Home US The New York Times criticized for ignoring the most important story in the United States on its front page: Joe Biden’s disastrous debate: “Was it a political decision?”

The New York Times criticized for ignoring the most important story in the United States on its front page: Joe Biden’s disastrous debate: “Was it a political decision?”

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The New York Times criticized for ignoring the most important story in the United States on its front page: Joe Biden's disastrous debate: "Was it a political decision?"

The New York Times came under heavy criticism on Friday after its print edition hit newsstands without any mention of Joe Biden’s disastrous performance in the presidential debate against Donald Trump.

On Friday, readers of the self-proclaimed “newspaper of record” woke up to headlines about Iran’s escalating nuclear work and an analysis of Julian Assange.

Unlike other major print newspapers, including the equally left-leaning Washington Post and the more conservative Wall Street Journal and the New York Post tabloid, the loyalist Times did not report on the debate between President Biden and Donald Trump.

In fact, the newspaper made no mention of the debate, other than a small box at the bottom right of the print edition that only briefly previewed its online coverage.

The outlet directed physical readers of the paper to its website to catch up on the “high-stakes rematch.”

The newspaper made no mention of the debate, other than a small box at the bottom right of the edition that only briefly mentioned that it was taking place.

The newspaper made no mention of the debate, except for a small box at the bottom right of the edition that only briefly mentioned that it was taking place.

The president and his predecessor faced off in the first of two debates in Atlanta on Thursday night.

The president and his predecessor faced off in the first of two debates in Atlanta on Thursday night.

Fox News contributor Joe Concha attacked the outlet, telling DailyMail.com that he believes if Biden had performed well, it would have been all over their cover.

“I find it absolutely incredible that the New York Times omits debate coverage from its front page for an event that will go down in history as the most watched political event of the year, after election night,” Concha said.

‘I can’t speak to the motives of the decision-makers (at the Times), but I’m willing to bet that if Joe Biden had had anything resembling a good night, it would have been all over the front page.

‘And once again, this underscores that this publication has not endorsed any Republican presidential candidate since 1956.

“And whoever the Democratic nominee is, it’s 100% certain that he will support that candidate as well, even Joe Biden.”

Meanwhile, Tim Graham, executive editor of Newsbusters, wondered whether the play would have been so poor if the fortunes of the debate had changed.

“I don’t know enough about the publication process, but I guess the question is: Was it a political decision or a logistical one?” Graham said.

“It’s still very embarrassing, and it raises the question: Would it have been more urgent if Trump had had a similar bad night?”

Even though the Times – which promises on every front page, “All the news that fits” – lacks information about Biden’s blockades, his weak behavior and the disastrous criticism of even the staunchest Democrats who called for his head after the debate 90 minutes, his website contained headlines including: “JOE MUST WITHDRAW FROM RACE,” “BIDEN CAN’T GO ON LIKE THIS,” and “PRESIDENT BIDEN, IT’S TIME TO QUIT.”

It is unclear why the newspaper’s edition did not publish a later edition that included the debate (it is said to have been printed around 9 pm, which is when the debate began).

But in previous years, the newspaper that followed the big debate nights included extensive front-page coverage and analysis.

On social media platform X, the outlet came under fire Friday from some critics for seemingly whitewashing the debate in its print edition.

One person posted: ‘I just looked at the front page of the New York Times. What happened last night?

“And I’m not talking about Caitlin Clark making two shots in the second half,” the message read.

While another shared a screenshot of the page and added: “What’s missing from today’s New York Times front page?”

Author Dr. Jordan Peterson also weighed in, posting: “Did I just hallucinate the disastrous presidential debate?” and shared a photo of the Times front page.

The president and his predecessor faced off in the first of two debates in Atlanta on Thursday night on topics ranging from the economy to immigration to foreign affairs.

Earlier versions of the paper after debate night included front-page coverage and analysis.

Previous editions of the newspaper after the night of the debate included front-page coverage and analysis.

Trump, on the other hand, was his usual energetic self as he attacked Biden on stage and made at least 30 false statements during the 90-minute debate.

Trump, on the other hand, was his usual energetic self as he attacked Biden on stage and made at least 30 false statements during the 90-minute debate.

Biden, whose aides said he was suffering from a cold in trying to explain his performance, spoke in a hoarse voice and appeared confused and at times incoherent at the start of the debate, which continued downhill.

At times, the president stared intently at the camera or at his notes as Trump spoke.

Trump, on the other hand, was his usual energetic self as he attacked Biden on stage and made at least 30 false statements during the 90-minute debate.

Biden’s disastrous performance made it into the Times’ online opinion pages, where not a single one of a panel of 12 writers concluded that Biden won the contest.

To top it off, a Several columnists said that Biden You should leave the race immediately.

In an article titled “God Help Us,” NYT columnist Josh Barro added that Biden was “especially disastrous” and “mumbled, was sometimes incoherent, and seemed very, very old.”

While Thomas Friedman, political commentator and friend of the president, added: ‘I watched the Biden-Trump debate alone in a hotel room in Lisbon and it made me cry.

“I cannot remember a more heartbreaking moment in American presidential campaign politics in my lifetime, precisely because of what it revealed: Joe Biden, a good man and a good president, has no business running for re-election.”

JL Partners surveyed 805 independent voters immediately after the 90-minute showdown.

JL Partners surveyed 805 independent voters immediately after the 90-minute showdown.

Friedman added that Trump was “a firebrand of lies” that “is nowhere near what is needed for America to lead in the 21st century.”

In an article by Paul Krugman titled “The Best President of My Adult Life Must Step Down,” he said he joined the “chorus calling for Biden to step aside voluntarily.”

The car accident confrontation with Donald Trump has caused a crisis within the Democratic Party.

During a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Friday, the president used his time to try to calm those fears Friday afternoon.

“I know I’m not a young man. It’s obvious,” Biden said. “Folks, I don’t walk as easily as I used to. I don’t speak as fluently as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to.”

“But I know what I know: I know how to tell the truth, I know how to distinguish right from wrong, I know how to do this job, I know how to get things done,” the president argued.

He also assured the crowd: “I give you my word as Biden.”

“I wouldn’t run again if I didn’t believe with all my heart and soul that I can do this job,” Biden said.

First Lady Jill Biden, who helped her husband off the stage after his CNN disaster, wore a dress covered in the word

First lady Jill Biden, who helped her husband off the stage after his CNN meltdown, wore a dress covered in the word “vote” and defended her debate performance the next day.

Behind the scenes there are calls to replace him on the 2024 ballot just 130 days before the nominating convention in Chicago.

“Disheartened” White House staffers have reportedly been filling group chats with messages saying their boss’s performance was “ugly” and “abysmal.”

Congressional leaders even admitted that Biden’s performance in the debate, where he rambled and struggled to finish sentences, was poor.

But publicly they stand by their man, who refuses to back down and has even committed to a second debate with Trump in September.

A devastating DailyMail.com snap poll on the debate found that a clear majority of independent voters believe Biden should no longer be the nominee. Some 62 percent said he should be removed from the ticket.

JL Partners surveyed 805 independent voters immediately after the 90-minute showdown and found that 68 percent said the former president won against his successor in the White House.

DailyMail.com contacted the New York Times for comment, but there was no immediate response.

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