Home US The Simpsons’ Hank Azaria shares a hilarious clip of himself trying to make a King’s guard laugh by doing impressions of his famous characters, including Chief Wiggum and Moe.

The Simpsons’ Hank Azaria shares a hilarious clip of himself trying to make a King’s guard laugh by doing impressions of his famous characters, including Chief Wiggum and Moe.

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Hank Azaria (left), voice of a handful of Simpsons characters, tries to make a royal guard laugh at the Tower of London.

The Simpsons’ Hank Azaria shared a clip of himself trying to make a member of the King’s Guard laugh by impersonating famous characters from the show.

The well-known voice actor posted a TikTok video of himself attempting to break the iron will of the young Tower of London guard.

Addressing the camera, Azaria jokes: “We’ll see if the guard is a fan of The Simpsons.”

Addressing the guard, dressed in the classic scarlet tunic and bearskin cap, Azaria begins with Moe Szyslak, Springfield’s ill-tempered bartender.

In Moe’s infamous gravelly voice, Azaria said, “I just wanted to thank you for your service here.”

Hank Azaria (left), voice of a handful of Simpsons characters, tries to make a royal guard laugh at the Tower of London.

However, the American actor does not stop at just one imitation and changes his voice to that of Chief Clancy Wiggum.

Improvising like the notoriously lazy cop, Azaria said, “I know what it’s like, you know, to do your duty.”

Still, the guard is not broken.

Azaria takes on the voice of Snake Jailbird, the cartoon criminal who can’t seem to stay out of jail, and Professor Frink, who temporarily became the richest man in Springfield after creating the Frinkcoin cryptocurrency.

When all of his voices fail to make the guard laugh, or even smile, Azaria ends their one-sided conversation with the voice of Jeff Albertson, better known as Comic Book Guy.

The voice actor announces that the unflappable man in front of him is “the best guard ever.”

“It seems impenetrable,” the voice actor says to the camera.

The hilarious encounter was a far cry from the usual run-ins the King’s Guards have with members of the public.

Despite a sign clearly stating that horses can kick and bite, tourists continue to pose next to them, often at their own risk.

Azaria lends his voice to Springfield's grumpy bartender, Moe Szyslak (pictured)

The American actor also lends his voice to Chief Clancy Wiggum (pictured), the notoriously lazy police officer.

Azaria voices Springfield’s grumpy bartender Moe Szyslak (left) and Chief Clancy Wiggum (right), the notoriously lazy cop.

Last month, a tourist threw herself onto the pavement outside Buckingham Palace after she was apparently head-butted by a Royal Guard horse, although not everyone watching was convinced.

The video showed a curly-haired woman standing and smiling next to a black horse as she posed for photos before the horse pushed her.

The woman then dramatically fell to the pavement, landing face down as her bag flew away from her and the gathered crowd let out a worried “ooh.”

In May, a tourist was bitten by a Royal Guard horse after she touched the animal while posing for a photo.

The video, which went viral on social media with more than 855,000 views, shows the woman putting her hand on the horse’s neck as she poses for a photograph.

The horse then turned its head towards the woman before grabbing her sari.

In January this year, a tourist was posing for a photo with the King’s Guard’s horse when it bit the arm of her black padded jacket and aggressively pulled her down.

Last month, a horse gently pushed the woman, who was apparently so shocked that she fell to the ground.

Last month, a horse gently pushed the woman, who was apparently so shocked that she fell to the ground.

The woman was thrown to the pavement and landed face down as her handbag flew out from beneath her. Concerned onlookers rushed to her aid and helped her to her feet.

The woman was thrown to the pavement and landed face down as her handbag flew out from beneath her. Concerned onlookers rushed to her aid and helped her to her feet.

In one incident, when a woman went to pet the horse's face, it bit her jacket sleeve. It refused to let go, tugging at the jacket and pulling it back and forth and up and down before finally letting go.

In one incident, when a woman went to pet the horse’s face, it bit her jacket sleeve. It refused to let go, tugging at the jacket and pulling it back and forth and up and down before finally letting go.

In another video, a man is seen touching the reins of one of the horses.

In another video, a man is seen touching the reins of one of the horses.

This caused the king's guard to shout: 'Don't touch the reins!'

This caused the king’s guard to shout: ‘Don’t touch the reins!’

Although many consider them tourist attractions, the King’s Guard are made up of elite soldiers whose mission is to protect the life and property of the monarch.

The King’s Guard are generally not allowed to interact with the public, but they may shout if they get too close or present their bayonets if they become aggressive.

Soldiers must not allow anything to distract them from their duties (bathroom breaks are prohibited during two-hour shifts) and will march past anyone who gets in their way.

(tags to translate)dailymail

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