Home Australia Shocking moment: A three-month-old boy’s stroller rolls into the path of the train in front of a distraught mother and grandmother because it won’t stop on the station platform.

Shocking moment: A three-month-old boy’s stroller rolls into the path of the train in front of a distraught mother and grandmother because it won’t stop on the station platform.

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CCTV footage captured the distressing scenes at Banbury train station on Saturday (June 8) when a pram with a three-month-old child inside rolled onto the tracks and collided with the Cross Country train.

A baby miraculously escaped after his stroller rolled forward on a railway platform and hit the edge of a moving train.

CCTV footage captured the distressing scenes at Banbury railway station in Oxfordshire on Saturday June 8 when a pram with a three-month-old child inside rolled onto the tracks and collided with the Cross Country train.

The impact sent the stroller spiraling down the platform before tipping over, and someone quickly pulled the child out to safety.

The paramedics came and fortunately the baby was discharged.

Onlookers said the baby’s mother and grandmother were distraught, after they desperately tried to stop the collision, seeing the pram roll onto the station’s yellow line as the train arrived at the platform.

Cross Country Trains told MailOnline that the train driver had not committed any operational irregularities on his part during the incident.

MailOnline has also contacted Network Rail for comment.

CCTV footage captured the distressing scenes at Banbury train station on Saturday (June 8) when a pram with a three-month-old child inside rolled onto the tracks and collided with the Cross Country train.

Onlookers said the baby's mother and grandmother were distraught after the stroller crossed the station's yellow line and crashed into the side of the train.

Onlookers said the baby’s mother and grandmother were distraught after the stroller crossed the station’s yellow line and crashed into the side of the train.

The front of the stroller hits the third car of the moving train, sending it flying down the platform sideways.

The front of the stroller hits the third car of the moving train, sending it flying down the platform sideways.

The images show the train approaching platform 2, where several passengers are waiting to board.

At the other end of the platform, a blue stroller can be seen slowly rolling onto the tracks while the train is still moving, causing a woman to run out and try to grab it.

The front of the stroller hits the third car of the moving train, sending it flying down the platform sideways.

He avoids falling onto the tracks, much to the relief of surprised onlookers.

A CrossCountry spokesperson said: “Our thoughts are with the mother and baby involved in the incident in Banbury last week, and reviews with industry partners have shown that CrossCountry colleagues followed all relevant safety and operational rules. .

“This distressing incident is a reminder of the need for people to be vigilant and safe at all times when near the railway.”

The train was operated by CrossCountry, whose workers were among those on strike by the Aslef union in recent months.

The franchise recently received renewed contracts from the Government, despite only half of its trains arriving on time, according to 2023 data.

And 6.8 percent of its services were canceled between April and June of last year.

The weekend incident came just months after train bosses warned the public not to take risks near train lines.

It followed footage emerging of a reckless dog walker who dodged death and forced a train to make an emergency stop after they nonchalantly wandered across a level crossing while the barriers were down.

Heart-stopping footage shows the man ignoring flashing red lights and crashing through barriers at Blakedown station in Worcestershire.

Heart-stopping footage shows the man ignoring flashing red lights and crashing through barriers at Blakedown station in Worcestershire.

The man's 'reckless behavior' forced the train to make an emergency stop

The man’s ‘reckless behavior’ forced the train to make an emergency stop

Shocking video shows the man happily walking through the barriers at Blakedown station in Worcestershire, ignoring the flashing red lights.

He drags his dog across the level crossing while appearing to make angry gestures at drivers on either side of the barriers who are desperately trying to warn him.

After crossing the train tracks and passing through the second lowered barrier, a train screeches to a stop a few meters away.

Jamie Ainsworth, director of health, safety and environment at West Midlands Railway, said: “I hope this video reminds the public to concentrate, wait behind barriers and follow instructions at level crossings to stay safe at all times.” moment”.

“Incidents like this can also have a big impact on train drivers and I urge the public to take this into account when using level crossings.”

In another incident in March, an impatient van driver crashed through a grade crossing, dragging the heavy doors across the tracks.

Fortunately, the red and white barrier was removed from the train tracks before the train sped past.

Between April and October last year, there were 2,981 near misses involving people at level crossings, an increase of 31 percent from 2022.

In the year 2022/2023 there were 11 accidental deaths on British railways.

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