Home Life Style The 17 and 18 year old teenagers found dead in an alleged suicide pact were released from custody days before the tragedy

The 17 and 18 year old teenagers found dead in an alleged suicide pact were released from custody days before the tragedy

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 Teens, 17 and 18, Found Dead in Suspected Suicide Pact Were Released from Custody Days Before Tragedy

Two teenagers, Katherine Powell, 17, and Jack Williams, 18, who died in a suspected suicide pact, were released from police custody just days before their tragic deaths, an inquest has revealed. The couple was arrested on January 19, 2022 and released on bail. Six days later, on January 25, they were found hanged at Bothenhampton Nature Reserve.

During the investigation, it was revealed that Katherine and Jack were identified using footage from their police custody. The reasons for their arrests remain unclear, but a full inquiry will look into the “safeguarding” measures taken by Dorset Police in their decision to grant bail, it said. daily mail.

Jack had previously been arrested in November 2021, but no details of the alleged crimes were revealed. His family reported Katherine missing on January 22, and a similar report was filed for Jack two days later.

Dorset Area Coroner Brendan Allen stated: “The scope will consider the steps taken by Dorset Police to assess the risks and safeguard Katherine Powell and Jack Williams in relation to the arrest of Jack Williams on 22 November 2021. and the arrests of Jack Williams and Katherine Powell in January. December 19, 2022.”

The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) has completed its investigation into Dorset Police’s handling of the case, but is yet to publish its findings.

Jack, originally from Coventry, West Midlands, was unemployed and living in West Bay, the setting of the ITV drama Broadchurch. Katherine, whose address was listed as Kenilworth, Warwickshire, was also unemployed.

Relatives of the teens, whose deaths are not considered suspicious, attended the hearing virtually. A two-week joint investigation is scheduled to begin on March 24, 2025, and will also examine search efforts by police.

The investigation aims to shed light on the events that led to the deaths of Katherine and Jack and determine whether authorities took appropriate steps to safeguard them following their arrests.

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