Home Tech The 25 Most Unexpected Film Endings

The 25 Most Unexpected Film Endings

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unexpected film endings

What would you pick as some of the most unexpected film endings? I plumbed my film history knowledge to come up with some of the most shocking twists I could think of. The twist ending is an often misused literary device, detracting from what otherwise might be a stellar story. Today’s choices are anything but trite and are sure to leave you slack-jawed in their wake.


Peter Weir’s Gallipoli is well worth a watch for military history buffs.

History buffs no doubt get the twist behind this one. Gallipoli is much more than a historical film, which serves as a backdrop to the horrors visited upon its protagonists. The thin veneer of hope afforded by the film’s climax is dashed at the last moment, resulting in one of the most unexpected film endings you’ll ever see.

Tokyo Story

unexpected film endings
Few films offer such a harrowing look at someone’s twilight years as Tokyo Story.

Widely regarded as one of the true classics of Japanese film, Tokyo Story will undoubtedly leave a mark on you. The thematic elements displayed are heavy, focusing on age, family, and where the elderly fit into society. One of the most unexpected film endings comes in the final moments of the film, where every shred of hope is dashed at the last moment.

Blow Out

Unexpected Film Endings
Blow Out’s finale will take your breath away.

Brian De Palma is no stranger to unexpected moves toward the audience. Among his many thrillers, Blow Out is a standout. What could be a contrived premise comes together to make a taut and gripping thriller following a sound engineer’s quest for the truth. The final scenes are grim, almost bordering on black comedy in one of the most unexpected film endings you’ll find.

Paths of Glory

unexpected film endings
Paths of Glory is one of Kubrick’s first true masterpieces.

Kubrick’s treatise on war, glory, and the consequences thereof doesn’t feature a single scene of combat. You’ll find no viscera, violence, or even displays of military prowess. This character study ends in a foregone conclusion, but you’ll find yourself shaken by its end.

Star 80

unexpected film endings
Eric Roberts is one of the film’s true villains in Star 80.

Bob Fosses’s Star 80 has the makings of exploitative schlock. Instead, it focuses on the trials and misdeeds committed against a young woman. While the promises of riches and stardom run as a subtle undercurrent throughout, the final scenes are haunting. It results in one of the most unexpected film endings you’ll come across, with its sheer shock leaving many viewers disturbed for days after viewing.


unexpected film endings
Threads might be low-budget, but it is packed with big thrills.

If you go looking, Threads often comes up as one of the most disturbing films of all time. The premise is simple as it follows a handful of people in England on the eve of total nuclear war. Instead of playing to the geo-political intrigue, it shows a stark and bitter reality of the fallout of such events. One thing is certain, Threads has one of the most brutal unexpected film endings you’ll find.

Bicycle Thieves

Bicycle Thieves
Few films show the effects of post-war poverty in such a sorrowful light.

Bicycle Thieves frequently tops many best-of lists when it comes to film. This character study is simple in concept, but harrowing in its depiction of the cycle of poverty found in post-war Italy. There are no hopeful moments found in the film’s ending. It ends realistically, which ironically makes for one of the most unexpected film endings you’ll find.

A.I. Artificial Intelligence

A.I. Artificial Intelligence
Spielberg’s take on Kubrick’s final film is masterfully done.

Kubrick’s swan song features yet another uncharacteristic twist ending. A.I. Artificial Intelligence is a divisive film for many reasons. It finishes with one of the most unexpected film endings you’ll find, bordering on sorrow and absolute beauty. Time has led to a reappraisal of the film’s merits.

The Fly

The Fly
Jeff Goldblum was launched into stardom after this movie.

The Fly is a tragedy posing as a horror film. With that in mind, you shouldn’t be surprised that it contains one of the most shocking unexpected film endings you’ll find. Special mention has to be made of Jeff Goldblum’s performance, which does just as much work as the special effects.

Twentynine Palms

Twentynine Palms
This film isn’t for the faint of heart.

Twentynine Palms essentially functions as a tone poem for lust and sexual exploration. Language is a barrier between the film’s two protagonists, but it still has time for a meandering story. The last segment of the film devolves into utter shock, resulting in one of the most disturbing unexpected film endings you’ll find.

Rosemary’s Baby

Rosemary's Baby
The twist in Rosemary’s Baby catches everyone off guard.

Based on the hit novel by Ira Levin, Rosemary’s Baby flops between the supernatural and mental illness. This is played to much success for most of the film’s runtime, until the ending at least. You’ll find yourself in awe of how masterfully the ending is done, I know I was.

