Home Entertainment Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model Carol Alt, 63, looks half her age as she poses with a handsome man in Italy… after joining OnlyFans

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model Carol Alt, 63, looks half her age as she poses with a handsome man in Italy… after joining OnlyFans

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition cover veteran Carol Alt looked gorgeous in green on Sunday. The 6'11

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition cover veteran Carol Alt looked gorgeous in green on Sunday.

The 1.80-meter brunette bombshell from New York attended the FErrar Film Festival in Italy, where it won an award.

She had her arm around Joe Ienco.

‘The people of Ferrara welcomed us with open arms and as if we were part of the family. It was a unique experience. We will be back!!!’ ‘#GoldenDragon #Italy #Ferrara #ItalianCinema’, she wrote in her caption.

This comes after the stunner joined OnlyFans. Alt looks sensational on the paid site as she strikes her famous SI poses.

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition cover veteran Carol Alt looked gorgeous in green on Sunday. The 6’11” brunette bombshell from New York attended the Ferrara Film Festival in Italy. She had her arm around Joe Ienco.

This comes months after she said in June that she felt… She had become more curvaceous.

“I have to admit I had gained weight since trying on the dress with Zang so the dress did stick out, but he was with me so it worked out. We’ve had a few mishaps together, Zang and I! But we always manage to laugh about it. Obviously the dress is Zang’s and the shoes are Zang’s. The rest is all Patti LaBelle…” she wrote online.

The siren also said, “Ever had such a good time somewhere that you never wanted it to end? That was the night I spent with @ZangToi on Patty LaBelle’s birthday.”

Carol has managed to stay in top shape throughout her career.

The siren, who recently joined OnlyFans, told DailyMail.com exclusively earlier this year about her powerful 15-minute workouts.

The model and actress said it all comes down to exercising two to three times a day.

“I do about 15 minutes of exercise here and there, it’s easy to do in front of the TV,” the leggy brunette told DailyMail.com.

Here she is seen with two other friends before collecting an award.

Here she is seen with two other friends before collecting an award.

‘You can do leg lifts, lunges, and crunches, just keep moving even if it’s silly because any movement is helpful.’

She also said that she is trying to simplify her life: “I’m looking for something simple and clean in every aspect for spring: clean and fresh makeup, clean and simple lines for clothing, simple, fresh, clean and light food without heavy sauces. Simplify life. The world is complicated enough. Thoughts are powerful, so keep them in mind. We are our thoughts!”

Alt left a note about the eye-catching premiere on Instagram.

“We had a wonderful time at the premiere of Strictly Confidential, the Lionsgate film starring Elizabeth Hurley, written and directed by her son, @damianhurley1,” the supermodel wrote.

In June, Alt showed off his toned body at Patti LaBelle's surprise 80th birthday celebration at The Glasshouse in New York City.

In June, Alt showed off his toned body at Patti LaBelle’s surprise 80th birthday celebration at The Glasshouse in New York City.

Alt with Patti LaBelle, Zang Toi and Gladys Knight in New York City

Alt with Patti LaBelle, Zang Toi and Gladys Knight in New York City

“It was a unique script, full of twists and turns. Visually very beautiful, very well crafted and directed. How could such a young man write such a deep, mature and interesting script?

‘Anyway, Elizabeth is the most lovely, sweet person. She made me feel so welcome and I had a lovely evening… What did you do last night? #ElizabethHurley.’

In January she told DailyMail.com how to lose weight over Christmas.

The star said that if you really want to lose weight, you can, you just have to be careful about what you consume.

Alt said high-protein morning smoothies are a great way to start the day.

‘Eating protein first thing in the day will make me feel fuller, so when I’m at Christmas parties at night, I feel less hungry.

She was the pin-up girl of the 80s. Here Alt is wearing a red one-piece swimsuit for a 1982 Sports Illustrated cover.

She was the pin-up girl of the 80s. Here Alt is wearing a red one-piece swimsuit for a 1982 Sports Illustrated cover.

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition cover veteran Carol Alt has managed to stay in top shape throughout her career.

