth of his daughter until his pregnant girlfriend, Liv Pavlov, suddenly returned to the United States without him.

North Sydney carpenter Dan Gaut was excited about the impending birth of his daughter until his pregnant girlfriend, Liv Pavlov, suddenly returned to the United States without him.

North Sydney carpenter Dan Gaut was excited about the impending birth of his daughter until his pregnant girlfriend, Liv Pavlov, suddenly returned to the United States without him.

That plan appears to contrast with Gaut’s most recent Instagram post about who Ana’s father would be.

“I feel heartbroken and empty because I am forced to leave America alone,” he wrote.

‘Liv has changed her mind and wants to keep Ana in the United States and be her primary caregiver.

“I would like to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who supported me on this journey.”

He added: “I will use the remaining donations to seek legal representation in Austin and visit Ana as often as I can.”

“I still hold firm to the vision of Ana growing up in Australia in the not too distant future.”

Ms. Pavlov has a Master’s degree in Psychology and has received extensive training in the ancient Indian practice of tantra, including at the School of Women’s Arts.

Gaut traveled to Austin, Texas, to meet newborn Ana Rose, but bringing her back to Australia didn't go as planned. She appears in the photo with Mrs. Pavlov and Ana.

Gaut traveled to Austin, Texas, to meet newborn Ana Rose, but bringing her back to Australia didn't go as planned. She appears in the photo with Mrs. Pavlov and Ana.

Gaut traveled to Austin, Texas, to meet newborn Ana Rose, but bringing her back to Australia didn’t go as planned. She appears in the photo with Mrs. Pavlov and Ana.

‘Through her own healing journey, Olivia has faced many challenges related to intimacy and relationships. “She uses her own experience as a basis for the transformation she can offer you,” she states on her website.

Gaut met Pavlov while on vacation in San Francisco in early 2023, before she followed him back to Australia and their whirlwind romance blossomed.

She told A Current Affair in February that the couple fell deeply in love and decided to have a baby together.

“She was like, ‘There’s nothing in Texas for me anymore… all my heart and energy is in Australia,'” he told the show.

But things changed after Pavlov became pregnant.

Pavlov became homesick and planned a quick trip to Austin to be with his support network, Gaut told the show.

Pavlov, who was reunited with an ex-partner in Texas, then told Gaut that he would not return and that he wanted his son to be adopted at birth.

Pavlov has revealed that he wants Gaut to be an important part of Ana's life and share custody of their daughter. In the photo mother and daughter

Pavlov has revealed that he wants Gaut to be an important part of Ana's life and share custody of their daughter. In the photo mother and daughter

Pavlov has revealed that he wants Gaut to be an important part of Ana’s life and share custody of their daughter. In the photo mother and daughter

“She was starting to send me adoption options for people she knew in Texas and was sending me the links to the Instagram page,” he told A Current Affair.

“And I said, ‘No, this is wrong, stop it, don’t promise it to anyone.’

Pavlov gave his version of events leading up to Anna’s birth in his recent Instagram post, saying the pregnancy had left her in “a traumatic response.”

“Of course, when we magically received the message to conceive Ana Rose, we both said yes and our stories about love and the fantasy of family life emerged,” he wrote.

‘Actually, we both had a hard time connecting and we didn’t even know each other, we’d only spent a WEEK together!’

Pavlov said that both she and Gaut had “felt Anna’s soul and felt the truth of her desire to come to earth.”

Gaut met Pavlov while on vacation in San Francisco in early 2023, before she followed him back to Australia and began their whirlwind romance. She appears in the photo with baby Ana.

Gaut met Pavlov while on vacation in San Francisco in early 2023, before she followed him back to Australia and began their whirlwind romance. She appears in the photo with baby Ana.

Gaut met Pavlov while on vacation in San Francisco in early 2023, before she followed him back to Australia and began their whirlwind romance. She appears in the photo with baby Ana.

“When things didn’t work out and Daniel felt like he couldn’t open his heart and I needed to be home in America, things got even more complicated,” she wrote.

Pavlov said he would now give Ana a loving home in Austin with the help of his “amazing community” and family.

“And luckily daddy had an amazing fundraiser and will get to spend a LOT of time with the luckiest girl in the world,” she wrote.

Fundraising for Mr. Gaut has raised more than $34,000.

Pavlov created his own GoFundMe page before Ana’s birth, which has raised nearly $9,000 of a $15,000 goal.

She had said the funds would be needed to cover expenses including rent, midwife appointments, food, a postpartum doula and $5,000 for a trip to Australia.

“Several people have asked me why I need this support if I am successfully self-employed,” Ms. Pavlov wrote.

‘I am the only source of income and without being able to offer training and teaching sessions, I will have no other source of income. I haven’t used credit cards since 2017 either!’

Pavlov agreed with Gaut’s suggestion to name his baby Anna, from the Sanskrit word Anunta, meaning forever and eternity.

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