Home Life Style ‘She will definitely be bold!’ Mother, 20, was left hysterical after her unborn daughter ‘fed her’ during a 3D imaging ultrasound.

‘She will definitely be bold!’ Mother, 20, was left hysterical after her unborn daughter ‘fed her’ during a 3D imaging ultrasound.

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The 20-year-old mum, pictured having a scan alongside the support of her mum Katie (right) and one-year-old son Liam (held by Katie).

A British mother became hysterical after realizing her unborn child appeared to be insulting her during a 3D ultrasound.

Maddy Lundstram, 20, underwent a private scan at 25 weeks using 3D imaging that gives a clearer picture of the fetus, but was stunned when her daughter raised her two middle fingers in what looked like a sign of an oath. .

Although some might have been offended by the sign, Maddy breathed a sigh of relief because it meant that everything was fine with her daughter after a rocky start to her pregnancy.

The housewife from Conwy, Wales, said: “She wasn’t looking at the camera. Then within seconds she was putting her fingers up. She was like ‘go away.’

The 20-year-old mum, pictured having a scan alongside the support of her mum Katie (right) and one-year-old son Liam (held by Katie).

A British mother became hysterical after having an ultrasound and realized her unborn baby was swearing at her (pictured)

A British mother became hysterical after having an ultrasound and realized her unborn baby was swearing at her (pictured)

Maddy, who is already mum to her one-year-old son Liam, first found out she was pregnant with her second child in January, but sadly suffered a haemorrhage just eight weeks later.

To Maddy’s horror, doctors informed her that she had a hemorrhagic cyst that could be fatal to the baby.

The terrified mother said: “I was paranoid – anything he would do could make me lose the baby.”

Maddy spent the next few weeks walking on eggshells before a scan told her everything looked normal.

However, to her dismay, she bled again at 15 weeks and was rushed in for another scan.

The scan found a number of tumors in Maddy’s service which were immediately sent for a biopsy due to a family history of cervical cancer.

Because Maddy’s own mother, Katie Lundstram, 40, had previously battled cervical cancer, doctors wanted to make absolutely sure her little daughter didn’t follow the same trajectory.

Full-time mother Maddy appears beaming as she holds her one-year-old son, Liam, in his mother's arms.

Full-time mother Maddy appears beaming as she holds her one-year-old son, Liam, in his mother’s arms.

After experiencing a bleeding attack at nine weeks, Maddy underwent a scan which revealed tumors on the young mother's cervix, which she was immediately sent for a biopsy due to a family history of cervical cancer.

After experiencing a bleeding attack at nine weeks, Maddy underwent a scan which revealed tumors on the young mother’s cervix, which she was immediately sent for a biopsy due to a family history of cervical cancer.

After being told the baby was small, Maddy decided to have a private 25-week scan to put her mind at ease. During the scan, her baby had two fingers raised.

After being told the baby was small, Maddy decided to have a private 25-week scan to put her mind at ease. During the scan, her baby had two fingers raised.

Katie, Maddy's mother and grandmother to her unborn daughter, joked that the little girl would be

Katie, Maddy’s mother and grandmother to her unborn daughter, joked that the little one would be “cheeky.”

Maddy, pictured left, hugging her belly alongside her mother Katie, who helps care for her grandchildren.

Maddy, pictured left, hugging her belly alongside her mother Katie, who helps care for her grandchildren.

Fortunately, the biopsy results found no cellular changes or signs of cancer and at a 20-week scan, Maddy was also told her baby was fine.

However, the 20-year-old could not relax despite the positive result. “They said she was small and that was on my mind,” the worried mother explained.

To reassure herself, Maddy decided to have a private 25-week scan during which she discovered her baby had two raised toes.

Katie, who is Maddy’s mother and grandmother to her soon-to-be one-year-old daughter, Liam, also helps care for her daughter’s little girl. She joked: “It was like she said, ‘I’m fine, go away.'”

“She’s definitely going to be sassy,” joked Katie, who recalled her own daughter’s sassy personality when she was little.

‘When Maddy was little she was a little terror!’ Grandma joked.

Katie, who is obviously beaming with pride, described her granddaughter as a “beautiful young woman.”

“She is amazing and a brilliant mother,” he added. The mother is currently 26 weeks pregnant and will give birth in September this year.

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