Home Tech The Brane X speaker is small, but it sounds like a home theater

The Brane X speaker is small, but it sounds like a home theater

Black oval shaped speaker with handle on top and icons on top sitting on wood chips next to small plants

The bass is essential. A dedicated speaker capable of reproducing convincing bass and sub-bass not only makes music and movies feel more authentic, it can even improve the detail and dynamics of the higher registers by freeing up sonic space underneath. So trying to insert a real subwoofer into a portable speaker is not at all a crazy idea: it’s just incredibly difficult.

That’s what makes x-brane so impressive. Over the years, I’ve heard great claims about low-extension “woofers” in virtually all types of compact speakers, but the Brane X is the first to literally hit every note. He does this with a specialized RAD (Repel Attract Driver) that appears to perform physics-defying magic from inside the speaker’s sturdy frame. This is combined with multiple high-frequency drivers above for clear and surprisingly expansive performance across all registers.

To get this kind of revolutionary bass in a package you can take almost anywhere, Brane charges a fee that will make most casual buyers spit out their drinks. But if your budget is negotiable, the Brane

Surreal sound

Do you listen to music with percussion or drums? Bass, synth or strings? If so, you will benefit from what Brane X can do. The most notable thing about the speaker’s powerful punch is not the amount of bass it delivers, but the type and quality. This is pure, complete, unadulterated low frequency performance from the source.

Photography: Ryan Waniata

As you can imagine, the Brane However, as I listened to my catalog, it became increasingly clear that the pointy touch of the RAD subwoofer is just as impressive when implemented more subtly.

The haunting introduction of voice and guitar in “The Ghost of Tom Joad” by Springsteen” sounds clear and airy, as you would expect from a quality laptop. Then the bass hits and everything rises. The rich natural tone that Brane X reproduces adds depth and gravity to the song, bringing all its emotional intensity to life.

I didn’t have a suitable laptop that could hold its own against the Brane . Even the exciting 300, which offers impressive bass in its own right, couldn’t match the Brane on the heavier tracks, sketching more of an impression of the lower tones than the full monty.

Brane says its Repel Attract Driver can deliver this kind of authenticity by using a special magnet and spring system to cancel out the “internal air pressure forces” that hinder other speakers. This results in a ten-fold increase in sub-bass sound and a hundred-fold increase in sub-bass efficiency. It sounds like a lot of techno mumbo-jumbo, but with the Brane Tapping the power key evokes small hums, apparently adjusting its complex internal mechanism before playback.

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