Home Tech The rise of agro-rhythm: Can misogynistic content be curbed?

The rise of agro-rhythm: Can misogynistic content be curbed?

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The rise of agro-rhythm: Can misogynistic content be curbed?

If you’ve been unlucky enough to come across misogynistic videos from influencers online, you’ll know just how toxic this content can be. But did you know that more than two-thirds of children aged 11 to 14 have been exposed to this type of harmful and damaging content from the “manosphere”? 70% of teachers noticed an increase in sexist language Will it be used in the classroom during the 12 months until February 2024?

This research came to life in a powerful short film earlier this year, called The rise of agro-rhythmIt follows a boy’s gradual descent into misogynistic thinking, a journey that leaves him alone and sad, with negative feelings toward his teacher and even his own sister.

Made by Vodafone and the charity Global Action Plan, the film shows the impact that harmful algorithms, powered by AI, are having on teenagers and tweens. It reflects a growing level of concern among parents, with one in five having noticed a gradual change over time in the language their children use to talk about women and girls. Experts are now urging families to start talking about what is potentially flooding their children’s phones and how it is reaching them.

Psychologist Elly Hanson says: “Social media is designed to keep you connected for as long as possible, so it shows you things that provoke emotions. It plays on emotions like shock, horror, insecurity, paranoia, superiority, outrage and sexuality. They have found that these emotions work to hook people.”

It’s worrying that many kids are finding this content when they’re searching for something unrelated to the topic, such as fitness or gaming videos. Hanson says it’s important to explain how social media algorithms are designed, because that invites kids or teens to participate in the conversation and is much more powerful than telling them not to watch it.

Teenagers often come across harmful content when they are looking for something more. Photo taken by the model. Photo: Carol Yepes/Getty Images

“Questioning things is part of being a normal teenager,” she says. “So let’s take advantage of that tendency and invite them to question the tools used to manipulate them online.”

According to Hanson, a very effective first step is to explain that these platforms directly benefit from engagement with their content. What people are most drawn to is often what is controversial and conspiratorial, and that is how we have ended up with a multitude of influencers who spread distorted ideas about masculinity that are sexist, offensive and often aggressive. This leads to negative and disrespectful behaviour towards women and girls, but it also damages children’s mental health and ability to relate. Two thirds of children They say that seeing harmful negative content online has made them feel worried, sad or scared.

Kate Edwards, associate director of child online safety at the NSPCC, says parents need to realise how quickly their child’s phone or tablet can become inundated with toxic content. “Social media now largely consists of short-form content – ​​quick, short videos that are sent to the user. And if you watch something all the way through, or if you interact with it, like it or comment on it, the app will send you more and more similar content. It can lead you into the abyss very quickly,” she says.

“There are steps you can take to try to teach the algorithm that you don’t want to see more than what you’re currently seeing: look for the ‘hide’ button or the ‘I didn’t like this’ option. Explore the different settings in the app, both by yourself and with your child.”

Vodafone has co-designed A digital toolkit for parents with the NSPCC to help parents stay ahead of potential risks. It’s packed with talking points, activities and advice to help keep young people safe when using the internet, with tips on what to do when they come across something that’s not right.

Sir Peter Wanless (right): ‘The toolkit encourages families to have open conversations about their children’s phone use.’ Composition: Getty Images; Adrian James White

Sir Peter Wanless, chief executive of the NSPCC, says he is particularly proud of the partnership with Vodafone as it is helping parents navigate an online world that can be as overwhelming and confusing for them as it is for children. He says: “The toolkit encourages families to have open conversations about their children’s phone use, for example by talking about situations that may occur when they are online. It also explains the safety features that can be found on phones and setting boundaries, such as implementing screen time limits.”

Screen time rules and parental controls are only part of the puzzle, however. While parents can help stem the flow of harmful content, there is a growing consensus that if we are to break the cycle once and for all, it will be necessary for tech companies themselves to take action.

To campaign for this, The Global Action Plan has submitted a petition The aim of the initiative was to call on regulators, such as Ofcom, to insist that platforms take control of AI-powered algorithms and apply “safety by design”. This was a key element of the 2023 initiative. Online Security ActHowever, fears have been raised that apps could get away with doing as little as possible.

“Even if parents do their best, our children are still vulnerable to manipulative algorithms. We can and should do our best, but the greatest power lies with the tech companies and the regulator,” says Hanson.

Find out more about Vodafone’s commitment to helping 4 million people and businesses overcome the digital divide here

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