Home Australia Secretary of the Transport Workers’ Union, Mem Suleyman, was dismissed due to serious accusations

Secretary of the Transport Workers’ Union, Mem Suleyman, was dismissed due to serious accusations

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A TWU spokeswoman confirmed the union had been made aware of the allegations surrounding its current secretary, Mem Suleyman, a heavyweight in the Victorian branch of the transport union, on Friday night.

The secretary of Victoria’s powerful Transport Workers Union (TWU) has been sacked over allegations of bullying behaviour.

A TWU spokeswoman confirmed the union had been made aware of the allegations surrounding its current secretary, Mem Suleyman – a heavyweight in the Victorian branch of the transport union – late on Friday.

Mr Suleyman is understood to have received a letter from the Branch Management Committee informing him that he would be suspended from his position pending an investigation.

“The TWU strives to achieve the highest standards of governance,” the spokeswoman said.

‘The union is not yet in a position to assess the allegations and will seek clarification over the weekend.’

Mr Suleyman declined to comment when contacted by Weekend Australian, instead saying: “The national union will provide a response.”

Mr Suleyman has been acting as secretary of the Victorian branch of the TWU for the past seven months.

He is the brother of Victorian MP Natalie Suleyman, who holds the seat of St Albans.

A TWU spokeswoman confirmed the union had been made aware of the allegations surrounding its current secretary, Mem Suleyman, a heavyweight in the Victorian branch of the transport union, on Friday night.

(tags to translate)dailymail

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