Home US The man dubbed the “living Nostradamus” warns that “the worst is yet to come,” claiming the world is on the brink of a war that could be sparked by “a small incident.”

The man dubbed the “living Nostradamus” warns that “the worst is yet to come,” claiming the world is on the brink of a war that could be sparked by “a small incident.”

Athos Salomé, 36, a Brazilian parapsychologist, claimed that

A man who has been dubbed the “living Nostradamus” claims that “the worst is yet to come”, suggesting the world is on the brink of World War III.

Athos Salome, 36, a Brazilian parapsychologist by training, is often called a psychic due to the accuracy of his insights and predictions, having previously predicted the coronavirus pandemic, Elon Musk buying Twitter, now called X, and even Queen Elizabeth II’s death.

Now, as people worry about escalating conflicts and humanitarian crises, they warn that “one small incident” could trigger a series of terrifying events.

Speaking exclusively to FEMAIL, he warned that “the risks associated with war highlight the potential for misunderstandings, which could lead to escalation.”

He explained: “Ongoing conflicts in regions such as the South China Sea and the military buildup along Russia’s borders serve as signs pointing toward an imminent, larger-scale confrontation.”

Athos Salomé, 36, a Brazilian parapsychologist, has claimed that “the worst is yet to come”, suggesting the world is on the brink of World War III.

Salomé warns that recent clashes between China and the Philippines over disputed waters in the South China Sea have added fuel to already latent tensions, turning this region into a focus of conflict.

He added that Russia is strengthening its presence along its borders while NATO is stepping up its support for Ukraine.

Meanwhile, North Korea’s ICBM tests are boosting the defenses and surveillance of the United States and its allies, he said.

It comes after Kim Jong Un’s forces tested a “super-large warhead” in April, according to North Korean state media.

As cyberwarfare is identified as a strategy to disrupt governments and critical infrastructure, Salomé warned that a significant cyberattack has the ability to “paralyze nations,” pointing to vulnerabilities in power grids, financial institutions and networks. Communication.

Salomé highlighted the importance of integrating AI into weapons to improve effectiveness and precision. The arms race includes advances in missiles and laser weapons systems often controlled by AI.

He said: ‘We are approaching an era in which technology plays a role in conflicts. AI is increasingly an integral part of weapons systems that serve both defensive purposes.

‘The worst is yet to come, since great leaders, followers of occultism, use these practices to achieve surgical precision and choose the exact moment of their attacks and great events.

In exclusive statements to FEMAIL, he warned that

Speaking exclusively to FEMAIL, he warned that “the risks associated with war highlight the potential for misunderstandings that could lead to escalation.”

“Strategies are meticulously calculated based on the 13-month lunar calendar, ensuring each move is executed at the ideal time to maximize its impact.”

He stressed that international cooperation and continued dialogue are crucial to avoid a disaster or even a scenario similar to World War III.

However, Salomé revealed that her predictions are possibilities, not certainties, criticizing the sensationalism that often distorts her statements.

‘Forecasts are not set in stone, but rather potential results that can be modified. Our focus must be on conflict resolution and prevention,’ he concluded.

It comes after Salome, who predicted “three days of darkness” in 2024, said her forecast was “misunderstood” when it was previously linked to a coronal mass ejection (large ejections of plasma and magnetic field from the solar corona). .

He explained that this blackout alludes, not to an event, but rather to tests involving EMP technology and the escalation of tensions between Israel and Iran that potentially pave the way for a large-scale conflict similar to a Third World War.

EMP, a specialized tool designed to destroy information systems, is a weapon that can disable electronic devices, without harming people or buildings.

Typically triggered by explosions at altitude, EMP interacts with the Earth’s magnetic fields to create pulses that can disrupt and damage electronic equipment and infrastructure.

During the Cold War, both the United States and the Soviet Union viewed EMP as a tool to disable enemy infrastructure without causing direct damage.

In 1962, the United States detonated a 1.4-megaton nuclear warhead, in an experiment known as Starfish Prime, high in the atmosphere, 400 kilometers (250 miles) above the Pacific Ocean.

The explosion, the world’s most powerful high-altitude nuclear test, created an EMP strong enough to disrupt global radio communications, causing the UK’s first satellite, Ariel-1, to fail and even knocking out streetlights in land in Hawaii.

In today’s world, there are devices that are capable of replicating EMP effects, increasing the threat in modern technology-dependent scenarios.

What are the three types of EMP?

E1: This component is the form of EMP generated by fluctuations in electric and magnetic fields; It represents a significant risk to modern electronic circuits due to its fast (nanosecond) nature.

E2: Resembling lightning pulses but less intense than E1, this component can usually be controlled with lightning protection measures.

This long-lasting element is similar to a storm.

It can last from a few seconds to several minutes, causing currents in large power lines and possibly damaging devices such as transformers.

E3: A slower, lower amplitude (but still harmful) waveform.

Localized non-nuclear EMP devices exist and work by releasing a burst of energy in the radio frequency or microwave spectrum, which can overload and damage electronic components and systems. But these are only effective on a small scale, disrupting a small town.

However, the importance of EMP remains substantial, as it has the potential to destabilize defense and communications systems.

Salomé shared her perspective on the role of artificial intelligence in conflicts, such as that between Israel and Iran, highlighting its potential to revolutionize war strategies and tactics.

The parapsychologist foresees a time in 2024 when both countries will be able to adopt AI technologies for defensive and offensive purposes.

He said: ‘AI is emerging again as a factor that could potentially serve as a peacekeeping tool and as an instigator of new confrontations.

‘Advanced nations, including the United States, have been quietly advancing EMP technologies for security purposes.

‘The United States has been exploring EMP capabilities since the Operation Prime tests in the 1960s with the goal of using this technology to neutralize threats with minimal physical damage.

‘Similarly, Russia and China are investing in EMP technologies as tools to disrupt the infrastructure of potential enemies.

‘Even North Korea, despite its limitations, is showing interest in EMP technology as part of its pre-emptive strike tactics.

“This shift in the adoption of electromagnetic weapons is a growing trend that no longer views EMP as a mere weapon, but rather as an essential element of future military efforts that has the potential to significantly and rapidly disrupt critical systems.”

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