Home Australia Stay off the spirits! Spooky moment pints of beer slide off a bar by themselves as manager questions if her country pub is haunted

Stay off the spirits! Spooky moment pints of beer slide off a bar by themselves as manager questions if her country pub is haunted

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A manager has wondered if his country pub is haunted after eerie CCTV footage showed drinks sliding unaided over the edge of a bar.

A manager has wondered if his country pub is haunted after eerie CCTV footage showed drinks sliding unaided over the edge of a bar.

Bizarre images taken from inside the pub show pints of beer slowly sliding down the side of a table without being touched or moved.

The curious incident occurred twice in two hours at the same location, the manager said.

Now attendees at the Jolly Sailor pub in Fawley, near Southampton, have become disturbingly suspicious of paranormal activity.

Manager Emily Waters, 33, defended the creepy nature of the clip, insisting the bar is level and completely dry.

Mrs Waters, who ran the pub for three years, concluded that the only explanation is that a ghost haunts the place.

A manager has wondered if his country pub is haunted after eerie CCTV footage showed drinks sliding unaided over the edge of a bar.

A manager has wondered if his country pub is haunted after eerie CCTV footage showed drinks sliding unaided over the edge of a bar.

Bizarre images taken from inside the pub show pints of beer slowly sliding down the side of the table without being touched or moved.

Bizarre images taken from inside the pub show pints of beer slowly sliding down the side of the table without being touched or moved.

Bizarre images taken from inside the pub show pints of beer slowly sliding down the side of the table without being touched or moved.

Now attendees at the Jolly Sailor pub in Fawley, near Southampton, are disturbingly suspicious of paranormal activity.

Now attendees at the Jolly Sailor pub in Fawley, near Southampton, are disturbingly suspicious of paranormal activity.

Now attendees at the Jolly Sailor pub in Fawley, near Southampton, are disturbingly suspicious of paranormal activity.

He explained how both incidents of pints sliding over the edge of the bar occurred on the same day.

‘They were taken on the same day, about two hours apart. It’s all a bit weird,’ she said.

“The three ladies are some of our regular customers and when it happened we were all chatting and joking about her looking for a free pint but she insisted on not touching it.

“I said I could fix this by taking a look at the camera, so I went out and took a look – I wasn’t expecting to see it moving on its own.

“Later it was a young family and when it happened the man was very apologetic but I said ‘wait, let me check something’ and sure enough when I checked the cameras the same thing had happened.

“I thought ‘this is so strange.'”

Mrs Waters said other punters told her it could have been a wet surface, but she said: “I checked and it was dry.”

The bar is also level, he said.

He ended up carrying out his own experiment by placing five liters of sparkling water along the bar, in dry and wet areas, but they didn’t budge, even with a little push to try to get them to move.

‘What else could be going on here? There is no explanation for this,” said Ms Waters.

The curious incident occurred twice in two hours at the same location, the manager said.

The curious incident occurred twice in two hours at the same location, the manager said.

The curious incident occurred twice in two hours at the same location, the manager said.

Mrs Waters, who has run the pub for three years, concluded that the only explanation is that a ghost haunts the place.

Mrs Waters, who has run the pub for three years, concluded that the only explanation is that a ghost haunts the place.

Mrs Waters, who has run the pub for three years, concluded that the only explanation is that a ghost haunts the place.

Staff and customers believe it could be the ghost of James Martin (centre), son of the pub's original owner Richard Martin, who ran the pub from the 1870s.

Staff and customers believe it could be the ghost of James Martin (centre), son of the pub's original owner Richard Martin, who ran the pub from the 1870s.

Staff and customers believe it could be the ghost of James Martin (centre), son of the pub’s original owner Richard Martin, who ran the pub from the 1870s.

‘I think there’s something there. I don’t think you can fully understand the world, so I don’t think you can rule out ghosts.

“I’m not a complete skeptic, but I’m also not someone who would go looking for them; I’m somewhere in between.”

‘You see the videos and it’s quite difficult to explain. You can see very clearly that it moves, then stops right on the edge and then it’s almost like something pulls it off the edge.

“Both people recovered their drinks at the house, it’s not every day a ghost steals your beer.”

Mrs Waters added that this event was not the first creepy thing to happen at the pub over the years.

“For years people have been talking about it being an old building in an old area,” he said.

“Things always happen in the pub that are inexplicable.

‘Once a bucket on the back of a shelf fell, snack cards fell off the wall and flew across the bar, and posters fell off the wall too.

‘People hear voices too. ‘I work the night shift and when it’s dark it can be horrible, it’s constantly like you’re catching something out of the corner of your eye.

“It doesn’t look dangerous, but it looks like someone minding their own business here.”

The latest spooky activity has got tongues wagging at the Jolly Sailor, with customers fascinated by the idea their pub is haunted.

Staff and customers believe it could be the ghost of James Martin, son of the pub’s original owner Richard Martin, who ran the pub from the 1870s.

He was known as a “fussy” character who often removed pint glasses if they were too close to the edge of the table.

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