Home US Shocking new allegations are made against millionaire real estate playboys accused of gang-raping a woman at a Hamptons castle and an 18-year-old girl at a club.

Shocking new allegations are made against millionaire real estate playboys accused of gang-raping a woman at a Hamptons castle and an 18-year-old girl at a club.

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Shocking new allegations have been made against Oren and Alon Alexander, the millionaire real estate brokers who have been accused of raping a woman in a Hamptons castle and an 18-year-old girl they drugged in a club. According to an anonymous source, Oren Alexander brought drugs to parties and gave them to women, despite not using them himself.

Shocking new accusations have been made against Oren and Alon Alexander, the two millionaire real estate brokers who have been accused of raping a woman in a Hamptons castle and an 18-year-old girl they drugged in a club.

According to an anonymous source, Oren Alexander allegedly brought drugs to parties and gave them to women, despite not using them himself.

The twins, 36, were accused in a lawsuit of raping a woman together in 2012 at Sir Ivan Wilzig’s castle in the Hamptons, where extravagant sex parties that rivaled those at Eyes Wide Shut were allegedly held.

The source told Page Six that the brothers attended the parties and were seen there in 2011, 2012 and 2013.

Shocking new allegations have been made against Oren and Alon Alexander, the millionaire real estate brokers who have been accused of raping a woman in a Hamptons castle and an 18-year-old girl they drugged in a club. According to an anonymous source, Oren Alexander brought drugs to parties and gave them to women, despite not using them himself.

The Alexander twins, 36, were accused in a lawsuit of raping a woman together in 2012 at Sir Ivan Wilzig's castle in the Hamptons, where extravagant sex parties that rivaled those of Eyes Wide Shut were allegedly held.

The Alexander twins, 36, were accused in a lawsuit of raping a woman together in 2012 at Sir Ivan Wilzig’s castle in the Hamptons, where extravagant sex parties that rivaled those of Eyes Wide Shut were allegedly held.

“They would be away most weekends,” the source revealed. ‘Iván would welcome them. They had a room upstairs and would live there.

At these parties, a source alleges that Oren carried drugs with him to attract women.

“Oren had cocaine with him and he told people they didn’t do it, but they took (it) everywhere for the girls,” they told Page Six.

Oren and his twin, Alon, have been accused of assaulting two women in separate attacks in 2010 and 2012.

The victims say the brothers took turns raping them, causing “physical injuries, severe psychological trauma and emotional injuries.”

One of the complaints, filed just as a New York state law that eliminated the civil statute of limitations for sexual assault lawsuits was about to expire, alleged that the brothers had “engaged in a similar pattern of schemes.”

An attorney for the brothers told The Real Deal that the allegations were false and called the filing a “total shakedown.”

Both women are represented by Torgan Cooper & Aaron and filed their separate lawsuits on the same day: March 8.

The first victim, Rebecca Mandel, claims she met Oren and Alon in 2009 at a now-closed New York, SL club when she was 18 years old.

He said he kept running into the twins at parties and clubs around town.

Real estate broker Oren Alexander and his twin Alon have been accused of assaulting two women in separate attacks in 2010 and 2012.

Real estate broker Oren Alexander and his twin Alon have been accused of assaulting two women in separate attacks in 2010 and 2012.

One of the complaints, filed just as a New York state law eliminating the civil statute of limitations for sexual assault lawsuits was about to expire, alleged that the brothers had

One of the complaints, filed just as a New York state law that eliminated the civil statute of limitations for sexual assault lawsuits was about to expire, alleged that the brothers had “engaged in a similar pattern of schemes.”

Then in September 2010, she said she ran into them in SL and that Alon “intentionally drugged the plaintiff’s drink with an unknown substance, resulting in a significant deterioration of her physical and mental being.”

The lawsuit claims they then took Mandel back to his apartment and told him there was a party there, which there was not.

It says: ‘Moments after entering the apartment, (Mandel) was sexually abused, assaulted, restrained, groped, harassed, manhandled and fondled by the defendants.

‘Alon held the plaintiff down while Oren penetrated her vaginally. The defendants would then change positions and repeatedly rape (Mandel).’

The second victim, Kate Whiteman, alleged that she was raped by two men in 2012 at a “castle” in the Hamptons, owned by Ivan Wilzig and known as “Sir Ivan’s Castle.”

Whiteman met the brother in 2008 in New York and repeatedly rejected Oren’s requests to date him, according to the complaint.

It says: “On many occasions, Alon pretended to be his twin brother Oren, trying to help him and calling or texting the plaintiff on Oren’s behalf.”

Then, on a trip to the Hamptons for Memorial Weekend, she says Alon grabbed her as she left a nightclub and forced her into a waiting van with Oren.

She said she was taken to Sir Ivan’s Castle, where a security guard stopped her from fleeing, took her phone and forced her to strip naked.

She was then taken to a large bedroom where defendants Alon and Oren sexually assaulted, abused, raped, restrained, groped, harassed, abused and fondled her, according to the complaint.

Alon and Oren Alexander at Sir Ivan's Medieval Madness birthday party for model Mina Otsuka at his Hamptons castle (on a separate occasion from the alleged rape)

Alon and Oren Alexander at Sir Ivan’s Medieval Madness birthday party for model Mina Otsuka at his Hamptons castle (on a separate occasion from the alleged rape)

Ferraro told DailyMail.com: ‘This lawsuit became public after Mr. Alexander decided not to give in to a lawsuit worth tens of millions of dollars.

“We are confident that this matter will be resolved in Mr. Alexander’s favor given an extensive collection of powerful evidence including phone records, text messages, emails and other documents whose content clearly discredits these claims.”

He also called Mandel’s case “very strange.”

The defendants have until August 19 to respond to both lawsuits.

DailyMail.com has contacted Mr Ferraro’s office for further comment.

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