Home Life Style The dermatologist reveals how to enhance your luscious locks without growing hair on your face and neck.

The dermatologist reveals how to enhance your luscious locks without growing hair on your face and neck.

There is an easy trick to grow your hair back, but it could cause hair to grow on your face and neck, not just your head (stock image)

There’s an easy trick to regrow your luscious locks, but it could cause hair to grow on your face and neck, not just your head.

Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Abby Waldman, based in Boston, Massachusetts, made a TikTok video on how to grow hair without accidentally getting it into unwanted places using Minoxidil.

According WebMDMinoxidil foam solution and two percent solution can be used to help hair growth in women with fine hair.

To apply it, women place Minoxidil directly on the scalp (Dr. Abby uses a makeup brush) and rub it in before bed.

As more and more people face hair loss (and are more open about it on social media), they are looking for ways to grow hair back.

However, some can go wrong without the right tips and tricks.

Dr. Abby explained in the caption: “Five percent minoxidil is effective for hair growth, but sometimes it can be too effective and you can cause hair to grow in places you don’t want, like your face and the neck.”

“Point of view: You prevent hair from growing on your face while using Minoxidil by applying it with a makeup brush,” the Harvard assistant professor wrote in her video.

There is an easy trick to grow your hair back, but it could cause hair to grow on your face and neck, not just your head (stock image)

According to WebMD, minoxidil foam solution and two percent solution can be used to help hair growth in women with fine hair.

According to WebMD, minoxidil foam solution and two percent solution can be used to help hair growth in women with fine hair.

Dr Abby told her followers to “apply more than an hour before bed and keep hair away from your face and neck,” before showing them exactly how she does it step by step.

Women flocked to the comments to share their own advice, although some said they wished they had watched the video sooner.

“Another tip: use a little Vaseline as a ‘brim’ and wear a headband and nightcap to avoid staining your pillows,” one woman said.

Another woman suggested using a hair serum applicator to apply it directly to the scalp and avoid the hair and face.

One commenter said that it is better to clean the perimeter with micellar water so that hair does not appear on the forehead.

Others said it is essential to wash your hands afterwards, so that it does not accidentally spread to parts of the body.

Another said it caused facial edema, which is a swelling that occurs when fluid accumulates.

‘???????????? ?????? questioned one commenter.

As more people face hair loss, and are more open about it on social media, they are looking for ways to grow hair back (file image)

As more people face hair loss, and are more open about it on social media, they are looking for ways to grow hair back (file image)

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1737062141 852 The dermatologist reveals how to enhance your luscious locks without

1737062141 578 The dermatologist reveals how to enhance your luscious locks without

Women flocked to the comments to share their own advice, although some said they wished they had watched the video sooner.

Women flocked to the comments to share their own advice, although some said they wished they had watched the video sooner.

“Once you start using it, you have to KEEP using it or it will go back to the way it was or worse,” one commenter warned.

Unfortunately, the treatment does not cure baldness and people will start losing hair again if they stop.

While the over-the-counter foam used by millions of Americans is effective, it can sometimes be overly successful.

Cases of “werewolf syndrome” in babies have been attributed to it, which causes babies to develop uncontrollable hair growth all over their bodies.

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