Home US The bride was left furious after discovering why she was left to walk down the aisle alone when her mother arrived late to her wedding.

The bride was left furious after discovering why she was left to walk down the aisle alone when her mother arrived late to her wedding.

A woman was left feeling dejected after having to carry out her wedding ceremony without her mother being present as she did not arrive on time.

A woman was left dejected after having to go ahead with her wedding without her mother after she failed to arrive on time for the ceremony.

‘Am I an idiot for starting my wedding ceremony before my mother showed up?’ she captioned the photo. The post he shared on Reddit.

‘The wedding day started out as usual, I (the bride) was inside getting ready and outside the finishing touches were being put on,’ she began the story.

‘When I was almost ready at noon, my mother had to run back to the hotel, which was 20 minutes away, to change and return to my grandmother and a family friend.’

The woman pointed out that the invitation specified that the ceremony would begin at 2 p.m. sharp.

A woman was left feeling dejected after having to carry out her wedding ceremony without her mother being present as she did not arrive on time.

The bride discovered that her mother was simply delaying her preparations at the hotel and that's why she arrived 45 minutes late (file image)

The bride discovered that her mother was simply delaying her preparations at the hotel and that’s why she arrived 45 minutes late (file image)

“We were a little late to start, but nothing out of the ordinary,” he continued.

‘The next thing I knew I was walking down the aisle with no mother, grandmother or family friend in sight.

‘The ceremony continues and ends before we know it.

‘Still nothing, after 45 minutes they finally appear.

‘So I proceed to go and tell them it’s over and that they missed him and that 2 meant 2.

‘My mother immediately became hostile and proceeded to blame the bakery for not having bagels ready, then said they were stopped by a train and my personal favorite was “It’s your fault you didn’t call or text to see where we were.”

The woman then said exasperatedly: “EXCUSE ME! The invitation said 2 again.”

“It’s also worth noting that the officiant had another wedding to attend after mine, so it was a tight schedule,” she added.

The bride was left furious after discovering why she was

1725352160 316 The bride was left furious after discovering why she was

1725352160 751 The bride was left furious after discovering why she was

1725352161 981 The bride was left furious after discovering why she was

Redditors overwhelmingly agreed that the woman was NTA (short for Not The A**hole)

Redditors overwhelmingly agreed that the woman was NTA (short for Not The A**hole)

“So, am I the idiot for not having my ceremony?” she asked.

“Side note: I found out the real reason they were late: she hadn’t finished getting ready and that’s why she was holding everyone up. But she’s mad at me because it’s my fault,” the woman concluded about her situation.

The hundreds of Redditors who responded overwhelmingly deemed the woman to be NTA (short for Not The A**hole).

‘NTA. You started your wedding on time. I don’t know what poor planning went into her leaving and coming back, but she didn’t, and her reaction doesn’t seem to indicate she actually did. I don’t see why you should delay the start of your wedding for ANYONE. Seems like an important lesson she needed to learn,’ one analyzed.

“NTA did they have time to stop at a bakery? They had no intention of getting there on time, they expected their presence to mean more to you than it actually did and they’re crazy to see that they’re not as important in real life as their own mind,” a second speculated.

“NTA and it sounds like your mom is kind of a diva and wanted to make a big (look at ME!) late entrance. You did the right thing by your pastor, your guests, and anyone else involved in your ceremony. Keep it low-key for a while until she gathers enough humanity to see she was wrong,” a third suggested.

“NTA… Your lack of planning caused you to miss your own daughter’s wedding. There’s one moment that no one will forget for a long time,” a fourth noted.

And a fifth declared: “NOT. Being 45 minutes late is blatantly disrespectful. Your mother can pound sand. I bet she’s an entitled bully in other areas too.”

(tags to translate)dailymail

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