Home US Shocking moment: A bloodthirsty pitbull attacks a screaming shih tzu and its owner as they walked down a quiet street, leaving both with serious injuries.

Shocking moment: A bloodthirsty pitbull attacks a screaming shih tzu and its owner as they walked down a quiet street, leaving both with serious injuries.

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A dog owner has shared shocking footage of the moment her shih tzu was savagely attacked by a bloodthirsty pitbull.

A dog owner has shared shocking footage of the moment her shih tzu was savagely attacked by a bloodthirsty pitbull.

Donna Cote was walking her dog Max when the animal attacked him on May 16.

The terrified owner quickly picked him up, but it was not enough to stop the ferocious dog from attacking.

She was behind her home in the Ontario town of Greater Sudbury when the horror unfolded.

“I saw a girl coming down the street with a pit bull on a leash that looked like a simple rope and I could see that she obviously couldn’t control the dog,” Cote told CTV.

A dog owner has shared shocking footage of the moment her shih tzu was savagely attacked by a bloodthirsty pitbull.

Chilling footage shows the moment the pitbull charges at her and Max.

Cote picks him up, but the dog lunges at him, snapping his jaws and biting his arm in the process.

She lets out a bloodcurdling scream and drops Max, who whimpers as the pitbull sinks its teeth into him.

“My dog ​​fell and then he picked him up by the neck until he was unconscious,” he explained, struggling to contain his emotion.

Cote was left with horrific bruises and bite marks on his arm after the incident.

Fortunately, Max survived the ordeal, but the pit bull and his owner are still at large.

“It makes me angry that we don’t have proper animal control; people don’t know the danger they are in with dogs like this,” Cote added.

Donna Cote was walking her dog Max when the animal attacked him on May 16.

Donna Cote was walking her dog Max when the animal attacked him on May 16.

Cote was left with horrific bruises and bite marks on his arm after the incident.

Cote was left with horrific bruises and bite marks on his arm after the incident.

1718383855 0 Shocking moment A bloodthirsty pitbull attacks a screaming shih tzu

“My dog ​​fell and then he picked him up by the neck until he lost consciousness,” he explained.

Meanwhile, another resident in the same area also reported that her rescue dog Brandi, 13, was attacked by an out-of-control dog a few days later.

The owner described seeing a “large, powerful dog” across the street that ran and grabbed onto his Shar Pei beagle mix.

He asked a police officer for help, but so far the culprit has not been found.

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