Home Health Time off due to obesity-related illnesses is “severely hampering economic growth” as a report reveals 60 percent are “taking sick leave due to rising obesity.”

Time off due to obesity-related illnesses is “severely hampering economic growth” as a report reveals 60 percent are “taking sick leave due to rising obesity.”

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Dr Thomas Czypionka (pictured), co-author of the study, said the problem with obesity is that there are many health problems related to obesity.

Losses from work due to obesity-related illnesses are seriously hampering economic growth, a landmark study warns today.

Those who are overweight (nearly four in ten Britons) are 22 per cent more likely to have taken at least seven days off sick each year, according to an analysis of data representing 147 million workers across Europe.

When combined with those who are obese, it means that up to 60 percent of the nation may be taking sick leave due to weight-related problems, such as diabetes or heart disease.

The data showed that people with obesity are up to twice as likely to be sick as those who are at a healthy weight. In the first detailed breakdown of how sick days vary by weight, researchers revealed that the UK is “among the worst” of the 28 countries examined for absenteeism due to obesity.

Dr Thomas Czypionka (pictured), co-author of the study, said the problem with obesity is that there are many health problems related to obesity.

Record of 1.5 million women without long-term treatment

Long-term illnesses are the main reason women are out of the workforce, and poor mental health has increased by more than a quarter in five years.

The number of women economically inactive due to long-term illnesses soared to a record 1.54 million in 2023.

This represents an increase of 48 per cent since 2018, according to the Office for National Statistics.

The number of women aged 16 to 64 who are economically inactive due to depression, anxiety and mental illness has increased by 69,000 (27 per cent) during this period, to 326,000, according to analysis of the figures by the Trades Union Congress. .

The umbrella organization attributed the rise to issues such as long NHS waiting lists and cuts to preventative services.

Paul Nowak, general secretary of the TUC, said: “We need a proper plan to deal with the sharp rise in long-term illnesses.”

A government spokesperson said its £2.5bn Return to Work Plan will help women with long-term health problems.

Experts said the findings, which will be presented at the European Obesity Congress in Venice, reinforce how obesity has become the driving force behind the “sick note culture.”

They warned it was one of the “most serious fiscal risks” facing the UK economy, cementing our reputation as the “sick man of Europe”.

The Health Economics and Health Policy Research Group at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna, Austria, examined data from a national survey of a sample of 122,598 people.

He asked employees details about absences from work due to health problems over the past year.

Data from the UK showed that those classified as obese, with a BMI over 30, were almost a quarter (23 per cent) more likely to be absent from work for any period of time. People with severe obesity (with a BMI over 40) were more than twice as likely (118 percent) to take time off.

Dr. Thomas Czypionka, co-author of the study, said: “The problem with obesity is that obesity has many health consequences.”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea to wait and let people become obese and then pay for treatment and face all the consequences of leaving the labor market.”

Last month, the Prime Minister announced plans to tackle the “sick leave culture” with sweeping reforms to the benefits system. But experts said the plans have little chance of success unless ministers tackle obesity.

A report in December showed that the UK has the third highest proportion of people with obesity in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, with an estimated annual cost to the UK economy of £98 billion.

Meanwhile, the latest data shows the number of sick notes issued by the NHS has doubled in a decade to 11 million last year.

Losses from work due to obesity-related illnesses are seriously hampering economic growth, a landmark study warns today (file photo)

Losses from work due to obesity-related illnesses are seriously hampering economic growth, a landmark study warns today (file photo)

Last week, a report by the Institute for Public Policy Research think tank said obesity was a “common factor” underpinning all the main reasons for long-term illness in the UK, including musculoskeletal problems, heart disease and depression.

Katharine Jenner, director of the Obesity Health Alliance, said: “This research lays it bare: high rates of obesity-related diseases are reducing economic productivity, with devastating economic impacts.”

A government spokesperson said: “Our £2.5 billion Return to Work Plan will help more than a million people, including those with long-term health problems associated with obesity, break down barriers to work.” .

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