And now the siren, who recently joined OnlyFans, has exclusively told DailyMail.com how to shed the Christmas weight to look amazing in 2024. Seen here in 1988

Alt has managed to stay in tip-top shape throughout her career. And now the siren, who recently joined OnlyFans, has told DailyMail.com about her 15-minute workouts. Seen left last year and right in 1988

‘Then I eat something just before I go out. Fruit, usually, to fill me up.

“The protein load above fills me up and the fruit fills me up,” the Vogue cover model noted.

“That way I don’t eat too much. Sometimes, before I leave, I make a fruit slush or a natural juice.”

And make sure to stay properly hydrated.

“I drink water throughout the night because it fills me up and keeps me hydrated… if I put a lemon or lime in it, it feels like I’m drinking something so people don’t keep trying to give me something because my hands are empty. You always have to have something in your hand,” Carol said.

It was an international delight with Vogue covers all over the world; seen in Vogue Italia.

It was an international delight with Vogue covers all over the world; seen in Vogue Italia.

And he shared a warning about alcohol.

“If you must drink alcohol, cut back on your drink with sparkling soda, tonic water or just cut back on your alcohol with water so you get the flavor but not the calories,” the pinup noted.

Then there’s the snack tray trick: If you have to eat something, make it with vegetables: ‘If I’m going to a friend’s house, I always bring something I know I can eat.

‘To be able to eat with others, the perfect option is always crudités: carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers.

Here you see the stunning Alt on the cover of a magazine in the 1980s.

Here you see the stunning Alt on the cover of a magazine in the 1980s.

“They are very tasty, you have to keep picking at them or carrying a small plate while you are socializing with people. You can eat them with your hands, you don’t need to carry a knife and fork, which get in the way,” she said.

‘Lemon, cold-pressed olive oil and salt as a sauce are also healthy.

Sleep also curbs appetite: “The funny thing is that I’m always hungrier when I’m tired. So if you take a nap in the afternoon before heading out to the holiday parties or to spend the New Year, that can help too.”

And she also shared some other tips: “Getting some exercise every day reduces your appetite. Never deprive yourself, but try to eat healthy foods. Eat the minimum amount so you can enjoy the taste, but without overeating.”

In November, she spoke to DailyMail.com about joining OnlyFans.

“Life is about being a nonconformist,” the New Yorker shared with DailyMail.com.

“Life experience is a powerful tool if channeled properly,” added the leggy model who was the first brunette to appear on the cover of Vogue and went on to star in films including A Merry Little Christmas.

“Only Fans is the next generation of revenue-generating content. It’s important to have your own content. Platforms like this are the future. You always have to move with the times,” the star added.

The 63-year-old model and actress said staying fit comes down to doing 15-minute workouts two or three times a day.

The 63-year-old model and actress said staying fit comes down to doing 15-minute workouts two or three times a day.

“I’m taking risks, exploring new ways to connect with the audience and fans.”

She also said that women should do what they want and not apologize for it. And not give up.

“I’ve been rejected many times and I’ve found other paths to achieve my goals. People always say no first… You can’t let that stop you,” she shared.

“The Kardashians built a global empire that has entered new territory. The only limitations you have are the ones you put on yourself. Age is not a limitation. It’s only a limitation if you look at it that way,” she added.

‘The key to life is to live it always exploring the new and the unknown. That keeps you young and relevant.

‘Take time each day to try something new, something different, and without apologizing or judging yourself. We judge ourselves too much.’

1712244103 544 Carol Alt 63 the top 80s Vogue cover girl

“I do a 15-minute workout every now and then, it’s easy to do in front of the TV,” the leggy brunette told DailyMail.com. Seen in 1988

Alt wanted to remind fans that you only have one life, so never let the opinions of others stop you from reaching your full potential.

“After Covid the world changed but the most important lesson I personally learned is to live each day to the fullest without apologies or seeking approval from others,” she said.

‘It’s time to explore new ground while paying close attention to our friends and neighbors.

‘Sometimes people experience anxiety, depression and general apathy because they don’t see a way forward to live a life different from what society considers successful or normal; this is why I am donating a portion of my profits from this project to mental health causes.’

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