Home Health Stanford doctor warns about horrifying trend causing men to ejaculate in women’s drinks: ‘New fear unlocked’

Stanford doctor warns about horrifying trend causing men to ejaculate in women’s drinks: ‘New fear unlocked’

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John Robert Lind (pictured, 34) was convicted of misdemeanors after admitting to tainting co-worker Patricia Maahs' drink with his semen while they worked together at a Minnesota hardware store.

In a shocking public service announcement, a Stanford doctor warned women about the grim tendency of men to ejaculate in their drinks.

The disturbing fetish isn’t exactly new, but thanks to security and CCTV footage in offices and other businesses, more and more criminals are being caught.

Gastrointestinal doctor Dr. Arghavan Salles took to TikTok to discuss the disturbing number of cases in which men have been caught putting their semen in women’s water bottles, coffee cups, and food.

One follower brought the practice to her attention, citing the case of a Minnesota man who ejaculated in a coworker’s coffee shop for nearly a year before being discovered.

Another incident in California involved a man depositing semen in a woman’s water bottle and a honey jar that she used almost every day.

John Robert Lind (pictured, 34) was convicted of misdemeanors after admitting to tainting co-worker Patricia Maahs’ drink with his semen while they worked together at a Minnesota hardware store.

Semen can be a breeding ground for infectious agents such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and some herpes viruses if the person ejaculating has an STI, exposing the drinker without them knowing.

Women who have been affected by men’s behavior have described taking a drink from a bottle of cloudy water or drinking coffee that tastes sour, similar to spoiled milk.

A follower of Dr. Salles tiktok page It alerted her to the case of John Robert Lind of Blaine, Minnesota, who had been putting semen in his co-worker Patricia Maahs’ coffee and desk for months before he was discovered.

Dr Salles saying: ‘There are a worrying number of men who ejaculate in the fluids that women drink… For me, honestly, this is a new fear unlocked.’

In Maahs’ case, Lind was first arrested for serious sex crimes, but a loophole allowed those charges to be dismissed because the law does not define contact with semen as sexual contact. He has since pleaded guilty to misdemeanors.

He told police he had ejaculated into Maahs’ coffee cup at least twice in six months and on her desk, keyboard and mouse at least four times, cleaning up the mess with one of her hair scrunchies.

One day she caught Lind, with his back to her and his hands near her crotch. He quickly ran out of the office. Mrs. Maahs noticed that her coffee was disgusting and that the liquid on her desk, which was dripping onto the floor, smelled similar to urine, but not quite.

When she found him in his office, Maahs said he had a “deer in the headlights” expression.

According to court documents, Lind’ said he thought it was a way to get [the victim] notice it”, although “he denied that it was a sexual compulsion that he could not control.

Dr. Salles said: “When I saw this comment [about the Maahs case] In my other video, I honestly didn’t know men ejaculating in women’s drinks was a thing.

“But when I was searching for it, I had mistakenly searched for men ejaculating in women’s water because I forgot that the comment was specifically about coffee, and very quickly I saw several stories about this.”

Among the most notable examples is the case of Stevens Millancastro, also known as Stevens Millan, of La Palma, California.

Stevens Millancastro (pictured), 30, from California, who put his semen in a co-worker's water bottle, in a honey jar and on her computer, was jailed for two and a half years.

Stevens Millancastro (pictured), 30, from California, who put his semen in a co-worker’s water bottle, in a honey jar and on her computer, was jailed for two and a half years.

He was convicted in 2020 on assault and battery charges after investigators discovered he had been ejaculating into his coworker’s water bottles and putting semen on her honey pot, desk and computer accessories.

The case against Millancastro said: “Between November 24, 2016 and January 13, 2017, Jane Doe consumed the contaminated honey approximately every two days without knowing that it contained the defendant’s semen.”

He was sentenced to two and a half years in prison.

“On January 13, 2017, Jane Doe sat at her desk and touched her computer mouse, which was stained with semen.”

Prosecutors in the case argued that Millancastro was “obsessed” with his co-worker, had asked her out on a date, and when she refused, he often stared at her, making her feel uncomfortable.

Orange County Superior Court Judge Kathleen Roberts, who decided the case without a jury, said: “We also know from his own testimony, and from the doctor’s testimony, that he placed his semen on his items more times than actually “he was accused.”

“This is much more serious and invasive than a normal punch, hit or slap,” Roberts said, explaining why he was doling out the maximum punishment. “This was a sexually motivated act… It is emotionally devastating for the victim.”

Prosecutors in the case said Millancastro carried out the act after his co-worker reported him, which the judge called “sexual revenge.”

Deputy prosecutor Laila Nikaien, for her part, stated: “It is a way to have power over the victim, to humiliate her.”

Other perpetrators, including Michael Lallana of Fullerton, California, admitted that he ejaculated into an “attractive” coworker’s water bottle because “her lips had touched her,” adding, “for me, it’s a release.”

The psychology behind such a disturbing fetish has not been widely studied, although most extreme fetish literature it paints those who have them as dysfunctional with deviant sexual preferences.

Psychologists have studied people who ejaculate into feminine drinks, but the act itself can be seen as a way of asserting power over their victim.

Disgraced dentist Dr. John Robert Hall exercised his power by tricking several of his patients into swallowing a syringe filled with his semen which he told them would help stop bleeding in their mouths.

One of Hall’s patients also said at one point that he climbed onto the chair she was sitting in and “began gyrating against her lower body in a sexual manner.”

However, that is not always the case, and psychologists have noted that as long as the fetish does not harm another person or affect one’s quality of life, it is okay to participate.

In many cases, men who do it seek validation from women they consider attractive and unattainable.

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