Home Australia Thomas Kelly’s parents believed their son’s killer had changed in prison. They now say they would never have accepted his parole if they had not been fed a ‘package of lies’.

Thomas Kelly’s parents believed their son’s killer had changed in prison. They now say they would never have accepted his parole if they had not been fed a ‘package of lies’.

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The parents of single-hit victim Thomas Kelly said they were

Thomas Kelly’s parents claim they were unaware of their son’s killer’s violent outbursts in prison before giving their blessing for his release on parole.

Kieran Loveridge will be released from prison next week after the New South Wales State Parole Authority (SPA) found there would be a “substantially increased risk” if he were released later.

The man, now 30, killed Mr Kelly, 18, in a “cowardly and unprovoked” attack in July 2012, and two weeks ago Judge Geoffrey Bellew said the SPA was “satisfied” he was It is in the community’s interest to free Loveridge.

Kelly’s parents, Kathy and Ralph, supported parole, but told ABC’s 7.30 on Wednesday night that it had been done based on “a bunch of lies” and that Loveridge had shown no remorse.

At his April parole hearing, they learned that Loveridge had been repeatedly violent during his years in prison, assaulting several people, including punching a bicyclist in the face.

The parents of single-punch victim Thomas Kelly said they were “shocked” after their son’s killer’s latest violent outburst was revealed at his parole hearing. Ralph and Kathy Kelly are pictured.

Thomas Kelly (pictured) was killed in an attack

Thomas Kelly (pictured) was killed in a “cowardly and unprovoked” attack in July 2012.

In the most recent incident, just weeks before his parole hearing, Loveridge was drunk and violent toward correctional officers.

“It’s hard to believe that the State Parole Authority thinks he won’t pose a risk to the community, or a low risk as they say,” Mr Kelly said.

“Considering that he had an outburst on February 27, it shows that he is still the same person he was 12 years ago.”

Mrs Kelly said Loveridge “was drunk in prison and was aggravated”. We’re talking about a month and a half ago.

And we weren’t aware of that when we filed the petition saying we support parole. As far as we were concerned, we were doing the right thing.’

He said they only learned the extent of Loveridge’s behavior in prison at the parole hearing “when the judge was basically summarizing everything.”

“It was disgusting,” Kelly said.

“It was just appalling that we were kept in the dark about it, because we actually made our case and supported parole with a bunch of lies.

“If we had known, we definitely would not have supported it.”

Kelly believes “it’s only a matter of time” before Loveridge commits more crimes once he is granted parole.

“They can’t watch him 24 hours a day, he will drink, become violent and reoffend,” he said.

“There is no doubt that when you touch alcohol, violence, irritation comes to light, violence comes to light and it is uncontrollable.”

Kathy Kelly doesn’t believe Loveridge regrets killing her son.

‘Of course not… Of course, you haven’t been able to contact us, I understand. But there are ways to reach out to the family and show them that you are sorry.

“There has never been an apology for what he did. I don’t think there has been any type of remorse.

Kieran Loveridge (pictured left) will be released from prison on Thursday after the New South Wales State Parole Authority found there would be a

Kieran Loveridge (pictured left) will be released from prison on Thursday after the New South Wales State Parole Authority found there would be a “substantially increased risk” if he were released later.

Ralph Kelly agreed, saying, “We know he has no regrets about killing Thomas.” We received a note of apology the day before from the Supreme Court (case where Loveridge was convicted).

“It wasn’t written by him, it was written by someone in the legal profession and there was a scribble at the bottom, which gave him a 25 percent (time) discount right there, for putting his autograph on the letter.”

Kelly said most people don’t realize “that prisoners have access to (illegally) producing alcohol and various things that are not allowed in prison.”

‘That was new to me, but apparently they are, and he was violent at the time. (That was) a month and a half ago and we were not aware of it when we presented the petition saying that we support parole.

“If we had known, we definitely would not have supported it,” he said.

Loveridge, who attacked four other people on the night he killed Thomas Kelly, was initially given a sentence of just four years, but on appeal the sentence was raised to a minimum of 10 years and a maximum of 13 years and eight months.

When he was found guilty, Thomas’ brother Stewart made a heartbreaking statement outside court.

‘I don’t have an older brother anymore. Instead, I have a hole in my life that I must somehow accept and accept,” he stated.

Stuart Kelly later took his own life.

Thomas Kelly's brother Stewart (pictured centre) made a heartbreaking statement outside court.

Thomas Kelly’s brother Stewart (pictured centre) made a heartbreaking statement outside court.

“We lost our beautiful son… four years later, our other son, Stewart, took his life as a result of the loss of his older brother,” Kelly said after Loveridge’s parole hearing.

‘He was only 14 when Tom was murdered… our family may never find forgiveness for Mr Loveridge.

“We continue to cry every day for our two children… they have given us a double life sentence.”

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