Home US The UFO mystery may be the result of an advanced ‘stealth civilization’ living among us on Earth, Harvard scientists say, as they reveal where their secret bases could be located.

The UFO mystery may be the result of an advanced ‘stealth civilization’ living among us on Earth, Harvard scientists say, as they reveal where their secret bases could be located.

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As an example of a potentially hidden advanced species, researchers described a huge submerged stone structure discovered by a diver off the coast of Yonaguni Jima in Japan that some marine geologists believe could be the remains of a

Skeptics have long wondered why UFOs, if they are extraterrestrial craft, visit Earth so frequently.

But two Harvard scientists suspect the beings may have been here all along.

In a new research paper, they estimate there is a 1 in 10 chance that the real solution to the UFO mystery may be “cryptoterrestrial,” meaning they belong to an advanced species hiding on Earth.

“While this idea may seem unlikely at first glance, many observers are persuaded that it is at least conceivable,” the team wrote in their new study, “especially since entire areas of our planet remain largely uncharted and unexplored.”

With 80 percent of our oceans uncharted and still revealing ancient mysteries like Yonaguni Jima, the ‘Japanese Atlantis’, not to mention unexplored caves and the dark side of the moon, they argue there is plenty of room for a ‘stealth’ civilization.

As an example of a potentially hidden advanced species, researchers described a huge submerged stone structure discovered by a diver off the coast of Yonaguni Jima in Japan that some marine geologists believe could be the remains of a “Japanese Atlantis.” .

“If another intelligent species had inhabited Earth (or Mars) long before Homo sapiens, we might not have a clue,” the trio note in His articlethat will appear in the magazine Philosophy and cosmology this June.

The work is a collaboration between scientists who have independently attempted to ensure that all viable theories are considered for the UFO mystery, which has seen a major government declassification effort in recent months.

Congress, the Pentagon, and other government officials now more commonly refer to UFOs as UAP to refer to “unidentified aerial (or anomalous) phenomena.”

The new study cited multiple regions on Earth and near Earth as valuable candidates for investigating the possibilities of a secret base of a “cryptoterrestrial” species.

A region, called The ‘Alaska Triangle’ is a remote, sparsely populated area between the cities of Anchorage, Juneau, and Utqiagvik that the authors described as ‘a prominent ‘hot spot’ for UAPs (UFOs), as well as other oddities.’

The triangle, they noted, has been ground zero for more than 20,000 unexplained disappearances since the 1970s, regardless of its penchant for UFO sightings.

Luis Guerra, a resident of the city of Atlixco, in central Mexico, photographed this image of an apparent UFO over the Popocatépetl volcano in Mexico. Sightings near this and other volcanoes have fueled speculation that the UFOs could come from a hidden underground base.

Luis Guerra, a resident of the city of Atlixco, in central Mexico, photographed this image of an apparent UFO over the Popocatépetl volcano in Mexico. Sightings near this and other volcanoes have fueled speculation that the UFOs could come from a hidden underground base.

More specifically, the researchers pointed to a series of intriguing archaeological finds that suggest the existence of ancient civilizations that would not only predate any known advanced species, but could still exist in hiding.

They described a huge submerged stone structure discovered by a diver off the coast of Yonaguni Jima in Japan that some marine geologists believe could be the remains of a 5,000-year-old pyramid from Japanese Atlantis.

Habitable regions underground also remain to be explored, some with the right conditions to support life.

“The internal structure of the Earth remains largely a mystery,” the team wrote.

“For example, it was recently discovered that the mantle transition zone (between 400 and 670 kilometers underground) acts as a large reservoir of water.”

They speculated that it is quite possible that hundreds of kilometers below humanity’another hominid A species, or even a branch of Homo sapiens, could have adapted to living underground, although it would probably hardly look like us.

Stunning photographs taken by Luis Guerra, a resident of the central Mexican city of Atlixco, last year have fueled similar speculation about a hidden UFO base beneath the country’s Popocatépetl volcano, which has become a UFO hot spot. .

Other top candidates, the researchers proposed, include long-term underwater bases in ocean trenches or on the dark side of the moon, either built by an ancient advanced Earth race or by our long-term extraterrestrial cohabitants.

Other top candidates, the researchers proposed, include long-term underwater bases in ocean trenches or on the dark side of the moon, either built by an ancient advanced Earth race or by our long-term extraterrestrial cohabitants.

Other top candidates, the researchers proposed, include long-term underwater bases in ocean trenches or on the dark side of the moon, either built by an ancient advanced Earth race or by our long-term extraterrestrial cohabitants.

While researchers working with NASA's LROC lunar mapping mission have debunked the theory that this lunar image captured a 3.5-mile (5.6 km) 'alien base' spire, much of the dark side of the moon remains unexplored and may yet contain such a discovery.

While researchers working with NASA’s LROC lunar mapping mission have debunked the theory that this lunar image captured a 3.5-mile (5.6 km) ‘alien base’ spire, much of the dark side of the moon remains unexplored and may yet contain such a discovery.

While researchers working with NASA’s LROC lunar mapping mission have debunked the theory that a captivating lunar image shows a 3.5-mile ‘alien tower,’ much of the moon’s dark side remains unexplored and still may contain such a discovery.

“Of course,” the researchers noted, “the limits of our knowledge do not provide any particular argument for the CTH (the ‘cryptoterrestrial hypothesis’).”

Fundamentally,” they added, “it means that we must have … humility and realize that we cannot dismiss it just because it contradicts the standard narrative of history.”

The new research follows previous exploratory work carried out by the authors working separately.

The co-author of the study. Dr. Michael Mastersprofessor of biological anthropology at Montana Technological University, had previously written a book arguing that beings who pilot UFOs could be “extratempestrials” or time travelers.

“The phenomenon may be due to our own distant descendants going back in time to study us in their own evolutionary past,” Dr. Masters said. KBZK News 7 in Bozeman.

Using his background in evolutionary biology as an anthropologist, Dr. Masters argued that the so-called “gray” aliens of UFO abduction lore resemble what future time-traveling humans might evolve to look like in a larger society. technology.

His co-author, psychologist. Tim Lomas with the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, had just presented all the arguments in favor of the more traditional “extraterrestrial hypothesis”, in another article for the same journal, Philosophy and Cosmology, earlier this year.

brendan caseassociate director of research at Harvard’s Institute for Quantitative Social Sciences, joined them in calling for scientists to pursue the “cryptoterrestrial” UFO hypothesis.

“The hope is that we can start a new dialogue and overcome some of this stigma,” Dr. Masters said. “And we don’t have to defend this as science, because it’s very scientific.”

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