Home Entertainment The mother who claimed Allison Langdon received special celebrity treatment on her ‘budget flight’ to Fiji refuses to back down and reveals what the ACA star was REALLY like

The mother who claimed Allison Langdon received special celebrity treatment on her ‘budget flight’ to Fiji refuses to back down and reveals what the ACA star was REALLY like

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Courtney Babic admitted that the A Current Affair host was

A mother who accused Qantas of giving A Current Affair presenter Allison Langdon special treatment on a flight from Sydney to Fiji has doubled down on her claims, despite admitting the star was “lovely to everyone”.

Mother-of-five Courtney Babic, who was on the same flight as the Channel Nine presenter, said passengers in economy class had asked staff for wine during the flight but were told the drink was not available.

She said Allison, 45, was also sitting in economy class and was not only offered wine, but her children – Mack, 7, and daughter Scout, 4 – were allowed to use the bathrooms in first class but other young people were denied access.

Ms Babic’s wild TikTok uproar was quickly exposed after Daily Mail Australia revealed photos of Langdon alongside her. Her husband Michael Willesee Jr. and their children leaving their bags at the business class check-in.

Qantas also denied her claims, stating bluntly that it was “ridiculous to suggest Allison received special treatment”.

“Any extras offered to you will be the same as those we offer to other similar frequent flyers when they travel with us,” a spokesperson for the airline added.

“Our team often says how pleasant Allison is to deal with and how much she never wants trouble.”

However, Ms Babic has doubled down on her claims, insisting that Langdon received special treatment.

“She was nice to everyone, but the staff was not nice to the other people who were in the same class seat,” Babic wrote on social media.

Courtney Babic admits the A Current Affair host was “lovely to everyone”

In another comment she added: “I’m not judging Alison, although she was lovely” and that the special treatment from the cabin crew did not bother her.

The comment prompted a woman claiming to be a former Qantas customer service manager to question Babic’s claims.

“I’ve never had an incident where they don’t serve alcohol on an international flight,” he wrote.

“Sometimes there are shortages in more isolated or smaller countries.”

Ms Babic, a former primary school teacher turned social media influencer, responded to people who claimed she had failed to get the facts straight by insisting it was possible Langdon had used business class check-in but still been seated in economy.

“I was not the only one who witnessed it,” Ms. Babic responded to a critic.

“You think you can’t get priority boarding in an economy class seat? You clearly don’t know anything.”

She mocked another commenter, telling them ‘you’ve clearly never been to the FC (First Class) lounge’.

Some Qantas Frequent Flyer members may be able to take advantage of first class boarding and lounge access while still flying in economy class.

Ms Babic told another keyboard warrior to “get a life”.

Daily Mail Australia has contacted Ms Langdon for comment.

A woman has accused Qantas of giving ACA presenter Allison Langdon special treatment on a flight from Sydney to Fiji, even though she was

A woman has accused Qantas of giving ACA presenter Allison Langdon special treatment on a flight from Sydney to Fiji, despite her being “seated in economy class”. However, photos obtained by Daily Mail Australia show Langdon and her family checking in at the business class desk.

Ms. Babic’s original two-and-a-half-minute speech did not refer to Langdon by his full name.

“There was a famous person on the plane from 60 Minutes, I think her name is Allison. She didn’t get a first class seat, she got a coach seat,” Courtney said on TikTok.

‘We flew Qantas. They turned people away if they asked for wine and that’s fine. I didn’t ask for it, but I heard that they turned a lot of people away.

‘But then she was offered wine and handed it out in front of everyone else. So the people who were denied alcohol had to sit and watch this famous lady being served alcohol when they had bought the same ticket for the same price.

‘The staff treated her better than everyone else. It’s not fair. Why are these famous people treated better than you when you’ve both paid the same amount of money?’

“If you give special treatment to someone just because you think they’re famous, I think that’s wrong. I don’t understand what’s going on with the service these days.”

Courtney (pictured) claimed Langdon, 45, was seated in economy class and was not only offered wine, but her children (Mack, 7, and Scout, 4) were allowed to use the toilets in first class but other youngsters were denied access.

Courtney (pictured) claimed Langdon, 45, was seated in economy class and was not only offered wine, but her children (Mack, 7, and Scout, 4) were allowed to use the toilets in first class but other youngsters were denied access.

Langdon and Willesee Jr. married in 2008 after first meeting in a Sydney bar.

“We were at a bar and a guy in a red T-shirt and dark jeans walked in. And you feel an overwhelming physical attraction to someone? It affected me,” she previously said.

Langdon recently revealed what he plans to do when he stops filing for ACA.

She joined the show in early 2023, replacing Tracy Grimshaw, after a three-year stint co-hosting the Today show with Karl Stefanovic.

In May, he said he hopes to remain at ACA for “a while,” and when he eventually steps aside, he intends to return to college and start a new career..

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