Home Australia Terrifying moment: Road rage incident escalated after driver exited car with knife

Terrifying moment: Road rage incident escalated after driver exited car with knife

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The occupants of the black car were heard repeatedly saying:

The terrifying moment a road rage incident escalated when a man blocked a car before getting out with a knife was captured on dashcam footage.

A listener contacted 2GB‘s Ben Fordham on Wednesday to say his grandson Brad, 24, his 22-year-old granddaughter and a friend were heading to an NRL game on April 5 when a man stopped a white hatchback in front of them on Yerrick Road , in Lakemba. in western Sydney.

“My grandson made a man jump out of his car in a state of absolute rage wielding a knife,” she told the station.

“He was punching his arms in the air… and as he approached my grandson’s car he started stabbing him.

‘My granddaughter and her friend were in the back seat. My granddaughter…she called triple 0.’

The occupants of the black car were heard repeatedly saying: “Don’t get out of the car,” before the hooded man emerged from his vehicle into the rain brandishing a knife.

A white hatchback was seen overtaking the vehicle on the dash cam and stopping on the road.

A white hatchback was seen overtaking the vehicle on the dash cam and stopping on the road.

New South Wales Police told Daily Mail Australia they were investigating the alleged road rage incident.

“Officers attached to Campsie Police Area Command began an investigation after the matter was reported earlier in the day,” a spokesperson said.

In terrifying footage recorded inside the car, Brad and the two passengers could be heard repeatedly saying, “Don’t get out of the car,” before the man exited his vehicle in the rain, wearing a black hoodie and shorts. blacks, and brandishing a knife.

The man then ran toward the black vehicle and hit the side of the car.

Brad hit the accelerator hard to avoid the knife-wielding man.

One of the occupants of the black car said they needed

The hooded man ran towards the front passenger door.

One of the occupants of the black car said they needed to “call the police” before realizing their terrifying encounter wasn’t over yet – the man was now following them.

A crash was then heard and it appeared that Brad’s vehicle collided with the stopped white car while trying to escape.

The shaken occupants of the black car could be heard wondering, “Why did he do that?”

—Didn’t you see what he was doing? -Brad asked.

“He had a knife in his hands,” one woman responded.

Brad’s sister said they needed to “call the police” before realizing their terrifying encounter wasn’t over yet, because the man was now following them.

Terrifying encounter left black vehicle damaged (pictured)

Terrifying encounter left black vehicle damaged (pictured)

“Oh my God, he’s coming after you, call the police,” a woman was heard saying.

One of the women then said: “I’m afraid, I’m afraid, I’m afraid, I’m afraid.”

The occupants of the black car eventually made it to safety and shared photos of the damage to their vehicle.

The collision with the white car caused damage to the front passenger side and marks from the man’s knife were also seen..

“My grandson will have a hard time driving the car knowing what happened in it,” said the 2GB listener.

‘They are very scared by what happened. ‘He had to go up the trail at certain points to get out of the way…because the guy was chasing him.’

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