Home Australia St Rita’s College, Brisbane’s elite private girls’ school, has been embroiled in a ‘pass/pass’ grading scandal after photos of students were leaked to another school

St Rita’s College, Brisbane’s elite private girls’ school, has been embroiled in a ‘pass/pass’ grading scandal after photos of students were leaked to another school

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This letter was sent from the prestigious private girls' school St Rita's College in Brisbane to all parents of Year 8 girls.

ID photos of 13-year-old students at an exclusive private girls’ school were leaked and posted online to be cruelly ranked according to a “pass or pass” attractiveness option.

Parents of year eight students at St Rita’s College in Brisbane, where tuition fees start at more than $11,000, were notified by a letter from the school on Thursday about the mortifying incident.

St. Rita Assistant Principal Catherine Allen informed parents thatImages of her daughters had been “shared with another school.”

“We have been made aware that ID photographs of students in the cohort have been shared with another school,” the letter states.

‘We have been in contact with this school who are investigating this and will work to remove this shared information.

‘I understand how disturbing it will be to read this information.

Please note that we are working to ensure the safety and privacy of our students.

‘If you have any questions or further information you would like to share, please feel free to contact me.’

This letter was sent from the prestigious private girls’ school St Rita’s College in Brisbane to all parents of Year 8 girls.

The ID photos of all of St Rita's Year 8 students were uploaded to TikTok to be cruelly ranked by attractiveness.

The ID photos of all of St Rita’s Year 8 students were uploaded to TikTok to be cruelly ranked by attractiveness.

An anonymous father said The courier mail Her daughter was told the photos were used to “grade” students on TikTok.

A St. Rita student was allegedly coerced by a friend from another school into submitting photographs that were then posted online for grading.

“Something like that is indicative of a culture of misogyny,” the father said.

“I’m so angry about this. I’m angry that this happened, especially in this day and age. It’s degrading. If they do this at 13, what will they be like when they’re adults?

The school, where tuition rates start at more than $11,000, said it was investigating the incident.

The school, where tuition rates start at more than $11,000, said it was investigating the incident.

“On Thursday they had an assembly, they spoke to the students and they were told to notify their parents but no one else.”

She said the incident was causing her daughter anxiety.

St Rita’s College has been contacted for comment.

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