Home US The alert level of several US military bases in Europe is raised to the second highest level after “intelligence-based terrorist actions or attacks against personnel or facilities are likely”

The alert level of several US military bases in Europe is raised to the second highest level after “intelligence-based terrorist actions or attacks against personnel or facilities are likely”

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Ramstein Air Base (pictured) raises its alert level to 'Charlie', the second highest level
  • The alert level was raised at four US military bases in Europe
  • They were elevated to ‘Charlie’, the second highest level.
  • This means that a terrorist attack or attack on personnel is “likely.”

The US military has raised the alert level of several of its bases across Europe to the second-highest level in a move not seen “in at least ten years.”

The U.S. Army garrison in Stuttgart, Germany, U.S. military headquarters in Europe, bases in Rhineland-Palatinate and Ramstein and Aviano Air Base in Italy were placed on “Charlie” alert level over the weekend, they said. several publications.

The ‘Charlie’ threat level only “applies when an incident occurs or information is received indicating that some form of terrorist action or an attack on personnel or facilities is likely,” according to the US military.

It is currently unknown why the four bases, which together constitute the largest U.S. military community overseas, increased their threat levels.

But a US official said CNN that they have not seen a threat level this high “in at least 10 years,” adding that this generally means the military is aware of an “active-credible threat.”

Ramstein Air Base (pictured) has raised its alert level to ‘Charlie’, the second highest level

The continent has been on high alert for terrorism for months

The continent has been on high alert for terrorism for months

In addition to the formally raised alert level, Spangdahlem Air Base in western Germany informed airmen from its 52nd Fighter Unit that they were prohibited from wearing their uniforms outside the base and must travel in civilian clothes, according to a military publication. Stars and Stripes reported.

The continent has been on high alert for terrorism for months.

In March, French President Emmanuel Macron raised his country’s terror alert level to the highest level after revealing that the ISIS branch that killed hundreds of people in Moscow attempted to carry out “several” attacks in France.

France’s security alert system, Vigipirate, was raised to its highest level months ago, where it remains to this day, after Macron held an emergency meeting to discuss the already tense security situation in the country. as it prepares to host the 2024 Olympic Games.

He revealed that ISIS-K, the ultra-brutal branch of ISIS that Western intelligence believes carried out the Moscow attack, “has tried several times to attack France.”

The current terrorist threat level in the UK is “substantial”, the third highest of five levels.

According to MI5, this means that “an attack is likely.” In October, British intelligence chiefs considered raising it one level to “severe” following the outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas.

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