One family was left without a $428 check before almost running over their waiter in a dine-and-run scam.
The group of ten racked up the bill at La Camaronera in Miami on Friday.
Surveillance footage captured them fleeing through the parking lot, with a woman pushing a baby in a stroller.
As they got into their truck, the waiter ran out to inform them that they hadn’t paid.
But as he approached, the vehicle accelerated, nearly pushing him into oncoming traffic on nearby Flagler Street.
“You see it start and the driver pulls away on Flagler and my employee had to jump out, putting his life in danger,” said restaurant owner David Garcia. WSVN.
“They absolutely saw it, they wouldn’t have sped out of this parking lot the way they did.”
Family Left Out of $428 Check Before Nearly Hitting Their Waiter in Dine-and-Run Scam

A waiter at La Camaronera in Miami noticed that they had not paid and tried to chase them

However, the family got into their truck and began to escape, almost running over the waiter in the process.
Garcia said another family member who was not present at the meal returned to pay the bill on Monday after shaming the scammers on social media.
‘No restaurant should go through what we went through that day and what my employee went through. “That employee of mine had a baby three days before,” he added.
However, he said he decided to take pity on the customers and decided not to file any charges since the check cleared.
But he added that he will not hesitate to expose anyone who is thinking of doing something similar.
“If anyone thinks about doing it, they’ll get caught,” Garcia said.
Fellow Florida restaurateur Ken Brackins revealed last year how he has begun publicly shaming diners and dashers.
He explained that since he started sharing images of suspects on social media, he has managed to clamp down on the incidents.
Since its implementation, Brackins said he has caught nearly a dozen people who finally paid their bill.

Owner David Garcia said another family member who was not present at the meal returned to pay the bill Monday after shaming the scammers on social media.

Garcia has chosen not to press charges as a gesture of goodwill, but warned others against pulling a similar stunt.
‘We’ve shared about 10 posts about dining and racing. “Nine of the 10 resulted in the culprits breaking in and settling their scores,” Brackins told
‘But I would say that 100% of those who return and pay, do not tip.
‘And they also want to request a credit card payment. But I make them come. They always seem to have an excuse to explain why they forgot to pay.’