All Quiet on the Western Front

All Quiet on the Western Front
No one gets out of this film without the horrors of war inflicted upon them.

All Quiet on the Western Front serves as one of the most masterful works in film or literature to focus on the horrors of war. The film version ends in much the same fashion as the original novel, displaying just how banal and meaningless the conflict between the nations is. There is a faint glimmer of hope as the film wears on. It ends in one of the most unexpected endings you’ll find.

They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?

They Shoot Horses, Don't They?
The desperation of The Great Depression permeates through this film.

Few films approach the core theme with such a heavy-handed nature as They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? The twist ending comes as no surprise given the subject matter. Despite its telegraphed nature, the ending will still surprise even the most jaded viewer.

Looking for Mr. Goodbar

Looking for Mr. Goodbar
The final moments of this film are utterly shocking.

Looking for Mr. Goodbar is a film at odds with itself. The original novel works as a character study, rather than a cautionary tale. With this in mind, the final segment of the movie is harrowing, resulting in one of the most unexpected endings in film history.

Army of Shadows

Army of Shadows
Army of Shadows ends on a note of intense sorrow.

World War II left its share of victims in its wake. One of the most massive conflicts in human history carried a heavy cost, as Army of Shadows deftly shows. The ending still hits like a truck, sucking the air out of the room on a first viewing.

Miracle Mile

miracle mile
Miracle Mile is an odd fusion that works astoundingly well.

I will readily admit I am a massive fan of Miracle Mile. This 80s cult film goes beyond the pale when it comes to turning genre conventions on its end. What begins as a basic rom-com ends up mired in Cold War paranoia before everything goes up in flames.

Night of the Living Dead

Night of the Living Dead
The final moments of Night of the Living Dead are an utter shock for first-time viewers.

George Romero’s breakout film is one of the landmarks of the horror genre. Part of its continued fame and appreciation is in how the film handles its subject matter. The ending comes out of left field and stays with you long after the movie finishes.

Never Let Me Go

Never Let Me Go
Never Let Me Go will stick with you long after it ends.

With such heavy and dark subject matter, Never Let Me Go might seem like it has a foregone conclusion. It combines stunning direction and masterful acting to great effect, too. Sadly, it finishes with one of the most unexpected endings in film history, which is sure to tug at the heart.


This film peers deeply into how society treats its most vulnerable members.

Mouchette is a beautiful film concerning the ugliness of people. It is an exploration of how humanity treats the most vulnerable members of society with tragic results. The conclusion might seem like a given, but this one ends up as one of many unexpected film endings if you’re looking for hope.


This is one film where you’ll be talking about it long after it finishes.

Director Gaspar Noe has made a career out of showing people the uglier parts of life. Irreversible is one such exploration, going through the fallout of a violent assault on a woman that two men love. The conclusion is out of left field, leaving viewers looking for something else.

Requiem for a Dream

requiem for a dream
Requiem for a Dream sticks with you long after the credits roll.

Darren Aronofsky made his mark with Requiem for a Dream. The film serves as a dire warning against addiction in many forms. The weight of addiction makes every character pay the full price by the story’s end. The conclusion makes for one of the most unexpected film endings you’ll find.


The final moments of Chinatown are absolutely haunting.

Roman Polanski’s Chinatown is arguably his finest hour as a director. The neo-noir is filled with intrigue, twists, and many plot elements that become more pronounced with repeat viewings. The ending is of special importance, which will catch any first-time viewer off guard.

The Mist

The Mist
The last five minutes of The Mist surpass the King story by many measures.

Frank Darabont’s The Mist is one of those rare Stephen King adaptations that completely surpasses the source material. What could be seen as a pedestrian take on a horror classic is elevated by one of the most harrowing and unexpected film endings you’ll see on screen.

Dancer in the Dark

Dancer in the Dark
Bjork gives a wonderful performance in Dancer in the Dark.

Director Lars von Trier is a divisive figure in film. While Dancer in the Dark serves as a starring vehicle for the ever-unusual Bjork, the film is a harrowing watch. The conclusion will catch you unprepared, as it certainly did for me on my first viewing.

Brokeback Mountain

Brokeback Mountain
Ang Lee’s Brokeback Mountain is a masterful film.

Rounding out our list is Brokeback Mountain by Ang Lee. The film is a thoughtful and endearing exploration of love blossoming under unusual circumstances. The final moments are one of the most unexpected film endings you’ll find, with a harrowing send-off to two characters the audience has grown to care for.

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