Home US The move Trump made to save his life just before the bullet hit him

The move Trump made to save his life just before the bullet hit him

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The video begins with Trump addressing his crowd of supporters in Butler, PA.

New video shows the move that saved Trump’s life just as a bullet whizzed past the former president’s head at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Just before he was struck in the ear, Trump turned his head slightly — a fortunate move that potentially spared him more serious injury or even death.

A moment after the former president moved his head slightly, the bullet appeared to hit his ear.

In the top right corner of the video, at the eight-second mark, a fast-moving gray blur appeared that could be the bullet.

The video begins with Trump addressing his crowd of supporters in Butler, PA.

Then Trump moves his head slightly just before the bullet hits him.

Then Trump moves his head slightly just before the bullet hits him.

At the end of the clip, Trump slaps himself on the side of his head as blood can be seen above his ear and running down his face.

‘Watch Trump turn his head at the last second before the first shot is fired,’ reads a slow-motion video of the shooting posted on X by The Hodget Twins.

Another user X, Happy momentsHe retweeted the video and wrote: ‘Literally a fraction of an inch in the last millisecond. 100 percent divine intervention.’

After Trump was apparently hit, he moved behind the podium and was surrounded by Secret Service agents, who then escorted the former president off the stage and toward his motorcade.

Before leaving the stage, Trump vigorously raised his fist to the crowd, prompting his adoring audience to begin chanting, “USA! USA!”

Following the incident, Trump posted a statement on Truth Social that shed light on the shooting.

A moment later, Trump is apparently shot in the ear. Onlookers were quick to comment on how close the bullet came to hitting Trump in a more lethal zone.

A moment later, Trump was apparently hit in the ear by a bullet. Onlookers were quick to comment on how close the bullet came to hitting Trump in a more lethal zone.

“Nothing is known at this time about the shooter, who is now dead,” the GOP front-runner wrote.

“I was shot with a bullet that went through the top of my right ear,” Trump continued.

‘I knew immediately something was wrong because I heard a whistling sound, gunshots and immediately felt the bullet go through my skin.’

The former president added: “There was a lot of bleeding, so I realized then what was happening.”

Trump also extended his “condolences to the family of the person who died at the rally, and also to the family of another person who was seriously injured.”

The former president also expressed his appreciation for the Secret Service’s quick response.

Trump remained defiant after the attack, vigorously shaking his fist at the crowd.

Trump remained defiant after the attack, vigorously shaking his fist at the crowd.

He wrote: ‘I want to thank the United States Secret Service and all law enforcement for their quick response to the shooting that just occurred in Butler, Pennsylvania.’

Anthony Guglielmi, chief of communications for the Secret Service, issued a press release providing more details about the shooting.

‘At 6:15 p.m., a suspected shooter fired multiple shots toward the stage from an elevated position outside the rally site.’

Guglielmi continued: “The US Secret Service personnel neutralized the shooter, who is now deceased.”

At the end of the statement, the head of communications confirmed that one spectator died and two others were injured.

The FBI is now investigating the shooting, which is being treated as an attempted murder.

Republican Speaker Mike Johnson also announced that the House will conduct a full investigation.

“The American people deserve to know the truth,” President Johnson said.

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