Home World Safety spikes are my Achilles heel! Thief caught after being impaled in the ankle while trying to break into victim’s home.

Safety spikes are my Achilles heel! Thief caught after being impaled in the ankle while trying to break into victim’s home.

The thief, identified locally as Leonel Lautaro Romero (pictured), 18, attempted to rob a home in San Miguel.

This is the moment a thief’s ankle was impaled by a metal door as he tried to climb through it to rob a house.

The thief, identified locally as Leonel Lautaro Romero, 18, attempted to rob the house in San Miguel, Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina, by stepping over the spiked door with a chair.

But heavy rain that hit the region over the weekend caused him to lose his balance and he slipped while climbing, puncturing his ankle.

Gruesome photographs taken at the crime scene showed a black metal spike piercing the entire ankle of the thief.

Local media say he lives around the corner from the house he was allegedly trying to rob.

A local resident noticed their situation and called emergency services.

Firefighters were then sent to the scene and freed Romero by cutting the spike from the top of the door.

It is unknown how long he was in that painful position before being released.

The thief, identified locally as Leonel Lautaro Romero (pictured), 18, attempted to rob a home in San Miguel.

It is unknown how long he was in the painful position before being released.

It is unknown how long he was in the painful position before being released.

An ambulance also arrived and paramedics treated the teenager before taking him to a local hospital under police custody.

He has since been released, released on bail and charged with criminal trespass. Local media reported that he is also under investigation for other crimes.

Romero was not the only Argentine thief who received what he deserved.

Last month, a A deli employee in Argentina sent a knife-wielding bandit to flight after showing an even larger sword to the would-be thief.

Surveillance video showed the suspect approaching the counter of a deli and pulling out a knife in the northern Patagonian town of Cipolletti.

He is seen showing the blade and walking around the corner of the counter before stepping back and putting the knife in his pants.

The suspect then headed straight for the exit when, as the video showed, the satisfied employee came out waving a much larger knife with a smile on her face.

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