Home Tech The head of a non -profit Jewish organization says that Musk will stimulate violence with his ‘Nazi greeting’

The head of a non -profit Jewish organization says that Musk will stimulate violence with his ‘Nazi greeting’

The head of a non -profit Jewish organization says that Musk will stimulate violence with his 'Nazi greeting'

The head of an outstanding Jewish civil rights of the United States said that the repeated fascist style of Elon Musk during the inauguration of Donald Trump could act as an inception for violent extremists.

“The greeting in itself should be enough to deserve condemnation and attention,” said Amy Spitalnick, adding that it should also be “the way in which extremists see an action like this and take it as a license for their own violent extremism.”

Spitalnick is the executive director of the Jewish Council of Public AffairsA non -profit progressive organization founded in the 1940s and based in New York City. On Monday, he saw with the rest of the world how Musk, the richest person in the world and a Trump key ally, spoke in Washington at the inaugural rally of the new president and made two fascist style greetings.

Musk and his followers have tried to ignore the matter, but for Spitalnick, “there was nothing ambiguous” in greetings, no matter how many attempts they are made to describe them as “Romans” or anything else.

“There is a long history here,” he said. “The fact that Nazi greetings is now a usual part of our political discourse is the reason why I got involved in all this. Before the JCPA, I directed the non -profit organization (Integrity First for America) that filed a demand for (the progress of the extreme right of 2017 in) Charlottesville and against (the activist) Richard Spencer and a variety of other defendants which are clearly neo-extremists Nazis.

“You know: ‘He made the Roman greeting’ is only the euphemistic way of saying ‘Nazi greeting'”.

For Spitalnick, “most people today even completely understand what the term ‘fascist’ means, so naming it as what is – Nazi greeting – seems important at this time.”

It is also important, he says, not ruling out the consequences as a simple online dispute, an attempt to distract opponents with scandalous behavior. Musk has not only expressed his support for Alternative Für Deutschland, a German extreme right -wing party widely accused of having Naziscas opinions, but also decided Immigration, equality and more.

Musk’s greeting found a warm welcome in extreme right sites, such as when in November 2023 he supported a publication on his own platform, X, who said that the Jews promote “hatred against whites” and support the immigration of “Hordas of minorities ”. After the condemnation of the advertisers and the White House of Biden, Musk apologized: saying that “it could literally be the worst and darker post that I have ever done,” visited Auschwitz, the Nazi extermination field in Poland, in a sample of contrition.

Amy Spitalnick outside the United Nations on September 22, 2023 in New York City. Photography: Rob Kim/Getty Images for New York protest movement

For Spitalnick, that apology rang hollow: “There was some commitment to Prime Minister (Benjamin) Netanyahu (from Israel) and others that was used as an attempt to cover up not only his own acceptance of anti -Semitism and extremism, but also the ways in which It has allowed it. It runs unbridled in X, and given the ways in which it is normalized, not only in social networks but in our policy in general, we cannot excuse it. We cannot cover it in any way. ”

This time, Musk did not apologize. On Thursday, he continued a series of joke publications about his behavior in Trump’s parade with a series of words with Nazis themes. including: “Some people give importance to Goebbels!”

Nor have all the pressure groups condemned Musk’s greetings. The Anti -Diffamation League, which fights against anti -Semitism and the one that Musk previously threatened to sue, just said that “he made an uncomfortable gesture in a moment of enthusiasm, not a Nazi greeting.”

The JCPA “is fundamentally disagree,” said Spitalnick, “and we work closely with ADL on a variety of fronts. They do a critical job. And in this case, for me, there was no doubt what the intention was, and even more important, the impact of this action.

“It was in a presidential event, and (Musk) is someone who has a presidential appointment, an office in the executive building. It is not a third random. He is a high member of the Trump administration who did a Nazi greeting from the presidential podium. And there is no world in which that does not lead to more hate and extremism that will make Jews and so many other communities less safe. ”

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Musk works for a president who, as reported, praised and admired Hitler; whose vice president once called him “the Hitler of the United States”; And whose opponent in last year’s elections, Kamala Harris, called “A fascist” and an admirer of the dictators.

Spitalnick acknowledges that after elections characterized by an avalanche of invective of this type, which Trump won anyway, the public can decide that Musk’s apparent hobby for fascist style greetings does not deserve serious attention.

But he has already fought against the extreme right before and won. Charlottesville’s demand was filed by nine plaintiffs who alleged physical damage and emotional anguish derived from the Unite The Right manifestation, a Pro-Trump protest in Virginia in August 2017. In November 2021, a jury granted 24 million demanders 24 million dollars, which were then reduced substantially.

In the second Trump administration, says Spitalnick, the courts will provide a scenario again so that progressives counterattack.

She “worked at the New York Attorney General’s Office during the first Trump administration, and again and again, our office and several other state general prosecutors won cases against their administration, not only for constitutional and administrative procedure reasons, but by a variety of reasons. ” of other reasons. The law is the law and we have to fight with all our strength to protect the law and protect our justice system and our broader democratic norms. ”

Amid the protests for Musk’s greetings, says Spitalnick, who oppose the billionaire and their boss should remember “that when people feel that it has been an avalanche of bad things in recent days, the answer just begins.”

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