Home US The billionaire LinkedIn co-founder who helped E. Jean Carroll sue Trump says if he fears the former president will be re-elected: ‘Of course I’m worried’

The billionaire LinkedIn co-founder who helped E. Jean Carroll sue Trump says if he fears the former president will be re-elected: ‘Of course I’m worried’

Billionaire and Democratic mega-donor Reid Hoffman is sacred to retaliation against himself and others who go against Donald Trump should the former president retake the White House.

Billionaire and Democratic mega-donor Reid Hoffman is sacred to retaliation against himself and others who go against Donald Trump should the former president retake the White House.

The LinkedIn co-founder has consistently opposed Trump, even using his nonprofit to fund E. Jean Carroll’s successful lawsuit against the former commander in chief.

Hoffman, typically a donor to establishment Democrats, gave $250,000 to a super PAC backing Nikki Haley in an attempt to hurt Trump’s primary run.

Despite being one of the richest men in the world, he says he fears retaliation from Trump for funding his political enemies.

“Of course I’m worried,” Hoffman said, asserting that Trump “will go after his political opponents with the instruments of the state.”

Billionaire and Democratic mega-donor Reid Hoffman is sacred to retaliation against himself and others who go against Donald Trump should the former president retake the White House.

Hoffman, who was part of a group of tech executives and investors called the “PayPal Mafia” in the 1990s before co-founding LinkedIn and selling it to Microsoft for $26.2 billion in 2013, says he’s not alone among his peers. one percent who oppose Trump’s strategy. gonna.

He said many business leaders keep their mouths shut about Trump because “they’re afraid to speak out against this because they fear retaliation.”

Other liberals like Rachel Maddow have publicly fantasized that Trump might try to put them in internment camps.

Hoffman, who two years ago apologized after it was revealed that visited the disgraced financier Jeffrey EpsteinPrivate Caribbean island after being found guilty of sex crimes, has called Trump ‘a spoiled rich kid who ruins everything he touches. Including the American economy.’

However, he told CNN that despite his fears he will manage to muster the courage to continue speaking out against Trump.

“When you feel afraid is the precise moment when you should think about taking a step forward,” he said.

Hoffman argued, in the same interview, that Joe Biden is a more “pro-business” president than Trump because he “respects the rule of law.”

“If all you have to do with being pro-business is regulation and taxes, then you say, ‘Okay, great, it’s whoever lowers regulation and taxes,'” he said.

Despite being one of the richest men in the world, Hoffman says he fears retaliation from Trump for funding his political enemies.

Despite being one of the richest men in the world, Hoffman says he fears retaliation from Trump for funding his political enemies.

Hoffman argued, in the same interview, that Joe Biden is a more president

Hoffman argued, in the same interview, that Joe Biden is a more “pro-business” president than Trump because he “respects the rule of law.”

‘But the rule of law is what has made America so special. “He has created an environment for business that has been spectacular and a shining beacon for the entire world.”

‘It is the trust that other countries have in us, in our system and in the way we interact, that allows our industries to export and allows the dollar to be the world’s global reserve currency,’ he added.

“And that’s why Biden is fundamentally, no matter what, more pro-business than Trump.”

Court documents revealed that Carroll’s lawsuit was funded in part by Hoffman, The hill reported.

Even after supporting Carroll’s victorious lawsuit, Hoffman continued his anti-Trump crusade, endorsing Haley in the primary amid attacks on her for accepting money from Democrats.

“Nikki Haley wouldn’t be as good for America as Joe Biden, but America would survive his administration,” he wrote.

“If America wants to avoid another Trump presidency, it will be because Trump loses the election next year. If he loses, it will be to Nikki Haley in the primary or to Joe Biden in the general election,” he added at the time.

Trump easily defeated Haley in the primary and is now tied with Biden in the polls to win the general election in November.

Hoffman also called Trump’s social media platform, Truth Social, “another huge failure.”

“Trump is a loser so stuck in the past that he would rather spread lies, incite insurrection, and damage American democracy than admit he lost a fair election,” Hoffman said in 2022.

He added: ‘Trump has the unique achievement of personally benefiting from running money-losing casinos. (He’s cool as a hustler.)’

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