Home Australia Shocking footage of where Australian Open ball kids have to train re-ignites payment debate: ‘bit of slavery’

Shocking footage of where Australian Open ball kids have to train re-ignites payment debate: ‘bit of slavery’

The Australian Open Padgets do not charge since they were classified as volunteers in 2008.

Australian Open officials have revealed the shocking conditions in which the collects are trained to be ready to work in extreme heat conditions, dodge balls traveling to more than 200 km/h without charging a penny.

Once again the debate on social networks has been unleashed about whether the collects should be compensated for their work in the Australian Open.

It occurs after the official social networks account revealed images of the generation of 2025 collecting in an underground parking before their roles in the critical finals of this weekend.

For many, the video was simply healthy images of well -trained young people and ready to play their role.

‘All of them are doing incredible job. Very synchronized and attentive to details, ”he published a fan.

“The legends of the championships,” added another.

The Australian Open Padgets do not charge since they were classified as volunteers in 2008.

The Australian Open spread images of collecting in a parking lot

The Australian Open spread images of collecting in a parking lot

But for others, the images presented a darker side of the tournament: the officials were denounced for accusations of child exploitation for not paying young “volunteers.”

The collects in the Australian Open play a vital role to guarantee the good development of the parties, but do not receive financial compensation.

They collect them in Wimbledon and the United States open, but not in Australia.

Tennis Australia reclassified the position as a volunteer in 2008 to address the complexities associated with the use of children.

This approach eludes the legal requirements and conditions linked to child employment and avoids concerns about the classification of role as child labor.

However, new images that show young people collecting in a parking lot have angered tennis fans again.

‘Why do they have to heat or practice in the parking area?’ One asked.

‘Ao, don’t you have a better place for the heating of the collecting? Apart from a parking lot? Do not pay anything, (a little) of slavery, don’t you think? ‘ questioned another.

Tennis fans have raised the question again: should the Picking Picks be paid for their work in the Open?

Tennis fans have raised the question again: should the Picking Picks be paid for their work in the Open?

While the collects do not receive money for their efforts, they do get many products and benefits.

While the collects do not receive money for their efforts, they do get many products and benefits.

The images of the collects in greatestly performing their exercises make tennis fans ask themselves again why they do not pay them for their work.

‘Don’t you pay them yet?’ One asked Tennis Australia.

‘They deserved to be paid!’ declared another.

‘Hopefully they receive a beautiful AO gift bag for their efforts. The money would be fine too, “another published.

Although they do not receive remuneration, the collects receive several benefits in recognition of their contributions.

These include a gift bag with products from the Australian Open, a food allocation during its shifts and several awards.

They also get the unique experience of working in a world -class sporting event, which is often considered a unique opportunity in life.

Some tennis fans say that is more than enough.

‘They receive their uniform in addition to some extra merchandising and a gift at the end of the competition. Mom and dad get tickets for the tournament and shopping vouchers, ”a fan published.

‘They also receive daily food vouchers. My children did it a few years ago and we calculated the value of what they received and was not so bad for a couple of weeks of work, especially given their age, “added another.

This year, more than 1,000 children requested to become collecting in Melbourne Park.

After the tests, 428 were selected for the 2025 tournament, which represents an increase with respect to the less than 400 of previous years.

The collective selection process is very competitive.

Applicants go through rigorous evidence and are evaluated according to criteria such as agility, concentration and response capacity.

The selected participate in monthly training sessions to prepare for the demands of the position.

Throughout the tournament, they are expected to maintain acuity and professionalism, ensuring that the matches develop without problems.

(tagstotranslate) Dailymail

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