Home Australia This week’s full moon is set to wreak havoc on relationships: Read the horoscope for your star sign (and how to escape unscathed)

This week’s full moon is set to wreak havoc on relationships: Read the horoscope for your star sign (and how to escape unscathed)

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This week's full moon is set to wreak havoc on relationships: Read the horoscope for your star sign (and how to escape unscathed)

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

You may want to be close to someone and yet there is a possible tendency to shut down. Think where this came from?

This has the potential to affect your closest relationships right now, so it’s time to get to the bottom of it.

Do you want to know a secret, dear Aries? Well, look at yours! Deep and intense feelings could arise, so be aware of what is really happening inside you and when difficulties arise, you will be more than prepared.

Issues of finances or joint investments could also be under the spotlight.

Real estate could also be on your agenda. Perhaps legalities need attention, including wills or inheritances. It’s a good time to get professional financial advice on matters like these.

If you have a special someone, take some time to be intimate together and work out some issues, as Venus, the planet of love, can also lead to potential conflicts, especially over money.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

You might face some future challenges, it’s nothing you can’t handle stably and safely.

However, Pluto the transformer, Venus the lover and the Sun do not smile at you. You could find transformation and change on the horizon in your important relationships.

The full moon in Scorpio brings intense and compelling emotions, however, this does not necessarily mean it is a negative thing. The situation could end up being quite positive and eventually bring couples or friends even closer.

Legalities and even connections with people you don’t normally get along with could also be affected.

Be careful with your communications, as Mercury will be in trickster mode until the 25th. Mispronounced words are like a forest fire: it’s impossible to stop them once they escape your mouth!

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Pluto the transformer and the sun have hard aspects on your full moon that can bring difficulties to your daily routine, your well-being, or your normal work.

Big changes are coming in these areas and you may have to be quick to deal with the changes. Remember to take some time when you can, as stress can easily build up if you don’t take a little care of yourself.

Daily routines, habits and work may be quite hectic now or may not go as smoothly as you would like. Go slowly and carefully, and be especially careful with your communications, since your ruler Mercury will be retrograde until the 25th.

Even for a few days afterward, misunderstandings and miscommunications are likely to occur. It’s also not the best time to travel, so take it easy and reserve enough time in case of delays.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Romantic inclinations could be very strong and intense now, so you may feel inclined to go out looking for that special someone, if you have the freedom to do so.

Don’t rush to enter where angels fear to tread, because Pluto can generate intense desire but also bring painful storms.

Children or your own inner child can play: you may want to be free in some way, however, it is probably not a practical solution at the moment. The same goes for close friendships, they might be more volatile than usual, giving each other space to calm down can help.

Your curiosity is probably quite strong, however, be careful not to bite off more than you can chew.

Even if your feelings seem quite urgent, try to slow things down and don’t rush into it now. There’s plenty of time.

Your creativity and desire for fun may be in full swing, so take advantage of this while the sun shines.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

Sparks and fires can start at home or in connection with your family, so watch out for arguments and miscommunication, especially since your ruler, the sun, is opposite this intense full moon.

Your career or authority figures could also be at the center of misunderstandings, so be careful with that too.

You may feel very energetic, but others may not be able to keep up with you, so slow down and breathe. Old feelings from the past may come back to remind you of previous relationships.

While you can’t change what happened then, you can make new decisions now about how to respond. You can always move on if you wish.

It’s a good time to stay close to home and take care of household chores, and you might want to entertain yourself at home.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

Your ruler Mercury can lead you into difficult communication issues, especially related to shared assets, finances, and intimacy, so be careful for the rest of April that you don’t let anything too controversial slip through the cracks.

At the same time, you may want to broaden your horizons, but something seems to be standing in your way and marketing and promotions are similarly affected if you work in public relations or advertising.

The good thing is that you can finish old projects that you started before April and you may hear from old friends or people you knew before.

You’ll probably make decisions based on how you feel and not logic, but that’s not a bad thing if you take advantage of at least some data beforehand.

Reality is knocking at your door, so find an appropriate balance with your feelings and intuitions. Travel plans could be delayed.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

It could be an intense time with your money. So don’t get carried away by get-rich-quick schemes or excessive spending.

Your creative, leisure and pleasure impulses are being transformed. However, your personal funds might be tight for how you want to manifest these changes. Be strong and take control of your money, possessions and also your self-esteem, dear Libra.

You may be able to make compromises in these areas…if anyone can, you can. Shared resources such as real estate, investments, and inheritances or wills may also catch your attention.

Are you getting enough good quality intimacy now? This is more important than you think.

Matters involving close friends and partners with whom you can share your true authentic self are key and can lead to intense feelings. You can handle this, so find balance in life and move on!

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

This full moon smiles on you, Scorpio. They are guiding you to a deeper level of authenticity, although perhaps not as gently as you would like.

You may want to show the world who you really are by changing your appearance in some way.

Those around you see your depth and intensity more than usual, so be careful with your words as they have more power than you think. Now you can also spread your message to the world in a magnetically attractive way!

It’s also a good time to listen to others, even if you feel too intense about your own message. Your partners and people close to you may have some problems adjusting to your new energy; However, it is very important that you are true to yourself.

Riots or disturbances could arise in your home or family as you become more outspoken.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

You’re probably looking deeper than just the surface layers. Part of this involves exploring your own subconscious.

You’re likely investigating your dreams, noticing synchronicities, and generally having a deeper, more complete view of the world.

The full moon could bring to light deep and compellingly intense subconscious contents that will guide you in a new direction. Perhaps, the past also brings up unfinished business that needs some attention so you can move forward again.

You may need some time to accept everything that comes up. Get out into nature and go somewhere alone without the distractions of everyday life.

Now you can also pick up messages out of “nowhere,” but for the rest of this month, they might be difficult to understand or misinterpreted in some way.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

Intense situations with friends and associates can now arise. Be cautious in communications; It shouldn’t be too difficult for you, dear Capricorn.

Sometimes we have to let go of past associations to make room for new ones to emerge. Your hopes and dreams could be similarly affected.

Don’t be so attached to previous ideas about your life that you can’t change to allow better opportunities to come. You may also hear about “secrets” or matters that would be better left alone.

Pluto is bringing challenges in your money zone, it will soon turn retrograde and things could calm down there. Your finances, possessions or attitudes towards them are changing and ideas about money may arise.

You may realize that money is not as important as having love in your life. You may also decide to attract more friends into your world. Your life is changing and that’s okay.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Although there may be stressful situations in the background, you have the ability to face them in a calm and practical way… well done! Issues could arise related to your career or family life that could be unpredictable or volatile.

However, now you are a master of management and find a way to balance the seemingly opposing energies between home, family and career.

An authority figure, perhaps a woman, could also be involved. Your life is probably more public than usual, so be careful on social media. You have to keep that reputation of yours intact: pretty and shiny.

You probably work well with the public now and others notice you. You may support others in their career or perhaps a parent needs your help.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Flowing like a river, you may hear intense news or secrets and may want to help in typical Pisces style. It’s time to consider how you could grow your life and broaden your horizons.

Maybe now you have travel on your mind and it’s a good time to plan where you could go and what you could do. However, getting on a plane right now is probably not the best idea, maybe wait at least a few weeks.

But one thing is for sure and that is that your life is certainly changing and it is probably on your agenda to be more in touch with the world at large.

Options that are also on the table are education and spirituality. See how you can grow as a person.

The world is much bigger and fuller than most of us anticipate. You can take advantage of those opportunities now.

Fountain: rose smith

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