Home Entertainment Skye Wheatley breaks silence on her ‘plastic surgery addiction’ after brutal backlash over ‘scary’ results of her fox eye lift and liposuction

Skye Wheatley breaks silence on her ‘plastic surgery addiction’ after brutal backlash over ‘scary’ results of her fox eye lift and liposuction

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Skye Wheatley has hit back at critics after she was slammed for undergoing liposuction and several other cosmetic procedures against the advice of her plastic surgeon following a fox eye lift this week.

Skye Wheatley has responded to backlash after she was criticised for undergoing liposuction and several other cosmetic procedures against the advice of her plastic surgeon following a fox eye lift this week.

The former Big Brother star directly addressed her concerned followers and one person who said she is the reason girls have low self-esteem.

The Australian influencer, 30, is currently in Turkey recovering from a partial facelift and was the first to raise the alarm that she was overstepping her bounds by requesting another nose job after having one done in 2021.

Skye visited her plastic surgeon after landing in Turkey for her controversial “fox eye lift” cosmetic procedure.

The minimally invasive procedure uses dissolvable threads to lift and lengthen the eye to create a more almond-shaped and upturned look, and typically lasts between six and 12 months.

“I can’t show my face yet, it’s really scary, but when I’m healed more I’ll show you the process, don’t worry,” Skye shared on her Instagram Stories on Thursday.

“Show us, we won’t be afraid,” one follower wrote to Skye on Thursday night.

“Hahaha no, it’s horrible,” she replied.

Skye Wheatley has hit back at critics after she was slammed for undergoing liposuction and several other cosmetic procedures against the advice of her plastic surgeon following a fox eye lift this week.

In addition to a fox eye lift, Skye also had liposuction on her arms and inner thighs, a temporal lift, and blepharoplasty.

In addition to a fox eye lift, Skye also had liposuction on her arms and inner thighs, a temporal lift, and blepharoplasty.

“But I know this is what it’s going to look like. I trust the process. I’ve also recorded it on video so you can see each day and what it looks like when I upload the video.

“The only reason I’m documenting this is so that other girls get the surgery, because it’s such a relief to see the beginning to the end.”

She added that recovery from the procedure has been “overwhelming” but that she has to be “patient” to get the results.

On Thursday night, Skye invited her fans to ask her questions and began sharing their answers on her Instagram Stories.

“What have you done?” someone asked.

Skye said that in addition to the fox eye lift, she also had liposuction on her arms and inner thighs, a temporal lift and blepharoplasty.

She explained her motivations for getting the thread eye lift, which takes about six months, to her fans earlier this week.

She explained her motivations for getting the thread eye lift, which takes about six months, to her fans earlier this week.

Skye said she didn't want to show her face after all the procedures, saying it's too

Skye said she didn’t want to show her face after all the procedures, saying it’s too “horrible” and “scary” right now.

A temporomandibular joint lift is a transfer of fat to the face to avoid the need for injectable dermal fillers and a blepharoplasty is an eyelid surgery.

“My doctor said I didn’t have much fat in my arms or legs so he only removed a small amount and from what I can see of my arms so far, I’m very happy,” she posted on her Stories.

“The legs don’t look much different, they’re probably swollen.”

Answering another question on her Instagram Stories, Skye listed all the plastic surgery procedures she has undergone.

That includes surgery on her nose, breasts (twice), arms, inner thighs and face.

Skye then offered some advice to another follower who said she was “scared” to travel to Turkey alone to get a procedure like hers done.

The influencer revealed that she couldn’t open her eyes for three days after the fox eye lift procedure: “Being in a foreign hospital with no sight was quite unsettling.”

“Why did you get liposuction if you’re so fit?” another follower asked Skye.

“Because no matter how fit you are, you will always have stubborn fat areas,” Skye wrote.

‘I’m not actually that fit. Yes, I work out every day, but my diet isn’t perfect. I have a huge sweet tooth, I’m obsessed with sugar and food in general. I’m a big eater, hahaha.

‘I wasn’t even going to do it, he said I had almost no fat, but I insisted.’

“I’m not really saying I’m a hater but YOU are exactly the reason girls have self esteem issues,” one follower wrote.

“Everyone’s going to have self-esteem issues,” Skye replied.

‘I know it’s sad because I see beauty in others, but somehow it’s always different when you look at yourself… and I’m being open and honest about my surgeries because I do NOT want other girls who are not enhanced to feel like they are not “good enough” or “not pretty enough.”

“Everyone is beautiful with or without surgery, but I think the most damaging thing is to do all these enhancements without being honest about it,” she continued.

“There are a lot of girls on the Internet who have had surgery to improve their appearance and they don’t say anything. I won’t be one of those people.”

“No doubt,” the fan replied to Skye on Friday. “I just wish you could see how beautiful you are just the way you are.”

“Thanks doll, it will never change who I am inside and I guess that’s all that matters,” Skye said.

“Talking about surgeries is very confrontational because nobody really says anything. But I don’t know, I’m so intrigued by the process that I wonder why I shouldn’t talk about it when everyone else is.”

Skye said that

Skye said she “can’t stand” people lying about the work they’ve had done and believes it’s “more damaging” for public figures to not acknowledge how they got their bodies.

Skye has been documenting every step of her latest plastic surgery adventure on social media and revealed why she does it.

The I’m A Celeb….Get Me Outta Here! star said she “can’t stand” people lying about the work they’ve had done.

“It really bothers me. I think it’s much more damaging than talking openly and honestly about it, because then young girls think you were born that way when you weren’t.”

This comes as fans, other influencers and media personalities have discussed whether or not Skye could be suffering from a plastic surgery addiction.

He Outspoken Podcast On Tuesday, they weighed in on Skye’s eye lift consultation video, and sister hosts Amy, Sophie and Kate Taeuber shared their concerns.

“I don’t want to go into too much detail because I know that ultimately it’s Skye who decides what she does with her body, but I find it very disturbing because she’s only 30,” said one.

“She looks so young. She’s a stunning woman.”

Skye has undergone many cosmetic procedures.

Skye has undergone many cosmetic procedures.

Another highlighted Skye’s willingness to be so transparent to prevent young women from idolizing her beauty and wondering why they can’t have it.

“It’s really a dilemma because it’s good for Skye to be transparent, but some of her videos could be seen as if she’s promoting surgeries and encouraging young girls to seek out these types of surgeries as well,” they said.

Skye’s TikTok page has also been flooded with concerned followers who took to the comments of her most recent vlog in Turkey to tell the influencer that she doesn’t need the fox eye lift or another nose job.

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