With big bank earnings just around the corner, Rational Dynamic Brands Fund portfolio manager Eric Clark joins Morning Brief with Sean Smith and Brad Smith to discuss your expectations for earnings season.
“I think the banks will be fine. Goldman (Sachs) (G.S.) should probably paint a pretty good picture,” says Clark, noting: “We’re more focused on asset managers. “There is a big trend in wealth management: money is migrating from public equities and public fixed income to private funds.”
“Those asset managers have had some pretty decent pullbacks here, creating some pretty attractive entry points as we approach earnings,” he adds. black stoneBX) is the first asset manager to report on January 30.
The portfolio manager says this earnings season will feature the “haves and have-nots” categories, adding: “I think it’s going to be a bifurcated earnings market because expectations are a little high heading into the year.” “.
Editor’s note: Clark mentions Apollo Global Management, which is the majority owner of Yahoo, the parent company of Yahoo Finance.
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This post was written by Naomi Buchanan.