Home Australia This is the only clue that someone is not a good person: “It’s a selfish trait.”

This is the only clue that someone is not a good person: “It’s a selfish trait.”

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People have revealed the main trait that means someone is not a good person



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People have revealed the main trait that means someone is not a good person and the only way you can “test” your friends.

Thousands of people on Reddit recently gathered to discuss evidence that someone could be a “bad” person.

One overwhelming behavior that many pointed out was someone who always asked for favors but never helped when others needed it.

“Usually when you stop helping them, they cut you out of their lives too,” one said.

“The true characteristic of a person is how they treat someone who can do nothing for them.”

People have revealed the main trait that means someone is not a good person

People have revealed the main trait that means someone is not a good person

Many shared that one way to know if someone was truly your friend was to see how they treated you when you didn’t benefit them.

A similar quality is the way people treat others who they believe are “better.”

‘Probably the most important thing I judge people on is how they perceive and treat people ‘below’ them. People of lower social status, people who serve them, people who feel they have nothing to offer them,” one woman wrote.

Others pointed out other characteristics to take into account.

“When they downplay your successes and make you feel small for the things that bring you joy,” one said.

“It’s a clear sign if they never apologize or say thank you,” wrote another.

Signs that someone is a bad person

They always ask for help but never want to return the favor.

Someone only talks to you when they want something.

They are not responsible for their actions.

Never apologize or say “thank you”

They constantly gossip and talk negatively about others behind their backs.

They minimize your success and try to outdo you.

One overwhelming behavior that many pointed out was someone who always asked for things but never helped when others needed it.

One overwhelming behavior that many pointed out was someone who always asked for things but never helped when others needed it.

One overwhelming behavior that many pointed out was someone who always asked for things but never helped when others needed it.

One woman said it was essential that decent people recognize their actions.

‘Never take responsibility for anything [is a sign],’ she said.

“Self-responsibility requires empathy to understand that you hurt people.”

Another added: “Someone who can’t admit when they’re wrong.” That means they don’t believe they need to improve and therefore consider themselves higher than they really are.’

While one man stated that people who gossip and speak negatively about others behind their backs are “bad” people.

‘This is the clearest sign that the person cares about himself and seeks selfish gains by murdering others without their knowledge and with lies and making up stories. They are pure scum,’ said one.

‘Taking every opportunity to speak ill of anyone not in the room. Every time I’ve witnessed it, the only thing I wonder is what they have to say about me when I’m not there. “I don’t think the people who do this realize how disgusting it really is,” another added.

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