Home Entertainment Sophie Guidolin: Controversial fitness influencer completely ruins viral pasta recipe by adding disgusting ingredient

Sophie Guidolin: Controversial fitness influencer completely ruins viral pasta recipe by adding disgusting ingredient

Sophie Guidolin has caused quite a stir on the internet after putting a bizarre spin on a viral pasta recipe.

Sophie Guidolin has caused quite a stir on the internet after putting a bizarre spin on a viral pasta recipe.

The controversial fitness influencer, who preaches a healthy lifestyle online, took to Instagram earlier this week to share a very different version of the “marry me pasta” circulating the internet.

The recipe traditionally contains chicken breast, garlic and herbs, pasta, sun-dried tomatoes, cream or an alternative such as evaporated milk, plus flour to thicken the cream.

But Sophie, 35, ignored several flavor enhancers in her version, taken from a woolworth recipeand instead I added a whole can of sweetened condensed milk for a creamy texture.

The condensed milk Sophie used contains approximately 16 servings in a 395 gram can and 55 grams of sugar per 100 grams, meaning the meal she prepared would have contained more than 215 grams of sugar for the entire dish.

Sophie Guidolin has caused quite a stir on the internet after putting a bizarre spin on a viral pasta recipe.

Their recipe, indicated on their website, contains four servings that would amount to more than 50 grams of sugar.

Sugar should only make up 10 percent or less of a person’s daily energy intake, or about 50 grams of sugar per day for an adult, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Even though the influencer noted that she was “originally doing this as a joke,” Sophie sat down and ate a dish that she said was “so good” that she even ate it off the table.

“OMG you have to try this,” she wrote in her caption.

The controversial fitness influencer, who preaches a healthy lifestyle online, used a whole can of sweetened condensed milk instead of cream or evaporated milk

The condensed milk Sophie used contains 55 grams of sugar per 100 grams, meaning it would have contained over 200 grams of sugar for the entire dish.

The controversial fitness influencer, who preaches a healthy lifestyle online, used a whole can of sweetened condensed milk instead of cream or evaporated milk. The entire dish would contain a whopping 200 grams of sugar.

Although the influencer noted that

Even though the influencer noted that she was “originally doing this as a joke,” Sophie sat down and ate a dish that she said was “very good.”

But his followers were skeptical and expressed concern about the high sugar content promoted by the fitness guru.

‘Dessert and dinner in one? The sugar content in that would be huge!’ commented one user.

‘I suppose it must have been evaporated milk, not condensed milk?’ added another.

‘If you don’t already know this person is a scammer… lol, sweetened condensed milk but it holds up to flour?’ I’m done hahahaha,’ someone else wrote.

Sophie has sparked plenty of controversy over the years, but most recently criticized a popular podcast for speculating that she had eloped with her new boyfriend Nicholas White, despite her teasing of a secret wedding herself.

He even ate some of the pasta that was on the table.

He even ate some of the pasta that was on the table.

1718858168 964 Sophie Guidolin Controversial fitness influencer completely ruins viral pasta recipe

But his followers were skeptical and expressed concern about the high sugar content promoted by the fitness guru.

But his followers were skeptical and expressed concern about the high sugar content promoted by the fitness guru.

The Instagrammer made a bizarre Instagram post that criticized hosts Amy, Sophie and Kate Taeuber, all 34, for speculating about her rumored fourth marriage on their popular Outspoken podcast.

“Oh, how ironic the nonsense that is social media,” Sophie began her scathing message on the Outspoken podcast while sharing a selfie of herself lying in a hospital bed.

“When you have no idea what someone else is going through but you feel like you have the right to say your opinion about a story you know nothing about.”

“Judge, just make sure your house is made of glass, it’s clean, and your husband isn’t one of those in my DMs,” she concluded.

The backlash didn’t end there, with Sophie’s new boyfriend Nicholas jumping to her rescue and slamming the Outspoken podcast on his own Instagram page.

“It must be nice to not have anything better to do with your life,” she wrote in a post they made promoting their latest episode that talks about the marriage rumors that Sophie and Nicholas started.

Sophie (pictured) has sparked plenty of controversy over the years, but most recently criticized a popular podcast for speculating that she had eloped with her new boyfriend Nicholas White, despite teasing a secret wedding herself.

Sophie (pictured) has sparked plenty of controversy over the years, but most recently criticized a popular podcast for speculating that she had eloped with her new boyfriend Nicholas White, despite teasing a secret wedding herself.

The sisters were quick to respond to the personal trainer, saying, “It’s true that our podcast takes up a large part of our lives, as it is one of the many businesses we run.”

‘I guess you have to work really hard to get 10 million streams. However, we love what we do and believe it is important to analyze influencer culture.

“We’re not sure why you’re so upset that we discussed information your partner so willingly shared.”

Daily Mail Australia contacted both parties for further comment at the time.

The wild row comes just a week after Sophie hinted she may have secretly married fellow fitness trainer Nicholas.

Sophie recently shared photos on Instagram of herself wearing what appeared to be a diamond ring on her ring finger.

She was also seen wearing the ring in a recent YouTube video that eagle-eyed fans were quick to notice, sparking rumors that she had secretly married Nicholas just weeks after going public with their relationship.

Last Thursday, the mother of four also shared a photo of Nicholas wearing a silver band on his ring finger while the couple visited a cafe.

Sophie also recently shared a video on YouTube in which she refers to Nicholas as her “husband” and offers to give him the “Best Husband of the Year 2024” trophy.

The backlash didn't end there, with Sophie's new boyfriend Nicholas jumping to her rescue and slamming the Outspoken podcast on his own Instagram page.

The backlash didn’t end there, with Sophie’s new boyfriend Nicholas jumping to her rescue and slamming the Outspoken podcast on his own Instagram page.

The wild row comes just a week after Sophie hinted she may have secretly married fellow fitness trainer Nicholas (left).

The wild row comes just a week after Sophie hinted she may have secretly married fellow fitness trainer Nicholas (left).

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