Home Australia TikTok star Tylah Ann Shorter learns fate of Caloundra pizzeria raid on Sunshine Coast

TikTok star Tylah Ann Shorter learns fate of Caloundra pizzeria raid on Sunshine Coast

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Hairstylist and influencer Tylah Ann Shorter (pictured) pleaded guilty to punching a pizzeria owner in the face

A young hairdresser and teenage TikTok influencer cried in court when she learned of her fate for attacking a pizzeria owner during an argument over a food order.

Tylah Ann Shorter, 19, appeared at Caloundra Magistrates Court on Tuesday charged with one count of serious assault on a person over 60 and disorderly conduct.

The incident occurred outside a pizzeria in Caloundra, on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, on February 3.

The court heard Shorter punched the owner “haymaker style” after an argument between the two and a co-offender who falsely claimed he had not received a pizza he never paid for.

Acting Magistrate Raelene Ellis ordered the influencer to complete 150 hours of community service and placed her on 18 months’ probation.

Hairdresser and influencer Tylah Ann Shorter (pictured) pleaded guilty to punching a pizzeria owner in the face “haymaker style” after an argument over an order in February.

The court heard that the owner had offered to give the couple a pizza in an attempt to calm the situation. Costa del Sol Diary reports.

Shorter and the co-accused continued to verbally abuse the owner while waiting for the free order before the pair were asked to leave as they drove to potential customers.

Shen hit the angry owner with a “savage punch”, police prosecutor Stephen Potter told the court.

The blow tore his glasses off his head and smashed them to the ground.

The court heard Shorter and his co-accused continued shouting from outside the store, where they were arrested shortly afterwards.

Shorter’s defense attorney, Matthew Cooper, told the court his client was intoxicated and dealing with personal issues at the time.

The argument between Shorter (pictured), the owner, was sparked by a co-offender who falsely claimed they had not received a pizza she never paid for.

The argument between Shorter (pictured), the owner, was sparked by a co-offender who falsely claimed they had not received a pizza she never paid for.

Cooper added that Shorter had since written apologies and completed alcohol and anger management programs.

He also noted that Shorter did not initiate the confrontation, but was responsible for the “brief” violence toward the homeowner.

Magistrate Ellis scolded the influencer and said workers have the right to be safe in their workplace.

“They didn’t deserve the way you treated them,” he said.

Shorter was also ordered to pay the owner $180 to replace the broken glasses and an additional $250 in restitution.

No conviction was recorded.

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