Home US The fetishes of the future? Nurses and firefighters will be replaced by realistic elves and aliens as more people embrace virtual reality sex, a futurologist predicts

The fetishes of the future? Nurses and firefighters will be replaced by realistic elves and aliens as more people embrace virtual reality sex, a futurologist predicts

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This proliferation of virtual reality technology will create
  • New report predicts the future of love, sex and relationships
  • As sex in virtual reality becomes more widespread, it will open the door to new fetishes

They are often considered a taboo subject.

But a new report is finally revealing sexual fetishes and what they might look like in the future.

Sexual wellness brand LELO has worked with futurologist Tom Cheesewright to predict the future of love, sex and relationships.

As virtual reality becomes more widespread, Cheesewright suggests our fetishes will shift away from the more traditional options of nurses and firefighters.

Instead, Brits will fantasize about “realistic elves and aliens,” he says.

This proliferation of virtual reality technology will create “exciting opportunities,” according to Cheesewright.

For the report, LELO asked Mr. Cheesewright how he thinks love, sex and relationships will evolve over the next 50 years.

In the report, he explained: ‘I used a modified scenario planning process.

“Starting with some of the prevailing trends today, I extended them out to the fifty-year horizon and imagined what the world might look like at that time if those trends persist, in the uneven way they tend to do.”

One of the futurologist’s key predictions is that Britons will have more sex in a virtual environment.

“The continued integration of technology into our daily lives will see us spend most of our days in a semi-digital environment,” he predicted.

Virtual reality will allow people to rewrite their environment for role-playing

Virtual reality will allow people to rewrite their environment for “ultimate fantasy” role-playing, the futurologist says, with “realistic elves and aliens” (artist’s impression) being just two of the possibilities.

«Probably a mixed reality, it will include digital objects, avatars and artificial intelligences projected into our physical environment through smart glasses or lenses.

“Inevitably, there will be an enormous amount of sexual content.”

This proliferation of virtual reality technology will create “exciting opportunities,” according to Cheesewright.

“To date, most of the exploration of virtual reality in a sexual context has been for immersive pornography,” he added.

“But the integration of physical and digital creates new possibilities.”

Virtual reality will allow people to rewrite their environment for “ultimate fantasy” role-playing, the futurologist says, with “realistic elves and aliens” being just two of the possibilities.

‘We can build characters around toys, robots and artificial intelligence. “There will be many temptations,” he added.

The report comes shortly after a LELO survey found that one in three Britons would like to have an intimate relationship with a robot.

LELO surveyed 4,000 participants about their sexual experiences and desires in 2023.

While a third of Brits said they would like to have sex with a robot, the results revealed a huge divide between genders.

Nearly half (43.9 percent) of men surveyed said they would be willing to play with robots, while only 21 percent of women surveyed said the same.

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