Home Australia ‘Sovereign citizens storm several council offices in Australia declaring them ‘demilitarized zones’ and demanding they ‘cease and desist’

‘Sovereign citizens storm several council offices in Australia declaring them ‘demilitarized zones’ and demanding they ‘cease and desist’

Rocco Varty appears in several of the videos shared on Sunday, including this one at Canterbury Bankstown Town Hall, where he was declared a

A group of sovereign citizens has stormed multiple city halls demanding that they cease and desist their operations and declaring them demilitarized zones.

The group known as Nmdaka Dalai Australis believes the Australian government is illegitimate and should “stand down” and has recently been sharing videos of members handing over “DMZ paperwork” to council officials.

Nmdaka Dalai Australis translates to “Our Southern Lands,” according to the website of the group that claims to represent indigenous people who “have ultimate authority over all our lands.”

Member Rocco Varty appears in several of the videos shared on Sunday which showed him in Sydney’s Inner West Council, Burwood Council, Canterbury Bankstown Council and Strathfield Council.

The title of the video explains that Varty is delivering ‘First Nations Documents’ and a ‘National Notice’ written by fellow sovereign Glen Short, who calls himself ‘Patriot 101’.

Rocco Varty appears in several of the videos shared on Sunday, including this one at Canterbury Bankstown Town Hall, where he declared it a “demilitarized zone.”

The group also previously confronted Gympie Regional Council chief executive Robert Jennings in Queensland on March 24, who accepted the documents and thanked the group for approaching him.

The group also claims to have handed over the DMZ documents to the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs, the Federal Police, the federal and state governments and the attorney general of the Northern Territory.

One of the videos of Mr Varty at Canterbury-Bankstown Town Hall shows him handing a series of documents to a surprised member of staff.

“I have documents here,” he tells the employee manning the desk.

‘The proclamation made on February 4, 2024… for the establishment of the demilitarized zone, the DMZ.

‘The court of custody, the elders of the law and the council in a circle together with the first chief of the law and the provost marshal… it is basically that you are operating, aiding and abetting a military force.

‘While the First Nations… the Nmdaka Dalai tribe, are declaring that you cease and desist in your operations to foster a foreign military force and commit crimes against humanity.’

The city hall workers tell him that they will pass them the documents.

However, commentators on the video were not convinced.

“The guy behind the counter did well not to laugh,” one said.

‘Wow, how well executed. Those documents will certainly be taken seriously,” wrote another.

The group claims to have submitted similar documents to the federal government.

The group claims to have submitted similar documents to the federal government.

A press release from the Nmdaka Dalai Australis explains what they are aiming for with the demilitarized zone.

“There will no longer be any law enforcement, detention, incarceration, arrest, incarceration or prosecution using weapons on our lands,” the news release said.

‘Peace will reign.

‘All officers of corporations (such as courts, police, councils, judiciary, individuals, military, corrections and others) will not arm themselves with guns, handcuffs, Tasers, ‘sprays’ or similar weapons (the list is not exhaustive) unless authorized by Nmdaka. Dalai Tribal Council.

“Anyone who continues to apply this system will be prosecuted under international law.”

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