Home US The Bachelorette’s trans star Josh Seiter labels Megyn Kelly ‘transphobic and racist’ after the podcast host slammed her as a ‘fake woman’ and compared her transition to BLACKFACE

The Bachelorette’s trans star Josh Seiter labels Megyn Kelly ‘transphobic and racist’ after the podcast host slammed her as a ‘fake woman’ and compared her transition to BLACKFACE

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Transgender The Bachelorette star Josh Seiter (pictured) slammed Megyn Kelly after the former Fox News host called the Chicago native a

Transgender The Bachelorette star Josh Seiter has slammed Megyn Kelly after the former Fox News host called the Chicago native a “fake woman.”

Kelly, along with two guest panelists, criticized Seiter on her SiriusXM show on Sept. 5, even going so far as to compare Seiter’s transition to blackface.

“Can we talk about the Bachelor contestant who now says he’s a woman, something we all know isn’t possible on this show, sir?” Kelly said.

‘Look at this guy, it’s amazing what they can call a woman these days!’

Kelly then asked: “How is this any different than blackface shows? It’s all designed to mock us and belittle us.”

Transgender The Bachelorette star Josh Seiter (pictured) has slammed Megyn Kelly after the former Fox News host called the Chicago native a “fake woman.”

Kelly, along with two guest panelists, criticized Seiter on her SiriusXM show on Sept. 5, even going so far as to compare Seiter's transition to blackface.

Kelly, along with two guest panelists, criticized Seiter on her SiriusXM show on Sept. 5, even going so far as to compare Seiter’s transition to blackface.

“No transgender person would look or behave like that. This is making fun of women.”

Seiter, 37, responded to Kelly’s comments to DailyMail.com, calling them “really offensive” and “hurtful.”

“As a woman, I don’t like people comparing my gender identity to racism or racist demonstrations. To me, that doesn’t make sense,” Seiter explained.

“Being trans is simply accepting what I feel inside and choosing to dress and act in a way that most aligns with my gender identity. It’s not about making fun of a group of people, like painting my face black,” Seiter continued.

“She’s just using my name to boost her show’s ratings, but I think she needs a lesson about gender identity and I’d be happy to give it to her.”

Seiter then attacked Kelly’s 2018 racism scandal, which led to her talk show being removed from NBC after she defended wearing blackface during a controversial segment.

“I’m assuming she knows all about blackface, since her NBC show was cancelled when she made comments about it being acceptable for white people to dress up as black celebrities for Halloween. So it’s not surprising that Megyn Kelly is transphobic as well as racist,” Seiter said.

Seiter responded to Kelly's comments and brought up her 2018 racism scandal, calling the former Fox News host

Seiter responded to Kelly’s comments and brought up her 2018 racism scandal, calling the former Fox News host “transphobic and racist.”

Kelly's morning talk show was canceled by NBC in 2018 after she defended wearing blackface as a Halloween costume.

Kelly’s morning talk show was canceled by NBC in 2018 after she defended wearing blackface as a Halloween costume.

The former reality star also offered to appear on Kelly’s show to discuss the issue “woman to woman,” before adding: “I just don’t think she understands the science.”

Seiter also vehemently denied faking her transition after two of the panelists on Megyn’s show accused Seiter of “trolling.”

‘I would never fake a transition for the sake of ‘likes,’ and I think accusing someone of that is horrible.

“I am a trans woman and I challenge anyone to prove that I am not,” Seiter said.

Seiter announced her plans to transition to female in May.

While fans were initially supportive of the 38-year-old’s decision, some have since questioned her intentions and accused Seiter of ‘trolling’ for attention.

Seiter, who was caught up in a death hoax last year, raised eyebrows with her gender-bending journey by refusing to shave her body hair and claiming she felt “more feminine” when she didn’t wear a wig.

Seiter offered to appear on Kelly's show to discuss the matter.

Seiter offered to appear on Kelly’s show to discuss the issue “woman to woman,” before adding: “I just don’t think she understands the science.”

Speaking to DailyMail.com about the backlash in June, Seiter insisted her transition was real and said her detractors were simply jealous of her gorgeous looks.

“I’m getting a lot of hate from the LGBTQ community and people who consider themselves gatekeepers, even though they preach about love, tolerance and acceptance,” the former stripper said.

“I find it ironic that a movement that values ​​freedom and finding our own way is also one of the most critical. In fact, I have found much more support among my conservative friends than among my so-called liberal friends.”

Seiter said she was largely unaffected by the backlash and rampant speculation surrounding her gender identity.

“I think most people are just jealous that I’m a beautiful trans woman. I’ve noticed that I look better than most of the trans women who hate me in my DMs and comments, so I think the hate is just jealousy disguised as concern,” Seiter said.

“It’s sad that my transition has outraged so many people.”

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