Home Life Style Today’s Horoscope: Daily Guide to What the Stars Have in Store for YOU – September 12, 2024

Today’s Horoscope: Daily Guide to What the Stars Have in Store for YOU – September 12, 2024

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Mercury has been moving forward for a while now, but as it leaves its shadow and ventures into new territory, we can begin to experiment with exciting new flavors.

Remember what it feels like to study for exams? When Mercury (the intellect) is retrograde, it makes us feel a little like that. It’s like the cosmos is telling us to review to make sure we really “know the basics.”

Mercury has been moving forward for a while now, but as it leaves its shadow and ventures into new territory, we can begin to experiment with exciting new flavors.

Will our knowledge be put to the test? Probably. But even if things get spicy, we can still enjoy the warmth of the kitchen. It’s time to have some fun.

Your horoscope includes much more than just your sun sign. If you like what you read here, wait until you read your next one. Personal birth chart.

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Read more MailOnline horoscopes here.

Mercury has been moving forward for a while now, but as it leaves its shadow and ventures into new territory, we can begin to experiment with exciting new flavors.


March 21 – April 20

Imagine you have a ball and chain attached to your leg. Every forward movement would be a struggle. With your imaginative powers, you can easily create the same effect (without the need for any kind of physical obstacle). Anxiety and fear are very good at slowing down progress. They are perfectly capable of weighing you down and hindering you. So here’s a question: what’s stopping you from breaking free from an unsatisfactory situation? With Mercury leaving its shadow, it’s time to think positively… and move forward.

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April 21 – May 21

I have a question for you: why do you want what you say you want? Are you sure you really want it? Is there a chance you’ve convinced yourself of something, and since you’ve taken steps to achieve it, you’re committed, but secretly harbor doubts? You need to be honest with yourself today. If your head is taking you in one direction, but your heart is taking you in another, you won’t get very far. With Mercury (intellect) leaving its shadow, if you seek clarity, you’ll find it.

You should now read your “Guide to the Future.” In it you will find page after page of information and predictions about yourself and what awaits you in the coming year. Make your future wonderful. Download your “Guide to the Future.” here.


May 22 – June 22

There is only one planet Earth, and here we are, inhabitants of this ball of rock, sharing it with billions of people as if it were orbiting our universe, among billions of other planets and stars. It’s mind-boggling, but if you weren’t here, would any of this even exist? It seems likely that it would for others, but not for you, which highlights your importance and your value. Today, as your ruler leaves its shadow, your ability to influence a situation in your world increases. You can play a key role in making it better… for yourself and for everyone.

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June 23 – July 23

There are people in your life who think they know what you “should” be doing, and they don’t hold back from sharing their opinions. If you give them the chance, they’ll have ideas about how you should think, too! In their own way, they’re judging you, and you don’t need that. You’re perfectly capable of judging yourself, and you have plenty of opinions, too. That’s why you’re tired of hearing their solutions. You’d rather hear some intelligent questions. Since no one else is going to ask you, it’s time you asked them yourself.

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Will our knowledge be put to the test? Probably. But even if things get spicy, we can still enjoy the warmth of the kitchen. It's time to have some fun.

Will our knowledge be put to the test? Probably. But even if things get spicy, we can still enjoy the warmth of the kitchen. It’s time to have some fun.


July 24 – August 23

How bad can it be to have too much of a good thing? Surely it’s better than having too little. Obviously, when it comes to things like pizza, too much of a good thing can be detrimental. And it’s definitely better to have only small amounts of bad things in our lives. So it seems that balance is the key. Since you’re a passionate Leo, you’re not known for your restraint skills. Today, when Mercury leaves its shadow, you’ll find it easier than usual to define your boundaries. And in your current situation, that’s going to be a lot more empowering for you.

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August 24 – September 23

Virgos are naturally modest. It’s a great quality, but they often underestimate its power and that can prevent them from reaching their full potential. As their ruler Mercury leaves its shadow in their sign, it’s like they’re stepping into the light. Keep an eye out for surprising ideas and possibilities that might be easy to dismiss as beyond their capabilities. Not so. With their confidence levels increasing, if they’re open to change, they’ll be able to seize the options that come their way and transform their lives.

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September 24 – October 23

How successful are you going to be? Well… that depends on what you expect to happen. Normally, you tend to have low expectations. That way, you avoid being disappointed. But now, with Venus in your sign, you need to aim high. Expect the best. If you believe in the possibility of a positive outcome, you’ll greatly increase the chance of achieving it. As long as you keep an open mind and are prepared to adapt your plans as your circumstances change, you’ll be on your way to a breakthrough.

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October 24 – November 22

We adapt to our environment, so we have to evaluate where we are and think about whether it is a good place or not. It is an extreme example, but people are afraid of the idea of ​​leaving prison. It is understandable. We find ways to cope with what life throws at us. And we can create our own prisons; and if someone gives us the key to escape, we don’t use it; the idea of ​​leaving makes us anxious. Today brings us the courage to move forward with a situation that we have been enduring for too long.

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November 23 – December 21

Arguments and conflicts. Worry and fear. If you invest enough time and energy into one, there’s a good chance you’ll end up with the other. Mercury (intellect) leaving its shadow offers an ideal time to consider whether the seeds you’ve sown will grow into the harvest you want to reap. You’re in the process of creating your future. It’s your prerogative to change what you’re doing today to ensure a better tomorrow. And if that means breaking a promise or plan you made to yourself, that’s fine.

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December 22 – January 20

We know we shouldn’t judge books by their covers, but that’s easier said than done. It’s an easy trap to fall into. And the fact that sometimes those snap judgments are accurate makes it all the more tempting and confusing. If some books can be judged by their covers and others can’t, how are we supposed to know which is which? The only way is to open one up and read it! Whatever you hope today will bring, know that a chapter you’ve been struggling with is ending and a new, brighter one is beginning.

Discover the astrological secrets of your future today. Get a complete set of totally personal predictions instantly discharge ‘Your guide to the future’.


January 21 – February 19

Has your imagination run wild? You’ve had an idea, but are you kidding yourself about its potential? I have a feeling you have a feeling that you have it! But that’s a negative assumption. Why do you have this feeling? And why do you imagine that I’m imagining that you’re imagining this? Are you confused? I am! It’s time to simplify what’s going on – in your forecast (and, more importantly) in your mind. There’s nothing wrong with your idea. And if you start putting it into practice, you’ll soon see tangible proof of that.

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February 20 – March 20

There is always something to worry about. In fact, if you look closely, there is always a lot going on. Sometimes, there is so much that it can be overwhelming. But no matter how many worries we are dealing with, they can be dispelled with just one simple, positive thought. What could possibly have such an impact? Well, it is the fact that we are alive. If we stop to remember how lucky we are, simply by being here, it helps us gain perspective. If you take a moment to stop and appreciate today, you will realize how much you have to be happy about.

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