Home Australia Secret ingredient powering Australia’s Olympic team revealed: family favorite to be handed over to stars at Paris Athletes’ Village

Secret ingredient powering Australia’s Olympic team revealed: family favorite to be handed over to stars at Paris Athletes’ Village

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Australia's Olympic athletes will enjoy a taste of home during the Games.
  • Vegemite will be available to Australian athletes in Paris
  • Around 460 athletes will compete in the Games
  • Three baristas will also be on duty in the Athletes’ Village

Olympic athletes representing Australia in Paris will be provided with a variety of Vegemite and three baristas, in an effort to maximize performance.

The revelation was made by Anna Meares, the team’s chef de mission for the Games, and around 460 Australians are expected to represent their nation in Paris.

Meares says those athletes will receive a high level of support in the Athletes’ Village, with home comforts available.

Stars will enjoy an exclusive gym, as well as exclusive access to a pantry of delicacies including the yeast spread synonymous with the nation, plus a ready supply of coffee.

Australia is also installing air conditioning units in each room, but organizers cannot provide these for sustainability reasons.

Australia’s Olympic athletes will enjoy a taste of home during the Games.

Approximately 460 athletes will travel from Australia to Paris for the big event.

Approximately 460 athletes will travel from Australia to Paris for the big event.

“At the end of the day, we and the organizing committee have our own sustainability goals,” said the former cyclist.

“It’s a measure that we believe we should provide to our athletes for their performance.”

The Australians will also provide protective treatment to those competing in the waters of the Seine River in Paris, leaving the final decision on whether they take the plunge to athletes.

The French have promised to clear the Paris waterway of pollutants enough to safely host the marathon swim and swim leg of the triathlon during the Games.

Meares says he has faith in organizers to address the issue of water safety.

The Australian Olympic team will provide Vegemite to its athletes

The Australian Olympic team will provide Vegemite to its athletes

“It’s not a matter of us stepping in and saying ‘we’re not going to let you swim.'” Ultimately, it’s the athlete’s choice,” Meares explained.

“We are not going to put any athlete in an environment that puts their well-being at risk, they will be given that information and that choice will ultimately be theirs.”

“Try standing in front of an Olympic athlete who has trained his entire life when he gets the chance to swim and… tell him ‘no.'” It’s not going to happen.’

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