Home US The Internet is divided after a woman reveals her unusual method for spreading butter on corn

The Internet is divided after a woman reveals her unusual method for spreading butter on corn

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An unidentified friend of TikTok user Ricki Sanchez spread butter on corn cobs with her hands, shocking others in the room with her.

TikTok users were left stunned after a woman buttered corn on the cob with her hands in a very suggestive way.

Ricki Sanchez posted a video This morning on the social media platform, her friend was seen covering an ear of corn with butter that she picked up with her hand.

“We were all shocked by the way my friend buttered the corn. We’re all still confused,” Sanchez wrote in the video’s description.

Other people in the kitchen of the Nashville residence were shocked by the woman’s actions, and someone in the room could be heard yelling “no” at the top of their lungs.

“If you tell me this isn’t the best corn you’ve ever tasted, I’ll tell you you’re a liar,” said the controversial corn butter maker.

An unidentified friend of TikTok user Ricki Sanchez spread butter on corn cobs with her hands, shocking others in the room with her.

Just before her friend dipped her entire hand into the container of butter, Sanchez asked her if the corn was hot enough, to which she said yes.

Once her friend rubbed the butter between her hands, Sanchez laughed in shock.

An unidentified man in the video held the container of butter and showed viewers where she placed her hand.

“What are you going to do with this next?” the man asked.

“When someone comes up to you and says, ‘Hey, can I have some butter? Yeah, your fingerprint is on the butter.'”

The rebellious buttermaid insisted that it was her ‘butter right’ when she finished washing her hands.

Despite the “diabolical” measure, Sanchez admitted that her friend’s buttering method “worked well” and everyone ate the corn on the cob and thought it was good.

Since the post, social media has been debating the merits of the buttered corn on the cob method.

Sanchez's friend waited until the corn cob was warm before covering it with butter, which she rubbed between her hands.

Sanchez’s friend waited until the corn cob was warm before covering it with butter, which she rubbed between her hands.

An unidentified man in the video held up the butter container that Sanchez's friend used and asked what would happen if other guests in the house saw fingerprints on it.

An unidentified man in the video held up the butter container that Sanchez’s friend used and asked what would happen if other guests in the house saw fingerprints on it.

“The way she butters the corn…we don’t eat corn after that,” wrote one TikTok user.

More than one person admitted that her butter-spreading method is the reason they don’t attend potlucks, and at least three commenters compared her actions to sexual acts.

Several commenters also supported the corn butter spreading method, with one person even defending it.

“It’s his butter and his hands are clean. Chefs in restaurants you pay to eat at do much worse things than touching butter with their hands,” the commenter wrote.

One TikTok user who claimed to be from Alabama wrote: “This is normal for me. This is how everyone I know does it. It’s quick and easy.”

The Southern commentator added that home cooking is all about “using your hands.”

Several social media users criticized Sanchez's friend or defended her actions of spreading corn butter. Reddit users suggested other methods, such as using aluminum foil or trays.

Several social media users criticized Sanchez’s friend or defended her actions of spreading corn butter. Reddit users suggested other methods, such as using aluminum foil or trays.

Reddit users discussed various techniques for spreading corn butter on a mail Created by someone four years ago asking what method they used to butter corn on the cob.

More than one user revealed that they use both hands and apply the butter manually.

‘I scoop a handful of butter out of a container, lather it between my hands, then slowly and methodically use both hands to massage it from tip to base while slowly rotating it,’ one Reddit user wrote.

Several Redditors who disagreed with this method left harsh comments, with one writing: “You butter it with a knife. How else would you butter things?”

Another person wrote that he uses a knife to butter corn on the cob “like a civilized person.”

Other methods Reddit users say they use to butter corn on the cob include rolling it in foil, using a corn pan, or dipping it in melted butter.

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