Home Australia The 23-year-old girlfriend of Danish royal Count Felix de Montpezat says she has faced “hate” online since it was revealed last year that she was dating Denmark’s “most eligible bachelor”

The 23-year-old girlfriend of Danish royal Count Felix de Montpezat says she has faced “hate” online since it was revealed last year that she was dating Denmark’s “most eligible bachelor”

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Count Félix de Montpezat's new girlfriend, Mie Sofia Elers, says she has been harassed since she started dating the king.

The new girlfriend of Count Felix de Montpezat says she has faced severe online harassment from trolls since she began dating the Danish royal.

Mie Sofia Elers, 23, a glamorous Chilean-Danish actress, went public with her relationship with Felix in February but says she has been facing online abuse for “over a year”.

Felix, the youngest son of Prince Joachim His first wife, Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg, was stripped of her princely title by her grandmother, Queen Margrethe, last year.

Before he found love, he was known as Denmark’s “greediest” bachelor, as his older brother Count Nikolai is dating Benedikte Thoustrup.

Mie Sofia has already told it Danish newspaper BT who has been facing ‘ugly’ and persistent abuse online, and has even filed a complaint with the police.

Count Félix de Montpezat’s new girlfriend, Mie Sofia Elers, says she has been harassed since she started dating the king.

Felix is ​​pictured during Queen Margrethe's 83rd birthday celebrations in Copenhagen

Felix is ​​pictured during Queen Margrethe’s 83rd birthday celebrations in Copenhagen

She told the media outlet: ‘About a year ago, I started receiving hate messages on my social media accounts. I decided to ignore them until the situation escalated and these profiles started reaching out to my friends, family, and followers on social media.

‘Hate can be ignored to a certain extent, but bullying, photo manipulation and spreading malicious lies are far more damaging.’

The abuse has continued despite Sofia having set her social media profiles to private, and now her friends and family are being targeted too.

She added that fake profiles impersonating her have used artificial intelligence or Photoshop to manipulate her photos, such as showing her with men other than Felix, smoking and editing devil horns on her head.

The stunning actress reported it to police and Instagram last month, but says the social media giant has yet to take any action.

She said: “I understand that these types of incidents can happen when using social media, but that doesn’t make the situation any less scary.”

FEMAIL has reached out to Instagram for comment.

Mie Sofia was born in Pucón, Chile, to a Chilean mother and a Danish father, and studied at the Copenhagen Film and Theatre School before moving to Madrid.

Sofia has now told Danish newspaper BT that she has been suffering abuse

Sofia has now told Danish newspaper BT that she has been suffering “ugly” and persistent abuse online.

The abuse includes edited photos of the young actress, such as holding a cigarette (pictured)

Vicious trolls have also edited devil horns.

The abuse includes edited photos of the young actress. On the left: edited with a cigarette, on the right, with devil horns added

Count Felix, left, and Princess Elisabeth of Belgium attend the gala dinner for Prince Christian's 18th birthday in 2023

Count Felix, left, and Princess Elisabeth of Belgium attend the gala dinner for Prince Christian’s 18th birthday in 2023

Mie is currently studying in Spain and has received a visit from her boyfriend.

Mie is currently studying in Spain and has received a visit from her boyfriend.

She has starred in films such as Laced Silk, about a housewife who discovers a young girl's body on the beach, and the television show Strowlers.

She has starred in films such as Laced Silk, about a housewife who discovers a young girl’s body on the beach, and the television show Strowlers.

She has starred in films such as Laced Silk, about a housewife who discovers a young girl’s body on the beach, and the television show Strowlers.

Felix, 21, is currently studying International Trade and Shipping at Copenhagen Business School.

The couple are believed to have gone on holiday last week to Queen MargaretThe southern French wine castle Château de Cayx joined his older brother Count Nikolai and his bride Benedikte Thoustrup.

Like his older brother, the heartthrob Count Nikolai, Felix is ​​also a model and fronts campaigns for Georg Jensen.

In 2022, Queen Margrethe, who has now abdicated the throne in favour of her son King Frederick and his wife Queen Mary, shocked royal watchers when she sensationally announced that Joachim’s four children would lose their titles.

Nikolai, 24, Felix, 21, Henrik, 13, and Athena, 11, are now known as ‘Earl and Countess’ and are referred to as Their Excellencies, rather than Their Royal Highness.

The Queen insisted the move would be “good for them in their future” and would allow the children, who have maintained their positions in the line of succession, to “shape their own lives without being constrained by the special considerations and duties” that come with a formal affiliation with the Danish Royal Family.

After the family was stripped of their titles in September 2022, Prince Joachim claimed his mother’s decision had “harmed” his children.

Months later, the sixth in line to the throne admitted there was a “lack of communication” within the Royal Family in the run-up to the shock announcement.

The Royal Family of Denmark has updated its website to show the new status of four of Queen Margrethe's grandchildren after they were stripped of their HRH titles. Pictured, Count Nikolai

Count Felix, pictured on the house's website

The Danish Royal Family has updated its website to show the new status of four of Queen Margrethe’s grandchildren after they were stripped of their HRH titles. Pictured are Count Nikolai, left, and Count Felix, right.

The 82-year-old monarch announced in September that the four children of her youngest son, Prince Joachim, 53, would no longer be able to use the title of prince and princess after January 1. Pictured, Countess Athena

Count Henrik

The former monarch announced last September that the four children of her youngest son, Prince Joachim, 53, would no longer be able to use the title of prince and princess as of January 1. Pictured: Countess Athena, left, and Count Henrik, right.

Danish royal family attends Queen Margrethe II's 83rd birthday celebration at Amalienborg Palace

Danish royal family attends Queen Margrethe II’s 83rd birthday celebration at Amalienborg Palace

The new line of succession and Danish titles

MONARCH:King Frederick X (formerly Crown Prince Frederick)

Her Majesty The Queen will remain Her Majesty and bear the title Her Majesty Queen Margaret.

CONSORTQueen Mary (formerly Crown Princess Mary)

The royal couple will now bear the title of King and Queen of Denmark.

1. Crown Prince Christian (formerly Prince Christian)

Joachim told local news outlet BT: “There is a lot to work on. What was missing was communication. Now we have come together and we are on the right path.”

He added that he was only given five days’ notice before the news was made public.

Following the Queen’s announcement, Joachim spoke to Danish publication Ekstra Bladet outside the Danish Embassy in Paris, where he lived with his French-born wife Princess Mary and their two youngest children, and said his four children had felt “hurt” by their grandmother’s decision.

“I was given five days’ notice to tell them. In May they presented me with a plan that, in general terms, was that when each of the children turned 25, it would be done. Now I only had five days to tell them. Athena turns 11 in January,” she clarified at the time.

Speaking to BT, Joachim and his second wife Marie also admitted that their relationship with Prince Frederik and Princess Mary is “complicated”.

Meanwhile, Prince Joachim’s ex-wife Alexandra said her sons, Nikolai and Felix, had felt “excluded” from the institution and the decision had come “like a bolt from the blue”.

The Royal House issued an additional statement saying that “the decision was taken some time ago.”

“We understand there are many emotions at play at the moment, but we hope that The Queen’s wishes to prepare the Royal Household for the future will be respected,” the statement added.

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